Help me choose an auto breeder

Hey all,

Before I dive head first into a breeding project of my own, I want one more hydro grow under my belt. I want to divide my tent in half and run half Mephisto and half another breeder, but I’m having trouble deciding. The plan is to run 5 strains from each breeder and just have a grow show between the two.

Early candidates are Fastbuds (only need 3 more strains), Rocbuds (if I can get them…), Ethos, Barneys, Dutch Passion, Knight Owl, Gnome… However, I’m now considering someone smaller or lesser known. Any suggestions? Also, if any smaller breeders see this and want to throw their hat in the ring, send me a message. I was reading about Baked Beanz last night and seems like a good story and a good guy doing the breeding, but I haven’t seen much about their autos.

Basically, I can’t decide, so someone tell me what you’d like to see! Or let me know if you’ve had any good or bad experiences with the above. Also, if you have multiple seeds from any of the above, please send me a message.



The guy I remember recently growing autos is @Alaskagrown, maybe he can give an opinion :slight_smile:


i don’t have any personal experience with autos yet but I heard Mephisto is a good choice.


I grow autos,I tried Royal Queen seeds and have not been disappointed with 4 plants I grew from Them.But,if you want top quality,go with Mephisto,they do only autos and are specialized in these autos cultivars.Also,fast buds Is good too.


Pulling up, I also have been stalking the autos.
Some killer info check out Some OG’s I’m sure they are in the know.


Definitely Mephisto or Night Owl are good options. Both companies are run by Daz and put out autos like I didn’t think were possible. Tasty, potent and can be great yielders. Fast buds are ok, you can find some nice stuff in em but you’ll find more that are unimpressive than with Meph of Night Owl. But there’s folks around here with way more experience with autos than me so I’ll let them jump in.


twisted tree is someone not on your list.


Master Sensei Genetics out of Michigan is where I’ve found my best autos so far, right about here is where they’re 5ft tall in my first ever hydro run


Great, thanks so much! I started my custom aeroponic clone and seedling setup last night. 70 sites… So we may have a couple other things to talk about :smile:

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Oh man, sounds you will get some fun!! I love to construct my own stuff… I need to build a cloner too… Already have all parts… just didnt have time yet.

Feel free to PM me if you want to trade some info… again, a guys who still helping on my aeroponic adventure is @Alaskagrown :stuck_out_tongue: he’s been everywhere :rofl:

Will you use sprinklers, misters or a bubble cloner ?

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Thanks growmie!

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Haven’t heard of them, I’ll check it out! Also, has anyone tried Delicious Seeds or Baked Beanz autos, I’ve read about them a little and it’s a good story and some of the genetics seems interesting. Since this is turning into a bit of a who’s who in the auto world I’ll share what I know for other’s researching and interested in autos…

ILGM: I’ve only grown their white white widow and have been very impressed. It’s a great plant to grow, smells wonderful, takes training and abuse well including HST, solid yields, great creative daytime high, and can be great yields and monsters if conditions are right and you pop the right bean.

Seedsman: I’ve grown a handful of strains now, can’t say anything bad, nothing fancy as far as strains, but I’ve been happy with Amnesia, Gelato, Skittlez and Northern Lights from them.

Barney’s: I’ve grown their LSD, DSD and Watermelon Skittlez, thew LSD was a rough grow due to power outages, humidity issues and every pest imaginable… The DSD and WS are the most impressive plants I’ve grown so far, great yielders and great terps, but haven’t gotten to harvest and smoke yet…

Night Owl and Mephisto: haven’t tried yet but have heard all good things and they along with Sweet Seeds seems to be the three that are most universally lauded.

Sweet seeds: Some really interesting crosses, especially if you like red and pink phenos, I will be tring them soon. If I don’t run them with the mephisto they will be in on the next time I do this little tent challenge.

Roc Buds Inc: They seem to be the newer cooler breeder and have a loyal following similar to mephisto, just not quite as well know, and getting their gear is nearly as difficult.

00: I’ve grown their Northern Lights XXL and they were the biggest yielders by far during my difficult grow and the bud was a good smoke

Fast Buds: Grew their cream cookies during that tough grow, the smoke was good but with so many problems I can’t say much else. They seem to be more polarizing and popular than the above and have some hate and are criticized for focusing on THC levels at times, but many love growing their stuff. Will be growing their lineup at some point for sure


Misters, I’ll post up what I’m doing later in my grow diary or start a new thread. Hit me up any time you want to swap knowledge, seeds, etc. :facepunch:


Thanks, can’t really find much bad about those two, would have run Night Owl if it wasn’t for the similar genetics to some of the Mephisto stuff.

By the way, smoking some cream cookies from fast buds this morning and it’s delicious!

@SamwellBB going to tag you since I’ve been doing some research. Can you point me to the best place to learn about your autos? I’ve got some of your photos coming that I’ll have some fun with down the road, but haven’t heard much about your autos :pray:t2:

I’ve never made autos
think maybe you are thinking of another breeder


Personally I would only buy mephisto or maybe nightowl. I have seen some nice delicious seeds and sweet seeds autos tho, and maybe fast buds :thinking: Dutch passion has a couple decent autos like bubblelicious or amnesia… I wouldn’t mess with anything else you listed really but that’s me.


I only really run Autos these days - Dutch Passion you really cant go wrong, very stable and strong genetics - their Auto Mazar gave me best part of 20 zips…

Done a couple of Mephisto, great flavour, different to the rest etc…but light on yield

Elite Seeds I was very pleased with, I ran their La Rica CBD which is great, I ran it twice…

Seedsmans own I have not had a great run with - the last two seeds I popped, Northern Lights grew and grew but never flowered

Super Sativa Seed Club is an old school seed bank (1985 I think) which is making a come back - got some of theirs on the go now and they are looking mighty fine

Barneys Farm were fine - good quality

This said, the reason I moved to autos was variety, so my seed collection is all different, no two of the same packs

I would go for something new and different everytime as the are nice and quick



You need the auto kings @Mr.Sparkle and @ReikoX lol

They’ll let ya know what’s up


Mephisto or night owl have nice autos