ROGUTOPIA . 2024 . Rogue Dragon . Rogue 11 . Good Medicine F3 . Black Orchid . Hot Cakes auto . Emerald Fire F5 auto . Purple Haze auto . Critical auto

Looks perfect to me, :grin: and probably would have been fine even left the way it was. Cannabis are some amazingly tough plants. :green_heart:

I had to try that image generator too, I like them better for realistic images than what I got from Midjourney.


Sweet, I haven’t played with one of these yet :grin::grin:

The joint isn’t QUITE in the pups mouth, but… :grin:


@Rogue . I have to say that I love your attitude and positive nature. You are like the guy down the road that always smiles and waves to me. :grin: Have a wonderful day. :rainbow:


Thank you @Magu :smile: what can I say… it takes a positive attitude to create stuff like this:


Wow! You did it!! :heart_eyes: utterly fabulous!

Was it difficult? I know a little organization that ought to do something like that too…

… can you put the orchid dragon one up too as a sticker? :grin:


Thank you!
Difficult… no. Just takes time and a lot of experimentation.
Once I start I never know where I’ll end up!

That is a positively exciting idea! I’m on it!


Splendiferous!!:heart:‍:fire: I will wait and order both stickers at once to hopefully save on shipping :green_heart:


@RainToday With or without the text?


Gorgeous either way! I think it would be really cool to eventually have a collection of stickers for the various home made strains, so the name is nice for that. Also just a pretty name :slight_smile:


There you go:

For some reason they forced a square crop when I uploaded it. :thinking:
When I left in the text it looked all messed up.


That is simply epic. Thanks for this! There’s an enormous grin plastered across my face right now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck::heart:‍:fire:
I ordered up 3 stickers, and they did indeed combine the shipping. Thanks for making it possible for me to support OG and get something delightful at the same time. :green_heart::partying_face:


It’s been a great joy and delight to do this!
Thank you for your support and excitement, good vibes all around! :green_heart: :zap:


Good morning @Rogue and everyone. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it a good one. :grin:


Thank you for that beautiful reminder Magu, I would even go so far as to state that we are immortal souls playing human on this wonderful stage that is Earth, today is the first day of the rest of your eternity! The possibilities are endless!

This day is indeed a splendid one, filled with pleasant surprises and delicious delights!
So it is! I brought photographic evidence!

^ Zamnesia Critical auto growing like I didn’t almost break her in half.
May she continue her stretch as I stand back in awe!
Getting some citrus and musk from the stemrub.

^ Hot Cakes auto by @Going2fast hauling ass, look at those beautiful leaves!

^ Zamnesia Black Orchid doing great as well! What a joy!

^ Zamnesia Purple Haze doing splendid too! I’m so grateful everything is going well!

It is well with my soul.

Shirts, Stickers, Posters, Pillows, etc... for Server Fund and Stamps


Had some decab of the 11A mothers, tasted herbal, and this music is quite fitting to the effect.

Trance like effect, extremely peaceful without turning into a bag of potatoes.

I’m talking to my friends, doing the dishes, about to make some art.

It’s super balanced, social, inspiring, sedative yet active with a great focus and a drive to do things that require precision.

A feeling of energy going on just above the eyes.

My eyebrows feel like antennas, receiving cosmic joy. :smile:

Holy cow and I’m about to go to town on a fresh pot of of Ben & Jerry’s chocolate fudge ice cream!!!

What a time to be alive… Heaven on Earth is perfectly happening right now, baby!


Some of it sounds like a didgeridoo. I love that type of sound. No more likes :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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I will donate half of the profit to the overgrow server fund and use the other half for stamps to send out free seeds. It’s been so much fun designing this!

Thank you all for making this place such an amazing community, thank you for being here.


Apart from the almost daily nettle and mint tea pulp topdressing, today I also added banana peel, stems from dried date clusters, date kernels, mandarin peel, moldy cucumber and lots of LOOOOVE.

I held the bowl and imagined my plants being made of white light and growing swiftly into a powerful and abundant harvest of seeds and big flowers stimulating and enhancing the most profound and ever lasting experiences of joy, love, bliss, freedom, balance, harmony and optimal health!!!

So it is. :zap: :green_heart: :zap:

Breeding with conscious intent, trusting that the Universe takes care of the rest and that it is and shall continue to be perfect for our magnificent infinite evolution.
It is creating us after all…

Every heartbeat.
Every breath.


DNA is God’s way of programming life into being.
Every species and being is a semi-autonomous program,
happening within the larger programs of the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy…
The entire universe is an infinite collection of quantum programs.
The source code is written in light, and at infinite levels of scale, and that’s what we experience.
We are designed to experience… EVERYTHING.

. Sejeluho


You are absolutely correct.:grin: I may be wrong but I think every living thing on the planet has the same base code of DNA with only a few minor differences separating us. :thinking: I like the way you use intention in your growing and breeding. I have been following that same path for decades. I feel that plant consciousness is a real and very important aspect of growing. Have a wonderful day. :rainbow: