Retro Gaming for the olds

First non DOS based game I played with a buddy over a 9600 baud dialup modem. Those were the days!


Yeah! On a 486!

I used to go to the Internet cafe to play LAN games of this:

The best


Used to program shitty game in qbasic on a 386 that I got to have in my room when my dad upgraded to the 486. Good times.


I buy Dead Dreamcasts and i redo them from the ground up.I swap out the disc drives and replace with a GDEMU and i retrofit the power supplies to compensate for Not having a disc drive amd i replace the loud ket engine stock fan with noctua fans that make no sound at all.I found this sweet resident evil shell with a pewter umbrella symbol and a silkscreened GDEMU board.This one has every dreamcast game ever even some not released titles like halflife on that SD card.Console 5 has the capacitor kits to replace them all.


Non DOS? I played in DOS.
I think I played it in my 386DX with a Gravis Ultrasound max… Over serial cable connection from my room to other.
Killing my friends without mercy! :rofl:

Ahhhh what times!!!


Did I mention they opened a studio just downstairs and Mrs Foreigner joined immediately? Well, that happened.


You mean like this? Good times.


That’s great! I cannot express just how awesome it has been for me. Mrs. mota, who has been doing it a year longer than I have and is 15 years younger than me, also has become really invested in it.

I am excited for her. I hope she likes it and benefits as much from it as we do.


She loves it. It’s like a game to her, a jungle gym or something.

She used to go with her mom so there’s some nostalgia too I’d think.

She wants me to go. But she also wants me to get a pedicure too and neither of those things are likely to happen.


Did you overclock your VMU Memory cards yet?I almost got the S.T.A.R.Z shell in blue but they always sold out first.

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I was playing this the other day just for nostalgia.


Very nice choice have you gotten into any of the different doom and WADs or are you just playing stock doom?They have made leaps and bounds in the new patches with all the homebrew development lots of awesome Stuff.


Nah. Doing it for sale and dont think it helps with the value too much.

I do got a red stars one for saturn with a fenrir duo. And blue with sonic on it.


Super 3D Noahs Ark or gtfo.

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Sweeet!Always wanted to do a Saturn.I heard someone pretty much Hacked it through a port in the back noone ever knew what it was for.I just Clocked my VMU for shits and giggles did notice some better gameplay in some games with higher frame rates like Giga wing and crazy taxi.Its just for Bragging rights pretty much.I use an Akura box

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Speaking of Doom and the like… Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem were endless time wasters for me… Oddworld wasnt too terrible either.

Getting lost in Age of Empires though… i could still do that


I game both new and old games. Still have these on the shelf waiting for time to refurbish them well.


I loved Doom. My next comment usually spoils the mood for most people. I loved Doom 3, the bastard child of that series.


I went from TFC to CS back when it released cuz my whole clan decided to change games. great fun there!

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The retrobright process works great on old apple, commodore, computer stuff. Any of that grey abs plastic everyone seemed to love to use that yellows like a bitch over the years.