FLOWER Boosters

Hi :slight_smile: im an organic Grower from Europe.

I have a question to liquid bloom stimulants/boosters.

I would like to test to mix some of them together, bcs i saw, some of them (biobizz, bio canna, atami, jungleboost etc) are based on sugars (polysacharides, mono, glucose, sucrose) some of them are based on seagras/weed, some of them on fulvic & humic acids.

So i think the plant need a little bit of them all, right ?

Seaweed, sugars acids - could be helpful, than just sugars or acids themselfes for stimulate the flower and gain taste & weight ?

I would try to mix :

Biobizz topmax 25% recommended dossage
Canna bio boost 25% rec. dossage
Atami bcuzz bloom stimulator 50-75%
A lil bit of back mollasses

What do you think? Some ideas ? Some experience in that ? Let me know please :slight_smile:

thaaank you guys


Sorry I can’t help with your question, because I use living soil and compost teas. But I just wanted to welcome you to OG


Research Triacanatol, different forms of K, immune triggers like chitosan, PGPR, and precursors like Aminos that contain tryptophan.
Or buy expensive liquid biojizzes.


It’s not exactly organic anymore then… nature doesn’t provide bottled shit.

Topdress with bananapeels and call it a day.

Save your hard earned money.

Or buy a cherry pie.


Also another tip while i see the puritan organics prius growers chime in please don’t mind them.

In every thread they will peak in and say “hi sorry, im better than you, your soil is dead” and tell you to slip on banana peels.
Stick to researching and if you want to check our bs just use google scholar for scientific articles. Keep an open mind for now.


Welcome to OG @XoOr89

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I have been using deltas with bio bizz for years the deltas are Spanish fertilizers I use delta 1 delta 9 together with bio Bloom and finally delta diez together with top max a bomb especially the last the delta 10 very hard peaks see my diary

You mean delta (cannabiogen)? With topmax and bio bloom?

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Yes Brother very good :fire::fire::fire:

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Different forms of K ? How you mean that

K is potassium.

All the bio named products have added microbiology to them, which is why there are a bunch of different types of sugars. The seaweed and key extract have I bunch of different plant growth regulators along with an abundance of trace minerals. The use of humic and fulvic acid are to chelate the nutrients so the plants can uptake them easily.

If you don’t want to go the banana peel route I would get some potassium sulfate to add to your mix. Later in flower the plant hold onto as much potassium as it can get. Sulfur is a precursor element for most terpenes .

Cheapest way IMO to make a bloom booster would be to make a ferment of banana peels, pumpkin, onion, and carrots. You could throw some garlic in there too for added sulfur boost over the onions. But this takes some time for everything to ferment and brake down.


I know but how you mean diff forms ? Organic and chemical together ?

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if you can study something natural and organic the knf korean natural farm method spikes a lot but as they told you above they are methods to be prepared at least 3 months before if not more precisely because everything must ferment and in that phase they release everything that ours plants need … ps I myself put fish bones and scraps to ferment 4 months and believe me it also works with garlic … for now the only method let’s say fast and the banana tea rich in potassium and the skins cooked in the oven and then pulverized in the ground, they naturally release potassium

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DIY rooting … germinate 100 lentil seeds important the tail and at that stage they produce auxin at that point add water and blend everything let it rest for 30 days and then add to the soil and a rooting and propagator excellent for our roots as well as being 0 invasive compared to various commercial rooting

i study a lot these natural methods I can also tell you that I can make a natural super calmag with garlic egg shells a pinch of coffee and 1 ml of expired milk full of calcium … ps fireplaces are fireplaces keep it and add it to yours soil before planting

Welcome to OG XoOr89, the only organic bottled bloom booster I’ve found is
Natures Own organic Super Bloom with guano, npk is 1 9 1, Australian made.

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You can naturally process organic and make this or read it buy ingredients separately.

K citrate is semi organic example, man made but citrate is organic and low salt index (may actually wash away nutes so dont use in soil until later or just foliar it).
Kelp extract to week 4 will give you some pgrs and K also may induce stretch.
Alfalfa meal tea will have triacanatol or just buy the powder who cares as long as its natural which it is.
Many super expensive fermented voodoo juice people swear by use natural fast delivery forms of researched pgpr microbes u can buy with d earth, pgr from kelp, alfalfa leaf wax etc and call it organic well diy lol

A great “booster” that I spray weekly from veg through week four of flower is a product from Kelp4less call Extreme Blend.

It’s a mix of Humic, Fulvic, and Amino Acids, along with Norwegian Sea Kelp…can see the difference overnight!

You can use this along with any P/K(Phosphorus/Potassium) booster…I personally use a P/K booster 1st week of flower…helps with stretch and close nodes…so many brands to chose from…Humboldt or Nectar From the Gods both make decent ones. Or you can DIY…

Also don’t forget to use a bud hardener(Potassium) before the flush to get maximum yield. Humboldt Nutrients “Deuce Deuce” (0-0-22) works amazing!

Happy Growing
