Return to growing after almost 20 years..

Very nice!


Hello My Friends!

Not much to report here. Coming up on the purple kush harvest on 10/24 but will probably let it go another week. We will see on 10/24.

Checking on the Phreaky Dreams, she has hit water in the octopot and looking a lot better than she did when in a dirt pot as a seedling and me guess on feeding it. It doesn’t like a lot of water that is for sure.

For those who are just joining us I had a unexpected seed run last grow and FreakShow got into my Blue Dreams. I call her Kate after the name of the character “Acid Burn” in the movie Hackers… A fitting name for a fitting strain name. :slight_smile:

She is trying to be more like her dad but with bigger leaves if you ask me.

This is the daddy.

All I got as of right now to report!


Another little update. Did another pano from the other side of the tent. Two Blackberry Kush’s and Solitaire purple kush sticking her head up in the back ground.


Nice full frosty tent you have there!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thanks G-Pas!

I was staring at it this evening right before closing shop at the dark purple showing up on the blackberry kush on the left all frosty and looking at the purple kush and it not be as frosty. The PK is supposed to be harvest on Tuesday but the thing is just throwing pistils and acting like “leave me a lone I am not done yet.”


You know I was thinking… This harvest coming up is the first one after a year of coming back to growing and dialing things in that is going to be the best and most successful. knock on wood *light some sage

1st Grow -
Brick octos
Spider Mites week 7

2nd Grow
Spider Mites week 7

3rd Grow
Females getting impregnated with Freakshow.
Fear of pollen sacs forming and spreading more pollen in the grow house.

4th Grow
I get to determine when I am gonna wack em.

My point is to anyone who gets frustrated with yield or any of the other hundreds of issue you face, that it takes time when you start growing. Whether you have grown 1000 plants in your lifetime or getting ready to grow it takes time and patience. Your gonna hit some bumps… I will find more to hit in the future! :slight_smile:

Just Skate it!

“One step down and another begun And I wonder how many miles”


Smarter people then me state it will do this in a last ditch effort to make seed.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Gonna wack the purple Kush today. “Solitaire” has been around for awhile. 90 Days Veg / 60 days flowering.

Harvesting time is so exciting…


Nice trichomes.
Could you show some shots of the buds rather than leaves. In my experience, the leaves will start a bit earlier than buds to start going amber. Beautiful garden.


Thanks @BigMike55 . When the lights click on at 5pm I’m going to take another sample via bud and I will share.


Cool. I would hate for you to harvest too early and leave some high on the table. I have had plants go nearly all amber on the leaves and not a speck on the buds. Too, it depends on what kind of effects you are looking for.


I have usually had to waiting it out in the past with Sativa mixed strains. Like the Blackberry Kush I have in the same tent all cloud very little tan. It is only a week behind the PK

I did take a sample of a bud about a week 1/2 ago of the PK and made the remark then how many tan and browns were showing up. No pics though, didnt have my sim card in my scope at the time and too high too go looking for it :slight_smile:



Man I hate it when I get so high working out in the grow house and I hide my snips… Don’t you hate that? :slight_smile:

So, I took a sample of the top of a bud. She still throwing pistils . My concern is it is gonna have 80 brown and 20 gray.

Thoughts my friends?


That’s looking mighty good. I would not hesitate cutting that plant. Still some clear but a lot of amber.
Hope you didn’t think I was second guessing you man. I just hate to see someone jump the gun and harvest a plant and then wish they had left it longer. Don’t ask me how I know. Lessons learned. Check often, cut once. Once you cut there’s no going back, right?


Oh no not at all. I want second guesses. I have never grown a 100% indica plant before and there is a whole bucket full of people here that know a hell of a lot more than me fer sura. Still looking for the purple in the kush though… I even dropped flowering down to 58F and still couldn’t get the purple out of it. The blackberry kushs on the other hand look like someone blew purple volcano dust over them. decisions decisions… I’ll probably take my grandpa’s advice on everything and “sleep on it”


Yah I think we all second guess ourselves at the end.


What device are you using to take those pics? I like those trich shots.


It was super cheap and does video too. I use it for metal detecting when I find rings etc.


1 Like

Blackberry Kush coming up on 8 weeks.



I almost sent my new one back. I have two. The manufacture stopped supporting the earlier model. They took away my favorite function so even though it would work with the old software but not the new for a new laptop.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I just use the sim slot in mine and then transfer it to a PC. I thought I was going to have to take a 2008 laptop that takes 10mins to boot to use with it. When I saw it had a sim slot I was very happy.

Love mine to death. I don’t have them young buck eyes anymore… they still sexy as hell tho! :slight_smile: