Reversing auto strains with STS

So just checked on my two brood mares downstairs and found this:

That was the only occurance on the entire plant, but still, NOT GOOD.
Some type of mite, I assume?

Should I spray with an insectocidal soap like Safers?



Looks like bud rot. Its not good. Cut it out carefully when you see it cause it might have spores. And humidity might be to high.

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Here are my two breeding plants that I pollinated a few branches using Bruce X Gambian onto Widow Maker:

And here’s my unknown in the container down back, just went into flower last week:

I have some Widow Maker Fem Pollen from an auto. What happens if I hit this photo “unknown” with auto pollen?



Assuming the unknown plant has zero auto genes already, you’d end up with a pile of “fast” seeds with 1 copy of the auto gene in every seed. A full auto seed needs 2 copies. I haven’t grown fast plants outside yet but I probably will next year. I read they finish a couple weeks quicker outside. If you make the fast seeds and then grow those out and cross them again, then those seeds will be the ones where 25% are full autos.

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That sounds like a great experiment. Finishing is a big deal here in Maine, so the sounds of a “fast plant” are pretty appealing.
I just dusted a branch with one of my Widow Maker Auto Fem Pollen, and marked it with a piece of Deer Away tape, so we’ll see what happens.

Thanks for the info!!!


Well…this whole discussion got the juices flowing…SOOOOooooo…

Just put 10 seeds in paper towel over the fridge. Some Everyday Haze P, some Amnesia Haze A, and the last of my Widow Maker A.

I should be able to make some Widow Haze Auto, some Everyday Widow (fast) and replenish my Widow Maker fem seeds. Should be done around Thanksgiving :slight_smile:


This also means that I have to get off my ass and set up my grow space down in the basement. Plants will have to come in around end of Oct at the very latest.


Not sure if this will work, I’m posting a link to a video I took this morning.
I reversed 2 Widow Maker Autos. One of them did really well. There were 2-3 branches of flowers, so I cut them off and have them in a jar w/water, leaning over some parchment paper. I give them a light touch when making my coffee, and have been swabbing 1/2 Qtips in the pollen and putting them in a jar.
One of the members here mentioned that in addtion to making pollen, the plant would self-pollinate and produce seeds on it’s own. I considered that to be a bonus if it happend. My plan was to grow another plant out, and to pollinate it as soon as it went into flower.
I check the plant this morning because we had a lot of rain, so I’ve been on the lookout for bud rot (so far, so good), and while checking her, I can now see a lot of seeds.
Hopefully you can see it in the video:



Cool video. Its much more personal hearing someone voice. I’ve thought about making videos a few times like that. Maybe one day I’ll quit being a wimpy introvert and do it :slight_smile:

One of the first things I did was take a photoXauto cross 2 generations and recover the autos. It was a good exercise. Got a bunch more fast seeds cooking now. I reversed a purple devil cream auto recently and dusted some small plants in my closet. If the cake mom happys up and makes good seeds they might get to grow outside next year. I love that cake plant.

Last year I had some great Wedding Cake growning outdoors. I wish I knew then what I know now, which ain’t much, but would have saved some seeds for sure.


So now I have hopefully pollinated the BOC photo with Widow Maker Auto Fem Pollen.
That should create “fast plant” seeds, just what the doctor ordered up here in Maine.

This prompts another question… I know you can’t really clone an auto, becuase the clone inherits the “timeline” from the parent. But what happens if you clone a FAST plant?


Just checked my seeds. 7 out of 10 have popped so far. I started 4 Amnesia Haze Autos, 3 Everyday Haze Photos, and 3 Widow Maker Autos.

Autos should go into flower around mid-Oct, so should have seeds by end of Nov, in time for the Jan crossings.


just a quick question around this.

I currently have a photo plant that I have sprayed with elitexelite reversal spray and has now started flowering and an autofem that I sprayed just as the first signs of flowering was to start.

Would this make both plants self pollinate and then in turn make fem seeds of each plant, or would I need to take the pollen to an additional female plant of each make feminised seed.

Any insight would be fantastic.

My understanding, and the way it worked for me…was yes, the plants self-pollinated. You can watch the video above and see how my Widow Maker Auto self-pollenated. She’s loaded with seeds now. I haven’t done a photo yet, but will work on that over the winter.


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Well…it’s decision time here on the coast of Maine. We’ve had a week of on/off rain, and pretty humid conditions. My big plant down back is loving it, but she’s just gone into flower about 2wks ago.
The problem is with my breed stock and autos I have up on the deck. I’ve removed 2-3 small patches of bud rot from each of my plants.
I’ve been holding off harvesting anything in order to give the seeds the maximum amount of time to ripen, but I think I’m up against a wall here.

These are shots from my Widow Maker Autos that I pollinated 1 or 2 buds on:

I"m going to cut them after the sun comes out and dries them up a bit.
These plants have NOT been sprayed, so buds are consumable.

These are from the sprayed Widow Makers. Btw…these beans were all started at the same time, and all fed the same nutes. I have NO idea why the seed plant is so green compared to the others.

Will bud rot damage the seeds?
I’m tempted to cut everything…but don’t want to screw up my seed harvest.



As far as I know fast plants should veg, and clone and everything else just like photos. But I dont have experience holding moms long term or cloning them to confirm it.

its a pretty big plant. You could peal the seed coating back on a few seeds and see how done they are. Not all seeds are going to finish at the exact same time, but you could get an idea and at least be sure if some of them are done.

@sprinklememaynee if you only sprayed a branch it should self itself. But if the whole plant flips really well maybe not. If it grows buds along side the male flowers, they can be pollinated. I would be real careful having two different plants reversing at the same time tho. Pollen is pretty hard to control perfectly.


Yes, thank you so much for that. I am going to move them to different areas to ensure that I dont cross pollinate. I have two sheds where each can live, hopefully cutting down on the potential for issue!

I’m traveling for the weekend, but when I get home on Monday, I’m chopping everything. More rain while I’m gone, so will be more bud rot.

Meanwhile, my fall project beans came up nicely. 8 out of 10 had popped when I left…so plenty of recipients for the Widow Maker Fem Pollen :slight_smile:


Saturday morning update…
Heavy storms went through Upstate NY and Mass/NH/Maine yesterday…driving me NUTS being away from my plants this long…not knowing what’s going on. Can’t wait to get home tomorrow evening.

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Got back from the long weekend…more bud rot, as I suspected. BUT…that plant has some pollenated buds on it…so I checked several of those and have the first 12 seeds in a container. These are Gambian X Widowmaker, both Autos. The Gambian pollen is NOT feminized, so these will be regular seeds.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll check the reversed plants to see how they’re doing, and check for some more ripe seeds. Those will be pure feminized Widow Maker Auto.

Stay tuned :slight_smile:


bummer. bud rot doesnt usually affect the seeds themselves. if the “sap” stops flowing completely youll end up with a bunch of immature seeds. seems to only happen if i fiddle too much with the affected buds


Been a minute since I posted anything here in my original reversal thread.
Obvioiusly, that effort was successful, and I sent several batches of seeds to others here on OG.
Spring seedlings are coming along nicely…with some Early Iranian Reg, some Capt. Junky Fems, some Phantom OG fems, and some Northern Thunderfuck fems. I’m going to try and reverse a few branches on each of these and see if I can get a good collection of seeds this year.
I plan on spraying roughly 1/2 the plant, as I’m sure that wll produce way more than enough pollen to self-pollenate the rest of the plant.
Early Iranians are almost mature enough to start sexing them, I think.

Just looked out of the windows when I finished typing that post…it’s fuqin’ snowing.
As they say in Boston…“Sumbitch!”