Return to growing after almost 20 years..

Onward we march… Just a watering day… Just saying hi to all my friends…

When the Bruce Banner hits the lights… Im gonna climb up that stalk and see if there is a giant up there… geezz…

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My friends! I had to write about this because… well it surprised me.

This year I made or in the process of making a 8x8 garden outside. Throwing all my old soil , full of nutes and micros, into it. I was going to grow a cannabis plant and a few tomato plants. Part of the issue last year with the outside grow was bud rot. The plants that were affected were in the shade too much and too crowed with existing infrastructure allowing very little air to flow around the plants. So I was like “ok, I am going to make a small garden and expand it out a little.”

Yesterday I was ready to start tilling the ground up and well looked what had popped up.

I should have snapped a pic before i de-weeded. I am like well look at this!! So my question is how did it get there?

Could it be a seed from the Blue Dreams/Phreak Show episode but it doesn’t look like one of them. I would also expect if I had a plant herm out I would have found the seeds in the buds which I did not and I would also have more that one plant popping up which is this is the only one.

I threw everything from the octos in this “pit” root balls and all. Could a root ball cloned itself and come back to life? I don’t know but find it very interesting as where it might have originated. Never seen this before.

I have chosen the name " miraculum " which is latin for Miracle.

Glad I had something new and interesting to post… Good talks everybody…

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An auspicious sign if I ever did see one! :+1:

I’ll bet you have a great outdoor harvest this year…



My friends… It is beginning to look a lot like summer… so everybody calm down!

MY Update:
The inside grow is doing really well. I flipped the lights last Sunday and I am already seeing sex on two plants. Jolly green giant AKA retardedfishfrog, is a girl. I have had to top this thing like 5-6 times now and I am going to have to do it again. This thing would probably be a 20ft tall tree if I had grown it outside. geez…

The other plants took their time vegging , 3 months/90 days and I think I might know why. Everyone’s LED lights have strings with pulleys that they can adjust the lights but we know that we loose about 1/2 foot of height from the top of our tents. I am not a SOG grower, I am a Paul Bunyan type of grower. I like trees… :slight_smile: So in previous grows I have pulled the lights all the way to the top of the bars and have wrapped the strings and wire hangers around the bars to get 5-6 inches back. It is a pain in the ass to undo and redo again so being the lazy smuck that I am I left them there and just turned the lights way up. Well this is mistake because if I had lowered them I probably could have cut my veg time by 1/3. So next grow I am going to pull the lights down and get the lights closer. Being lazy like this only does two things. 1) Adds more time and cost to run the lights for the grow. 2) Adds how long before I can flip the lights. I noticed that once the plants got 1/2 up the tent they took off and grew quickly… why? Because they were closer to the lights. I don’t know why freakfishfrog got as big as it is… It has been BIG since it sprouted.

The outside grow , Miraculum , is really doing good. Trimmed her arms at the bottom and a couple of big fan leaves and she is doing her thing. This looks like the green crack strain from my last grow of last year. Again it is probably a root ball from that grow that decided to sprout again when i threw the root balls and my octo dirt in my new outside grow area. Once it gets bigger i will know for sure but it is probably a green crack.

I need to hunt down another kiddie pool to wash my grow in when harvested. The one from last year got cracks in the plastic over the winter and it won’t work now as it doesn’t hold water. So I will be checking out family dollar stores this weekend in search of one.

I plan on attending the East Coast Connoisseurs cup in Richmond on July 28thagain. No I have no entry but my friend on here @HomegrownVABudz has entered in the contest and I want to see how he does. I also enjoy watching the dabbers setup their glass chemistry sets and welding torches to enjoy their smoke at the event like everyone else. I find it fascinating that people do all that work to get high… :wink:

That is all I have my friends… Things are growing… excited to try the new strains…

Good talk everybody…

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I also enjoy this :rofl::rofl: I’m looking forward to hanging out again!

Plants are looking nice in there! :herb::herb:


Man… two weeks and no post… slackers… Me included… :slight_smile:



The previous post was supposed to go on the Va growers thread but… cough I am high as crap right now… and thus it ended up here… update tomorrow… Good things to talk about.


