ROGUTOPIA . 2024 . Rogue Dragon . Rogue 11 . Good Medicine F3 . Black Orchid . Hot Cakes auto . Emerald Fire F5 auto . Purple Haze auto . Critical auto

So the Rogue Dragon turns out to be female, I have one fem seed of the Black Orchid left…
I guess this cross will have to wait.

I’m gonna put the mystery seedling under 12/12 cycle, if it’s male then I’ll let it splurge all over the Rogue Dragon and Black Orchid. They’re gonna be half way flower so the seeds would be plentifull!!

It is well with my soul.


^ Three Rogue 11 in the back (staying in veg) and a Black Orchid + a Rogue Dragon in the front are showing their first pistils.

^ Mystery seed + Rogue 11 clones in a jar of water I change daily.

^ Three Good Medicine F3

^ Beans, date palm, and zuchini perhaps. One of the pots that will get a mix of Rogue 11 clones and Good Medicine F3’s so that they can cross pollinate.

I’m happy.
Happy life.

Much love to everyone!


I love this forever and ever.

The heavier artillery that propels me through cancer season.
This Lion’s Gate on the 8th of August is gonna be an intense experience…
Happy days here and now, and more of that coming our way for everyone.

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The urge is arising within me to mix all my seeds together in one pot like I used to…
All this thinking about what to sow next is not necessary, everything benefits me, the universe works in my favor, always.

I like this thought pattern, it feels peaceful.

So, henceforth, back to simplicity.

Less time thinking, more time flirting.

The universe is made for swinging.

We all have a heart.


Edit: I already have a cilinder of mixed unknown seeds so I shall restrain myself and embrace both the ideas of simple open pollination and selective breeding.
Rather than divisive thinking in terms of ‘this OR that’,
it feels more natural, wise, loving, godly and joyful to choose ‘this AND that’.


I’m also going to be flipping to 12/12 earlier, when they are the same height as the pot, it makes more sense with the limited space I have. The bushes I have going on now just barely fit in my closet height wise… and the plants will appreciate not undergoing extreme pruning.

Also gonna be starting all my seeds in small pots for sexing and to increase survival rates.

Then planting all the females in the big pots, always in pairs, letting the males pollinate from their small pots.


Half a teaspoon of Top Tao for breakfast and after breakfast Emerald Fire auto, double dose.

The description on their website really is fitting, feels like sitting in a cabin, snow outside, pine trees, mountains, a wee dram of whiskey evaporating next to me… that scene going on inside my body.
That kind of relaxation.

It’s for reading and writing poetry, and listening to abstract cosmic music loudly through decent headphones and experiencing faint memories of leading other lives, over and over, on different planets and moons throughout the infinte universe…

That kinda vibe.

Firmly and eternally throned to peaceful bliss.

It is well with my soul.

May it be well with yours too.

:sparkles: :green_heart: :sparkles:


I’ve grown a couple EFOG autos and it’s a wonderful smoke. I agree that the description, as well as yours, are very accurate. Always enjoy reading what you have going on in here. Have a great weekend! :green_heart:


My efog hit a 6wk cure and is almost gone! Great smoke and excellent terms. Love watching your grows and your 3 sisters( Indians farming tek) style of growing. Creating an environment that feeds itself and keeps soil healthy. The 3 sisters I’m sure you know is corn, beans, squash.


One of the Good Medicine F3 topped itself.
Thank you, very nice of you. :green_heart: :sparkles:

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^ Three Rogue 11 which are being stress tested, supercropping on every branch, sometimes multiple times on a single branch, took a bunch of cuts, a couple died while rooting, the slowest ones were topdressed, two males are flowering and I identified a female so the others can be whatever the Universe makes of them.

All this manipulation has made the leaves extremely bitter and spicy, I eat some of the leaves raw and the last time I had to spit them back out, mouth was burning, and I can take a fair amount of habanero tabasco and chili, these are a few levels up from that. Cannabis… what a plant… Thank you Gaia, thank you Universe!!!

So two Good Medicine F3 and two Rogue 11 (one female) are in the same pot now, going back to veg in the sunlight on the windowsil.

^ On the left Rogue Dragon and Black Orchid. On the right the two Rogue 11 males about to pollinate them. May the offspring bring great joy and complete healing to everyone who grows the seeds, may they not even need to ingest the bud, may just being near the plants already be enough for many miracles to happen. :sparkles: :green_heart: :sparkles:

^ Two Good medicine F3 (wide leaves) and two Rogue 11 (narrow leaves).
The thrips are also included in the stress testing, they favor the Good Medicine while leaving the Rogue 11 generally intact, the offspring should be stronger. These will be vegging for the next 3 months, at least, and I’m limited in space so they’ll be supercropped as well.

It is well with my soul, may it be well with your soul as well, much love to everyone on, in and off the planet!!!




This makes me wonder about the possibility of cannabis salsa🤔

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And how about replacing half of the tomatoes with finely chopped pickled bellpeppers to add some flavorful sweet stuff to balance out the bitterness. I have no words for how bitter it is, the combo with the spicyness is profoundly strong. It’s a very penetrating bitterness, like old school mustard, before they started adding sugar. The kinda mustard that instantly clears and opens up your sinuses when you sniff it.

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What we have here is two female Good Medicine F3 and a male and female Rogue 11. :slight_smile:
They are going back to veg now.

I’m letting a male Rogue 11 pollinate the Rogue Dragon and the Black Orchid.

Great joy rules my heart, may it rule your heart too.

:sparkles: :green_heart: :sparkles:


TODAY, 18 Aug, I sowed a Scarlet Runtz fem auto.

Thank you @Going2fast for sending me a few. Much love. :sparkles:


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High all!

Welcome to another episode of gardening with Rogue.

^ The pollination of the Rogue 11 male unto the Black Orchid and Rogue Dragon is a success!!!
Now I can inbreed these three and see what happens.
Glory to the Highest!

^ The three Rogue 11’s in veg I supercropped a second time and they’re just laughing. Lost a few tiny branches at the bottom in the shadow, fair enough, thanks for the fresh topdressing.

I added two fresh chopped up bananapeels and an apple core as topdressing, and grass is coming.
Life is good.

Eating more fresh fruit really adds a lot to the quality of life. Don’t underestimate it.
Mangos are bliss shaped like fruit.

Much love to all, thank you for being here, many blessings are coming our way, large and small, thank you all.

Seeds coming up!!!


Hey there @Rogue Haven’t seen you in a bit, hope all is well with you! :green_heart: