Room, inside a room, inside a garage.. #Weedception!

Week 8 starts tomorrow. The Chem is getting crusty!!!

Big skunk/nl1 x super skunk

Chem blazzin bag seed

The two blue meanies… that yellow one is still chunkin up surprisingly.

Happy Easter everyone! Have a great Sunday.


Found a ROOSTER in my hen house dangit! I have a feeling out the 3 stardawg crosses I might have 2 males. Boo.

Definitely don’t have enough space but that’s how it goes. Clones are mad… top dressed with some worm castings and gaia green GROW and rock dust mixed in some promix that has been sitting around for a year. Trying to keep them happy and short. Everything is getting purple stems :sob::sob:.

Stardawg crosses

The other seeds… Black and Tan are the biggest ones that have been topped… the beateix choice are staying COMPACT and have not been topped yet. Cool to see them grow together.

Hopefully I can find a few more females before I get next round going. Time for some new flavors!:crossed_fingers:

I don’t think I will do two cups one pot again… it was a fun test to try… but I think I like a longer veg with topping/pinching and one tree per container.

Couple clones just begging for a new container… they got topped a few weeks ago and just got Chopped again last week. I can’t just throw away trees haha.

Last summer I gave away 30 trees or so to friends. It was RAD to see how each clone grew in different environments… Black Dom nw hashplant super skunk tossed some BATS out and stayed so short. I’ll try to find a pic.

Man these pics get me excited for summer! The purple/pink hairs was a pheno of the big skunk/nl1 x super skunk. So rad to see that happen. Black Dom HP cross was the shortest tree of em all.

See yall in a week or so when I’m CHOPPIN :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Here we go.


Blue meanie is WICKED!!! the blueberry smells are sooooo good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Couple Chem blazzin. Between a CMH and HPS bulb

Dangit :sweat_smile:


Fuck yeah dave!!! Nice work!!!


Nice setup and really awesome pictures. I could almost smell the buds.

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One more. God bless Dave, hope he is doing well!! I have not seen resin tacos since ACE OF SPADES from subcool and that was back in 2017 with banna mana and all kinds of fruit enhancing stuff. Goooooood nesss and the smell is just funky. No fruit… no gay stuff. Just musty weird smells. soorrrrry cookie idiots :sweat_smile:. Grow your boof!!

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Sorry again. The internet hates me.


Zoom in :smiling_imp: god bless AKBB!!!


:rofl::rofl::rofl: sorry everyone. I got carried away yesterday haha. Feeling it today. Some micro dose and IPAs got poppa feeling too good.

Pickles got some :corn:!!!


I enjoy your updates very much! Beautiful outdoor garden. The picture with Pickles nibbling on the flowers is great! You’re a talented gardener! Flowers looking frosty and you’re busy working the plants, having them work for you! Very nice! Hope you’re having a pleasant day. Many blessings and much love

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Thank you for stopping by. One day I will grow up! 41 and can’t figure out how to act like an adult.


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Man I wanna be a bum today! Taking the bags from this run… mixing them up 1 by 1 In trash can (used to be my mixing tank/water tank for when I had a drip line set up. Now it’s my soil soldier)

Adding sea90,lime,mykos and leftover microbes. It’s a hodge podge over here. They aren’t mixed up perfectly either. But I’m trying.


Pretty rad. Tossed a 10gal veg tree in a 55 gal trash bag. She accepted her path In a plastic container. Gahhhhh bless!!!

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Next round… hopefully the black n tans settle down. Good lord they are frisky. Beatrix needs to ketchup!!!


Yep…I love him. I wish there was sound. He is so vocal :sweat_smile:

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Chem blazzin bag seed on the left. BS/NL1 x SS on the right… the smell on the skunk is still so deep smelling and almost a chocolate smell… but it STINKS!!! Reminds me of the “DANK” bags I bought back in early 2000s.

The blueberry smelling Blue Meanie.

Slow cure continues :v:

Happy Saturday Everyone


Found a spider web in that skunk cross 🫠

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