Neville and ammonia smelling herb

I remember some one posted an article about Neville’s and how he got ammonia weed and didn’t like it. If that person or anyone can send that article again will be much appreciated. TIA.


Amonia smelling weed can be a common occurrence… bud that has not been cured properly, usually not long enough, can have what many of us call Cat Piss stank. Which smells a lot like ammonia. In fact, urine does break down into ammonia. Thats all I got.


Thanks I’ve heard about that too, but still looking for that flavor I had 20 years ago or so. Lol

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are you talking about cat piss flavors? i’ve heard of it but don’t recall encountering it.


Here we go…


yeah that’s it! here’s the link to that exact post

here’s another

and another

and one more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes I am! I’m still on the hunt for it. I bought a Oz back in the days and it was and still my favorite weed. I bought packs from almost every breeder claiming to have catpiss. But the phenos that I got had no ammonia or very light ammonia taste and smell. I just really miss that taste and smell. Sweet wierd funk.

Thanks guys I’m gonna do some reading and research on this.

What does hza stand for and hzc= haze/? Is it like plant a amd plant c? Well I do have some nl5 from AGseed, nl5/hz but don’t know if these are the ones from that era of the 60s or 97. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? Would prob be best to email him and ask what would be the closest pack with the ammonia smell to buy in my search I guess. If anyone knows any other way please let me know. Thanks for all the help guys.

Hey man found a lemongrassy/catpissy female in the OPd BCSC NL5 f3s i grew about a year ago. I know a few folks got them here, not sure if you were one but it’s worth a shot. Hope you find what your looking for.

I’ve had insane unbearable smelling inbred SSH and from the same SSH crossed to an NYC Diesel from Soma … unbearable ammonia and cat piss in those seeds

Yes, Nevil had two male Haze plants he worked with. Haze ‘A’ and Haze ‘C’. The Haze ‘A’ male was bred with NL5 and then died shortly after. The Haze ‘C’ male stuck around awhile longer.

NL5HzC or C5 or 5C1 = NL5 female x Haze C male = NL5Haze #1
Super Silver Haze, Jack Herer, Shiva Shanti, Etc, all use this pairing.

There is also NL5HzC122 or 5C122 = NL5 Female x Haze ‘C’ male = NL5Haze #122
This is Mango Haze.

NL5HzA or A5 or 5A1 or 5A2 = NL5 female x Haze A male.
5A1 and 5A2 were sisters. #1 and #2 respectively. 5A2 is likely what cuban black haze and ‘piff’ are coming from.


Ayayayay man that’s a lot to absorb in lol. I get it though, Because I was looking through his listings and he had crossed like nl5 x afghani and nl5 x critical mass. So was wondering if they were crosses of these or lettered plants that he had. Thanks for verifying @HolyAngel.

So does anyone out there have some of these beans they would like to trade and help me out? It would be most appreciated.

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I’m sorry to ask but what pack would you think has the ammonia smells in it? If he bred for no ammonia I don’t know if I wanna pick up a pack or 2 from him to Pheno hunt. His Neville’s haze seems like the choice but he didn’t breed for the ammonia so I’m kinda up in the air right now.

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I suggest if you really want that smell, get a couple packs of SSH and a couple other haze and diesel crosses and start chucking. Or look for someone with a good cat piss cut



Ammonia is the only thing that smells like ammonia. Catpiss smells like Catpiss thiols I smell them literally every day.

Bladder infection smell : Bacterial ammonia

Tomcat spray: Plant thiols

Stop trying to push your moldy weed on people folks.

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What have you tried growing to find “catpiss”?

I only ask because I am on the same hunt. I am starting with

They are still young and vegging I really hope it’s as described.

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Me and my buddy have grown
Golden showers
Hawaiian catpiss v2 &v3
707 catpiss
Ox piss
And just finished a run of San Diego gas &seeds from dagga kosher kitty #6. The only one that I still have not started is from old school chronic ssh catpiss Pheno. That one will prob be the next one. Truth is I hung out with old school chronic he’s a great dude, smoked a joint with him of his catpiss and it didnt taste like what I remember 25 so years ago. I’ve noticed most catpiss that I have grown so far came out sweet, piney or sour

They were all nice smoke but not the terp I had way back when. The one I had was just Funky, real pungent. Smelled like piss but sweet n sour at the same time. Bought an ounce and that was all i ever had of that. Went back for more and it was gone in 3 days. Wasn’t a knock out stone just a happy high and great flavor for me. The one that came close was the Hawaiian v3. Did not have the taste or smell but was a happy high I enjoyed. Not trying to knock any breeder or anything just didn’t find what I was looking for.

There’s 2 females that I found in the kosher kitty that I really like gonna run it one more time and see if it’s gonna be a keeper but did not have the flavor and smell I’ve been looking for. It’s more sweet and sour smell and taste. Let me know if you find anything nice. Everyone has their own liking just havent found my cup of piss.


Will do. I will never forget the smell, flavor or buzz. Its said your sense of smell is your strongest sense tied to memories. Well this one burned a ammonia laden hole in my head. I must have her…lol.

Good luck with your search, someone has to be able to find her and then hopefully share :pray: lol.

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This right here would be my bet/recommendation.

The strongest/best catpiss/ammonia flower I’ve ever had, came to me as Purple Haze and looked very close to what Todd is offering…