Return to growing after almost 20 years..

images (7)

Happy Halloween!


Last week… Durban P is falling over everything… 7 Week flower… as stated in the genetics… So. I …

2023-11-03 18_04_55-IMG_8657.HEIC ‎- Photos

Update comming…


OH! I made some more hash last week… Summer from last spring trimmings in bag,…


looks like a skooch more than “some”


Numbers are in the for DP that was chopped.
Not too shabby… My trimmer does more trimming than if you did by hand but it all gets turned to hash. Nothing is wasted.

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I know there are some silly things people do with cannabis that are posted here… … But Good Lord! The stuff as see on twitter is just way worse… Someone posted they pour alcohol in their soil to kill the bad things in it. Here is my face when I read it…



for real ? maybe the soil was thirsty? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: sory coudn´t resist, but that sounds so unbelievable…

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I see some crazy shit on twitter about cannabis. They get so mad when you ask questions like “How are you replacing the micos that are good in the soil afterwards.” The guy said there were no such thing as good micros… I didnt reply…



yeah makes sense not to respond to these kind of people. don´t put oil in the fire! ;D

i find it strange that people react like that. alot of toxic people are out here!


I know I have been a bad friend this year…Updating coming soon… I have a lot to talk about. Really…



My Friends! Everybody calms down! No need to get excited. I am here! :blush:


What a year 2023 was for me. With family members sick it did not leave much time to concentrate on my cannabis hobby. My growhouse was neglected, and it got messy real quick.

There were no problems growing this year outside of the bud rot on two Durban poison’s that I grew outside during the summer. I had one issue with spider mites early in the fall grow and the ogranieshield wiped them out like a champ! Did not see them again after spraying them down. Scope checked every week after.

I grew Tropicana cookie, Durban poison, green crack in the spring. DP and Green crack for the summer outdoor grow, and DP and Green crack for the fall. Here is my opinion on each of these strains.

Tropicana cookie – What a unique smell this strain has and after 8 months of curing what an even stranger smell. It tested at 17% THC. Not my favorite strain that I grew but the yield was good for just two plants.


Durban Poison - My favorite strain so far that I have tested, I think. Very tight buds on every plant I grew. Nice smell and it tested at 23.60% THC. Very enjoyable head high. Makes you want to clean your house or something. I would most definitely grow this strain again and I will! The only problem with this strain is that because of tight buds, outside grows will have to battle PM. I grew two outside this summer and both had to be thrown away (1.5pounds) because of bud rot. The indoor grows did great!


Green Crack - It is a “okay” strain. It tasted pretty good, smelled good, and the outside plant I had did very well. No PM! The only thing I have to say neg about the green crack strain is that the inside grows did not produce the same yield. Some of the yield issue I think in the summer and especially the fall grow was that I didn’t let the plants veg as long as I liked because I ran out of time for the year and in order to not be harvesting in Jan (which I ended up growing into) I had no choice to flip them when I did. The Green Crack tested at 19% with little CBD. Not too shabby but if you want higher yield from indoors, I wouldn’t choose this strain. I have sooooooo much of it, that it will be a while before I grow this train again.


Spring, Summer, Fall


One off Test
I did do one test this year. I had 3 leftover clones in the beginning of the fall. I hate to throw away clones. I said “What the hell put them in the flowering tent and see what happens.”
They were in red cups. (1) DP (1) GC (1) TC. I used my sunshine mix #4 soil in the cups. I used the normal TPS1 nutes and here were the results.

Made some hash this year. 55Grams total, but I need to get off my lazy ass and process more though as I have no wear to keep all of this.

Overall, 2023 was a good growing year. I didn’t get to test different strains as much as previous years but because I grew the same strains throughout the year, I was able to get more data on yields and see the difference between outside grow and indoors. I have no complaints…

On to 2024! Yes!
We started by cleaning this dirty, messy growhouse! Doing a little everyday for the past week and it makes it easier to get it all done. Pull out the tents from where they sit. Getting the broom and vacuum action going. Following up with spraying for bugs. Complete wipe down of the tents then spraying the entire tent for bugs. I should have taken a picture of the rags I used because they were nasty and yes I did wipe them down last year. I have just a corner of the growhouse to clean up now where I fill up my octo’s with soil.

I have been back to growing for 2 years now. A lot of things need to be replaced and or things to order.

