ROGUTOPIA . 2024 . Rogue Dragon . Rogue 11 . Good Medicine F3 . Black Orchid . Hot Cakes auto . Emerald Fire F5 auto . Purple Haze auto . Critical auto

Much love all around for everyone in the universe!!! Forever.

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Finally got around to listening to this, wow…
THANK YOU for sharing.
Much love!!!

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Powerful day today… I felt a bit miserable earlier, went back to bed for 1 hour and 44 minutes, ruminating about Belgian politics, then gave up and turned to God, and tears of catharsis flowed.
And this prayer came to me; “Dear God, pull us a little closer to Your Heart. All of us.”
I feel amazing now.

I ate a small young leaf of the Rogue Dragon that’s in the same pot as the Black Orchid clone and it’s very spicy, my mouth was on fire for a few moments there, now my mouth feels a bit numb.
Good stuff.

The other Rogue Dragons that are flowering are turning purple and faintly smelling like blueberry and also a bit like Afghan hash.


^ Emerald Green auto.

^ Three Rogue 11A.
All have similar structure and the leaves range from narrow, wide and something inbetween.
The others who were slower, smaller, or more lanky were chopped.

^ Zamnesia Black Orchid fem clone + Rogue Dragon

^ Rogue Dragon

^ Black Orchid

^ So this auto turns out to be a Top Tao Seeds specimen, very sticky, trichomes eeerywhere, gives a sweet happy citrus scent, thickest main stem I’ve ever seen on an auto, very very nice!

Much love to all, have a great day whoever you are.
It is well with my soul.


Thank you for adding your energy to this beautiful planet for every heart to feel what we feel, all together.
We are One.
We are All.
We are loved, we allow it, we receive it, we are it, we radiate it in all directions.


Emergency harvest of the Top Tao Seeds auto, found a spot of budrot, very sticky resin.

Not trimming a single leaf, there’s sugar eeeeverywhere.

The scent is complex citrus, very sweet, getting so happy just from smelling it.

And I harvested the Emerald Fire auto as well, has a dry earthy smell with some stinky funk, like stinky socks and perhaps a bit of petrol of some kind.


Top Tao Seeds auto decarbed dry for 2 hours 10 minutes at 100C/212F effect report, amount is a few bits I grabed with my fingers from the jar and ate. Melted in my mouth, interesting taste, complex citrus with perhaps a few pine whims… bit spicy too.

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Comes on pretty fast, happy peace right now, you know you want it.

It is well with my soul.
May all beings in the universe be happy.
All at once!

:sparkles: :green_heart: :sparkles:


I am dancing, I hope you are too.

Mabisyo - Seasoning The Jazz V.1

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Thank you Elohim priestess for keeping my cannabis strong and utterly potent with the soothing healing power of love, joy, peace, happiness, glory, creativity, fun and amazing orgasms.

It is well with my soul.
It is good to be the Tao.


@RainToday I sowed some of the Blue Amaranth today! Inside and outside.
Thank you for this wonderful gift!


You’re very welcome! I hope it grows wonderfully for you :green_heart::seedling::green_heart:


Chopped the two Rogue Dragons and the Black Orchid.
Yield is on the moderate side because they didn’t get enough water.

There’s one Black Orchid fem clone + one Rogue Dragon (sex unknown) going into flower now.
If male then Black Orchid Dragon offspring is happening.
Will be a good marriage, the stems of the Rogue Dragon are quite rubbery and the Black Orchid has very woody stem.

It seems like more trichomes appeared on the Rogue Dragon with the buds being more leafy and soft and turning purple, but the Orchid buds were harder and denser.

Took a cut of the Rogue Dragon, some white dots appearing, gonna see roots in a few days.

Note to self; bottom water more often when they’re flowering.


Today I sowed three Good Medicine F3 from @LegsMahoney
Many thanks to you again for sending me these.
Thank you for being here.

I had 3 seeds of Royal Queen Seeds 1:1 CBD:THC left.
They came in sealed blister packaging and upon opening I discover a seed with a piece of it chopped off, the insides exposed, I open the second one and it didn’t survive a light squish test.
The third one was bigger and only cracked a tiny bit so I sowed it immediately and watered.
If it doesn’t survive then I’ll keep that pot for the Rogue Dragon clone.
The stem is a dark purple already after I left it out in the sun for a whole day, the leaves shriveled up a little, keeping it inside now in the shade of the others.
Roots are starting to pop now, I’ll give it another day then plant.

I also wish everyone a happy solstice :sun_with_face: , may you all be in optimal health and maximizing joy levels, much love to everyone.

It is well with my soul, may it be well with yours too.


The Rogue Dragon clone did not survive the planting, soil might have been too hot.
Sowed one of my mystery seeds in fresh bagged organic soil.

Onwards through the fog!

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The Black Orchid that’s drying is smelling like earthy lavender with some sour touches, well balanced and pleasant, uplifting and otherworldly.

The Rogue Dragon is giving curry and blueberries.


Rogue Dragon effects report no. 1.

It’s subtle but it goes deep, deep feeling of peace, clear headed, light feeling in the body, quite sedative but not sleepy or drowsy, very lucid and functional, balanced, peace…
A quite soothing feeling of wellbeing, soft and gentle.
Not overwhelming, no great bliss, but a cool feeling of peace.
Long lasting as well, it comes on slow and steady.
Helps clearing and cleaning the mind, very meditative.

I’m very blessed to have had the opportunity to make this cross.
Thank you OG’ers!!! Much love to everyone!


All Good Medicine F3 (Supposed to be 1:1 CBD:THC more or less) seeds sprouted!
Mystery seed is above soil too!
All are in excellent health.

Thank you Creator of the Universe for allowing their offspring to bring great health, joy, art, bliss, laughter, ecstasy and magic to all of the universe forever. So it is. Amen.

Much love in my heart, much love to all.

It is well with my soul.


Zamnesia Black Orchid effects report.

Ate a small decarbed bud of the Zamnesia Black Orchid, it’s very potent, face feels different, like I’m interfacing with another dimension. Eye sight seems sharper and clearer.
Now I’m letting it sink into my heart, that’s where it counts most.
Beautiful hybrid feeling, functional bliss.

I’m very happy I have a clone about to start puberty!!!
Crossing it with the Rogue Dragon is gonna be very interesting… :grin:

Edit: Had another bit today, it’s amazing stuff…

Sex is showing on the Black Orchid clone, not yet on the Rogue Dragon.
May it be a male so that the Rogue Orchid Dragon lineage manifests and I can share a few packs of seeds!