Revegging plant after it was reversed, hmmm? Doin It!

How many folks out there have tried to reveg a female after it was reversed with c.s. . I am currently collecting SLH fem pollen from a 100% reversed female. I have 2 plants that are getting pollinated for personal stash, some for trade.I sure am going to try revegging the reversed plant. AM I WASTING TIME AND SPACE?


This one’s new to me… curious as well


I figured someone has tried it.

I’m definitely gonna try it. I’ll hack off the top sections and dry them out later this week coming up.

I just threw her into continuous light to see what happens.


That plant looks remarkably good for getting CS treatment.

I’m 100% sure this is considered plant abuse, but I’m curious to see what horrible leaf variety it will throw at you. :upside_down_face:


I have a life force colloidal silver generator and always use distilled water. I make it at over 40ppm. per the generator guaranteed analysis.


It’s something I’ve never even thought of doing @TopShelfTrees1 . Color me interested , I’m subbed in for experiment! Have you had success re-vegging regular females @itza419 ?


Absolutely, I will be right back with a picture of a plant that was originally a mother, that flowered outdoors, then revegged in this same cabinet, then pollinated with regular slh male pollen.


momma october2022 october 2022 making babies got seeds


This plant is the product of my regged mommy crossed with slh, ready for some fem pollen from this c.s. reversal.


I was thinking the same, mine currently looks like it’s on the brink of death and I was using STS so not sure if that makes a diff.

@itza419 Glad to see this thread because I was just thinking this question the other day. I have a plant that really didn’t want to reverse and so I had to really hit it hard. In the meantime I lost the other clones so I was wondering if the reversed plant might be able to reveg. But what I was most curious about is how and if the silver can be flushed from the plant.


Come along for the ride, we will soon find out…


Wer have you got that slh from itza419 plz, looks nice very similar to the old original version but slightly different, I like it. With your reveg you should have no issues as when you stop spraying after abit the hormones just go back to normal. You will have to keep an eye on it once its reveged and grown out and your going to flower. Because sometimes there is some hang over from strong chemicals which might still trigger some male bits but its usually rare. Just keep an eye on it for awhile. Once you get afew clean good flowering rounds off it without issues you will know then its cool and their is no chemicals still hanging around or causing any oddness. Update with how you get on with it her here please. It will be useful for documentation purposes for others too.


i have a couple revegged plants that look like your first pic that are hitting the flower tent this week. how do you deal with the density of the foliage in flower?

i’ve been taking all the leaves off that have separate shoot extending before them…new ones grow back on the shoots in like a week. i guess i was worried about mold.


Right on @itza419 . Do you prune the roots as part of your process? It came back really nice for you!


I pruned the root ball slightly, then went to full strength nutes. Pruning is a constant @splinter7 though I was running a complete pollination tent. I will say that " Monstercropping" is the perfect description of this technique.


So, yeppers, the ethylene returns and the plant does reveg. Actual looks pretty good.


Update on my reveg. This girl is going outdoors.