  • I need to replace the floor tray in my tent so one has been ordered.
  • My octobags are old. I clean them every grow but they start to wear out and the older one will build calcium on the outside the bag more so than a new bag. So new bags have been ordered.
  • Another 2.5 gallons of TPS1 nutes.
  • Picked up more Sunshine Mix #4 yesterday.

Yes! I have popped seeds for 2024 and expect them to be octo’s in early March.
Up on deck for this year is

  • Sour Diesel
  • Bruce Banner
  • Maui Wowie
  • G13

Exciting selections for me. I am really interested in seeing about the G13. If you don’t know about this strain here is the background.

G13 Strain Origin

G13 is the stuff of legends. According to marijuana folklore, this potent Cannabis was an experimental blend of everything the United States Government could get their hands on in the 1960s. Working in complete secrecy, government researchers tested the boundaries of marijuana’s potential. They created multiple Cannabis plants with various THC content as a way of testing the popular drug.

As the legend goes, samples from the study eventually made it to the public thanks to a rogue government employee. After sneaking some cuttings of the Cannabis plants out of a university laboratory, an expert grower nursed the cuttings, selecting the sample with the best results. Eventually, they produced ‘government 13’.

For years, G13 was only available as a clone. However, the demand for G13 strain seeds never slowed down, until someone eventually bred feminized seeds.

My friends that is all I have! Hoping the 2024 year is as plentiful as 2023. Looking forward to having more time to spend with my hobby and my friends!



Great lineup for 2024!
Hope the fams doing better now brother :+1:


Thank Gonzo!

Sick people are better but I still have a uncle that might pass in the next couple of weeks. Work was a little more demanding as well. Just a whole bunch of thing combined. Better days ahead for sure. Hope all is well with you.



Just 3 weeks… was hoping to put them in the octopots the first week in March but it looks like it is going to be this week. Suckers are growing fast!



“The steaming soup begins to melt
Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself …”

Roots hit water yesterday they are looking better. This pic is from about a week ago.



Love to see an update when time allows

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My friends! How is everyone! So glad spring is here and cold weather is going away! I gotta a little update!

So here we are now… From front left to right we have Maui Wowie, Bruce Banner, Sour Diesel, G13

They were all popped at the same time and they were all put in octo’s at the same time. The jolly green giant on the right is a bruce banner. Probably going to top this one in a week so it bushes out more. Little anxious as maybe it could be a male as I planted the same for a 69 year old customer (sweet pea) and it doesn’t look anything like this one. We will see.

These took about 14 days to hit the water. Where the ones I planted for sweet pea took about 7 days. Same everything. Soooo what was different?

Well, here is my take… When I filled up my 4 octos I used sunshine mix#4 soil that the bail had been open for about 6 months. Sweet pea’s octo’s I used a fresh bail of sunshine mix. If you ever open these up, you know the soil is pretty loose, maybe a little moist but not dried out. Once you open the bail and it sits the soil really dries out and gets clumpy… Even when you break everything up you still have little chunks. I think this is what caused the delay in the roots finding the water as there was space in the soil the water could not soak through and it took time for the soil to shift around to start drawing water up into itself. It is the only thing I can explain this behavior.

Next time I load octo’s from a open bail of soil I think I am going to put it in a plastic tub and maybe spray a little water on it with a spray bottle and break the soil up better. Just thought I would pass this observation on to other octo growers.

I am currently on a 20hr light on 4 hours light off schedule and will moving that to 18/6 on Sunday. Lights are on at 85% power atm.

Shooting for a may 1st flip to flowering but they got a lot of vegging to do by then so the schedule is tentative. This picture is almost a week old so they are a little bigger. I will be moving up to 7.5ml/per Gallon feeding from 5ml this weekend as well.

My supervisor, Einstein, has given his approval for all the above.

That is all I have my friends! Stay healthy and enjoy life! Good Talk everybody!


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Einstein ROCKS :slight_smile: best of luck on the ladies


Everybody calm down… It is that time again for an update…

They are growing… that is my update! :slight_smile: Still taking their own sweet time vegging out. Maybe 5/25 flip date. I just feel like this year it is taking them more time to veg. Even after 3 days of not looking at them I don’t get that “Damn you guys are growing good” feel like previous grows. We will see where we are at on the 25th.

I dont know what is up with the FreakyFishFrog AKA “The jolly Green giant” I have already topped it once as you can see… Not very bushy for sure. It is a bruce banner strain,. Kinda hoping it is a male.

That is it my friends. Just 4 cannabis plants taking their own time… Looking forward to seeing what the strains are like this go around…

Good talk everybody…



Looking good, man!