Root Booster question

I’ve haven’t try a root booster.
I grow Autoflowers indoor and
outdoors, in organic soil.
I do not transplant.

Wondering what product you
are using? Thanks!

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And why would you need that?

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I agree with @Rogue .
The wife grows many autos and never uses any.
Could be a good side by side test



You’d be surprised at how small the roots of trees are.
The entire Amazon rainforest grew without root booster.
And yet there they are, trees like skyscrapers… :thinking:

Never compare plants who were grown in hydro/synthetic nute setups to organic methods. It’s meaningless. All they get is more water and fiber in their plants giving the illusion of a bigger yield.

Also in organic setups the fungi act as extended roots.

Apples and oranges.


I use this stuff Mycorrhizae Trichoderma Inoculant Powder – Plant Revolution


The wifes roots never fill the pot and she grows big autos. If you run a test tag me if you think about it.


I mean kind of, “Rhizophagus irregularis can be found in almost all soils, especially those populated with common host plants and in forests and grasslands.”
So in nature the root booster is already there, its not as if they grew without it.

So if you’re starting off with sterilzed or depleted bagged soil I don’t see why adding Rhizophagus irregularis wouldn’t be beneficial, I’m sure in a no till setup that is a few cycles deep or perhaps growing in native soil it wouldn’t be all that useful however

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But what about quality and potency?
What good is a giant yield if you get mediocre bud…

Root juice is fine for cloning. A balanced diet usually packs in the roots.
I think you can grow just fine running between organics then going into salt based fertilizers with zero issue.
This Mac V2 was, first cut in half, then taken from a 3 gallon pot, placed into an altered same sized pot, (more holes) then into a home made Sterlite tub, 5 gallons of salt based ferts mixed up. A pump runs 24/7 to temporary feed ring.
Food is food to a plant.

That was last week, I’ll snap a pic or 2 to show how much an organically raised plant will eat and love salt ferts.
Edit: added pic of week later.


I use a “root booster” regularly. It is known as coconut water. Fund you an asian supermarket and buy a few green coconuts. Use a screwdriver to pop 2 holes in the seed and drain the water out. I pour it into ice cube trays and freeze. Use 2 cubes per gallon when watering from seed through veg. Best “root booster” you can get.


How many hours you running. Autoflower roots will be small if you don’t give them warm nights. No night, cold night = no roots = poor health. The universal commercial model has been realized in breeding these inferior Cannabis plants. Show me a breeder who gives instruction how to grow them. Nope. Failure is the plan, apparently.

That’s why Autoflower sucks, all the energy goes into vegative growth to make pants look bigger on reddit microgrowery, there’s no luxury root mass to create flavor/resistance but plenty of big easy to grow viable vegatation that’s going to need mood and bug sprays .

I use recharge, roots fill up my pots nice, the mychorizhae(I’m sure I spelled that wrong) in the dr earth probably helps too.


@LedZeppelin I use dehydrated coconut water as a supplement with great results (side by side resulted in improved yields, flavor, finish and overall plant health compared to blackstrap only)… but have heard of ther people overdoing it, so watch the ratios.

I actually like to alternate between the coconut water & blackstrap and hold early inoculations with mycos & trichs as @Albannach suggested sacred… I get great results with autos in my organic coco blends.