Roots broke basket in DWC, advice appreciated

I’m evolving and learning as I go. This is #1, she’s my eldest and I’m making all the mistakes I correct for the others.

I put her in too small a net cup, obviously. I further made a mess by moving it from an aerogarden to this cup. It was hard to get the roots in around all the 3d print spaghetti. I did my best and here we are. Should I do something about this? I can’t think of what to do.

The other plants are in larger nets and went right into them so I don’t anticipate this issue again.

Thank you for your help!


It will still survive, that’s why I go nothing but net folks…

May I suggest this…try and zip tie the bottom of the net cup to the side of the net cup, this should work bromigo.



Thank you! I’ll just be careful not to knock into it so something stupid!

Take it as a sign of a strong plant and keep jammin homie!

My journeys in DWC have been high highs and low lows but always daggon exciting. First time I busted thru a netcup like this I grabbed my wife for a “honey, look at this!” moment.


I had a feeling that would happen with 3d printed baskets. I’ve gone from aerogarden to net pot a fair amount. It used to be my preferred method and I only use 3 inch net pots. I’d suggest sticking with traditional net pots in the future and zip it up like Phil said


I pretty much immediately ran to my husband’s home office to show him the pictures. He printed the cups for me and we weren’t sure how they would hold up. They were printed for lettuce, but got the stress test!

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Snap. Mine is a 3d printed cone so it aint slipping and is still stable so i have done nothing.