The dog days of summer are here… or the rabbit days of summer I should say!

Hello everybody! We have got lots to talk about. The grow is going great! no soil chemistry here. Everything in the pipe is 5x5.

The bruce banner aka Freakyfishfrog aka jolly green giant just keep going and going. I gave up trying to keep it topped off the from the lights and it just simply is growing around them now. While I am interested in trying out this new strain, it probably is not good to grow inside unless you have 8ft of space up top. The freaking “trunk” on this thing must be wider than a broom handle now.

The rest of the plants are doing fine as well. Flowering well and I am trying to get them trimmed down now. I just can’t do it all in one day. I will say that I went out to the grow house one day last week and there was this sour smell. I thought I had old trash in my trash can or an old beer can with beer still in it or something. Looking around didn’t see anything, then I opened the flowering tent with the sour diesel in it and the answer smacked me in my face. WOW. I see where it gets its name from now.

The outside grow, Miraculum is bigger than it was last post, and I am just using my normal liquid TPS1 in a gallon of water to feed it. Again, no soil chemistry here either. We had a visitor yesterday as well. A small family of bunnies live under my shed and stoner bunny showed up to check things out.

We have about 5 weeks left in the flowering tent and then we will plant our clones and do grow two. Same strains, Same everything. And best of all entertaining commentary from me!

Good talks everybody!


Wow! That tent is REALLY FULL. …Lots of buds popping up. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll be following along.


Yes… buds…

My friends! What a hot summer so far… It is summer so it is supposed to be hot! Let’s do a little update.

The tent is FULL. When I say full, I mean FULL. A little clipping everyday to let light shine down but I have officially loss the race. They will probably be ready in 3 more weeks.

The Bruce Banner is living up to its name. It is taking over the ½ the tent and invading space of the other plants. It is at the top of the tent and looping back down in some parts because it can’t go up anymore. What an incredible strain this is. I couldn’t imagine how big this thing could get outside. Would probably look like 20ft bamboo at harvest. If you are going to grow this indoors you probably want to do this strain by itself in one tent because it tends to outpace the other strains in the tent by a factor of 3. Causing you to overgrow™ it while waiting for the other strains to veg.

The other strains are looking good as well, but I don’t appreciate their space being invaded by the HULK.

The Maui Wowie is starting to get those brown hairs like I remember from the “old days”

The sour diesel is stacking buds and smelling good. Nice looking plant! - Sorry no pic… I forgot to take one and the lights are off at this time of writing into the journal.

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The G13 is a beautiful plant and in many ways reminds me of the Maui Wowie strain in leaf characteristics. It is doing its best to push back on the BB invasion.

No signs of mites or anything like that. I treated the grow twice in veg and once at light flip with organie shield and they haven’t checked in at the Cannabis hotel which is a great sign. Usually at 5-6 weeks you will see them. Love this stuff. If you have a mite problem, you should investigate getting this stuff. Works like a champ all the way up to harvest and it is organic.

I will be scope checking them a couple of times a week going forward and make sure we don’t have any unwanted visitors and before you know it, it will be harvesting time my friends!

I have my clones ready to go of the same strains and ready to go into the other tent which I might do this weekend. Another four plants with all the same strains. I am going to plant the Bruce Banner last and about 10 days behind the others to give them time to “keep pace” and I can flip earlier this time to keep order in the tent.

The outside grow… Miraculum… WOW huh? All from a thrown out root ball back in March. It is def a green crack from the last grow. That octopot must had a lot of moisture in it to keep that thing alive for 2 months after harvesting… no other way to explain it. Even though it is not flowering yet it has a cannabis smell to it.

That is about it my friends! Hope your grows are doing good as well…

Good talk everybody…




Your “survivor” seems not to mind the extreme temperatures we’re getting this summer. It appears to be thriving. :+1:


Yeah the house side one from last year did well… The Durban poison super cropped early and it got bud rot and I had to throw it away. I would say green crack is a perfect strain to grow outdoors in the summer here in Va without having to worry about rot destroying your crop.



My friends! I did some chopping this week… Lot’s of stuff to share soon!

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Nice, looks like some weight on there! Great job