Zenki’s Indoor/Outdoor Garden 2020

Hello everyone.

A little bit about myself:

I was on the old Overgrow as “Conman” when I first started trying to learn about all things growing. I attribute a vast majority of what I know (knew is probably more accurate because it has been so long) to Overgrow.

I grew a few Kush strains heavily on the Central Coast for years with some decent success. All indoor. At that time, there were no dispensaries in the area, but there were loads of mobile delivery services. Eventually I got my Kush down enough to the point where a couple of deliveries started purchasing some for their patients. I always grew under HPS but I ended up moving up to the PNW for the past decade where I got into wine production. I was never able to set up a grow in the PNW although I did do some work in the dispensaries with the passing of their Recreational laws.

I picked up some LSD from Barney’s to run because my research indicated it was a pretty easy growing strain, that is pretty disease resistant, and decent yielding.

I also popped a Stardawg freebie that I plan on running.

So far I germinated the seeds and have them in small containers awaiting sprouting. I plan on running them in 5 gallon pots.

I will be sure to post pictures throughout the grow to document my journey.


Cant wait to see how your grow unfolds! Good luck, happy growing!


Good luck, looking forward to it. No outdoor experience here, but i know a lot of commercial non cannabis nurseries bury fabric pots in the ground to get the ground insulating effect but still get the plants to air prune their roots. Something like a pot in pot method.

Also, may want to think about much larger pot sizes unless you’re trying to keep it small/stealth. With all this time at home over the next few weeks, i may go exploring for a couple guerilla spots myself. There are a few nearby I can probably take advantage of.


Thank you! I appreciate it!

I was recommended to run 20 gallons but since I am running 3 plants instead of the initially planned 1 or 2, I want/need to run them smaller.

Not 100% stealth per se but I cannot accommodate 3 large plants outdoors with my lot size. I live backed up to a major street and do not want them to be visible above my walls at all. Not so much for legal reasons but more so to avoid any theft.


All three germinated successfully and have sprouted nicely.
The Stardawg popped and sprouted so fast.

I also made my own makeshift heating mat for the germination which consisted leaving my laptop on with the seeds resting on the slightly warm keyboard lol! Worked like a charm.

I may be cooped up inside but the girls are outside soaking up the sun for the day.

Edit: Featuring my Garlic in the background.


Getting some sun in the garden with these gals. This Stardawg is looking happy


Stardawg checkin’ in.


Lots of change for me in the past week or so.

I got laid off at work today with everything going on so I will be out of work for the foreseeable future. Technically I got furloughed but you get the point

With that being said, I am going to switch things up a bit. I placed an order today for a small 24x48x60 grow tent today and I am going to run three plants indoor out in the garage. My plan is to run one of the LSD, one Stardawg, and one of the Goji x Nigerian Sunshine crosses that I should be getting soon from @SCJedi.

I will run the remaining LSD plant outdoor as planned since I wont have space for her.

My initial concern was that my tent temps would have gotten too hot if I ran it in the summer, but with my newfound free time I decided to try to run a grow before the summer heat really sets in with the seedlings I already have started.

I am going to daisy chain a couple of 600w LED lights together and run them in the Royal Gold Mendo Mix that I already have laying around.

Pics of the babies will be posted tomorrow or something. I am really excited to see how this Stardawg turns out. It is absolutely thriving and I think the genetics should be killer.

Hope everyone is staying safe out there.


Stardawg Update. So photogenic.


Happy Saturday everyone.

Testers just arrived from @SCJedi and I will be germinating some of the Nigerian Sunshine x Goji to add into the rotation.

Tent and lights also arrived today so I will be posting some.pics when we get it all set up and the plants in there.


Edit: Thank you for throwin in those Nigerian Sunshine x Granny Skunk as well @SCJedi !!


Looks good so far…dont know if you realized though you posted in indoor growing

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Thanks! I did not realize actually. Sorry about that.

But now it has transitioned into an indoor grow so I will have to retitle my post haha.

So I got my tent set up. It is a modest 24x48x60 but it fits perfectly into the space that I have to work with. I moved the Stardawg and one of my LSD plants in there.

They are still in their 10 gallon pots since I was planning on running them outdoor but I will transplant down to 5 gallon pots in a couple of weeks once they are settled again.


Omg those are huge pots lol. What’s the lsd like as far as growing goes? I’m guessing very sativa in stature but the smoke sound good.

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I know right! I planned on them going outdoor until September October but now I will just have to transplant down to 5 gallons.

The LSD is one of Barney’s most popular strains people grow. They are nice and disease resistant and easy growing which was a big reason I went with them for a prospective outdoor grow. The LSD is indica dominant but not by much as it is fairly balanced by my standards.

I have heard although it is technically indica dominant, it is still a capable “get stuff done” smoke.


Nigerian Sunshine x Goji courtesy of @SCJedi germ is going well. All 4 popped and some really took off. I have the 2 that are farther along in Royal Gold Mendo Mix now. Going to have the 2 stragglers in soil by lunch time if I had to guess.

Happy Monday all.


Stardawg and LSD got transferred down to 5 gallons where they will stay for the rest of the grow.

I threw in a 4 inch inline fan and carbon filter today but have yet to hook up the filter for use. Unfortunately the fan controller I ordered arrived DOA so I can only run the fan on full blast currently. Not an issue because I hardly need it at the moment.

There was already a vent in the wall of my garage that vents outside so I ran my ducting to that. I used a 4 inch piece that I believe is for a table saw dust catch to mount up to the existing vent.

Last but not least, the Nigerian Sunshine x Goji has sprouted. There was one other that had just barely broken through trying to shed her hat. Curious to see how they look in the A.M.

Hope everyone is healthy and staying safe out there.

Edit: Sorry for Blurple


Obligatory Monday Stardawg update.

I am so excited to see how this lady’s genetics continue to develop. She has been real happy and is stacking up nicely.

I am starting to think about nutes more and although I have bottle nutes I can run, I am toying with the idea of trying to run organic dry amendments.

I know there are a lot of big names pushing these online but “Earth Dust” has caught my attention by the Green Sunshine Co. If anyone has used them feel free to share your experience. I have heard they are a tad weak and need to be mixed heavy.

Hope everyone is having a good day so far.


I was out at the hydro shop today for some more soil and ended up finding a nice dry amendment mix. I am going to run for veg once these girls use up more of the nutes in my soil.

Maybe some of you have experience with this but it seems to be pretty good. Mother Earth Meal Mix. They also have a mix for flower that I will pick up assuming it does well.

Fish meal, feather meal, bone meal, crustacean meal, alfalfa meal, cotton seed meal, kelp meal, dolomite, gypsum, langbeinite, volcanic ash, potassium sulfate.

I plan on top dressing with this through veg and seeing how it does. I had already bought Flora nutes but I really want to give this method a go.

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Nigerian Sunshine X Goji are looking good. Getting ready to send snips off for dna testing in the next few days hopefully.

Barney’s LSD is looking healthy.

Stardawg stealing the show per usual.


I was bored so I got these Nigerian Sunshine X Goji cotyledon leaves plucked and smashed for sex testing.

I will be using Delta Leaf to do the tests. I have yet to use Delta Leaf but I talked with Elijah, the owner for awhile on the phone and he was a good dude.

Gender reveal party coming soon.