Securing net pots

I accidentally split one of my plants in a half a while back, so now my 8 cola manifold only has 4 branches left. This caused it to grow taller than my other plant, so while trying to level the canopy with with a net, the net pot started to tip and fell through. There are a couple issues I can try to address when I figure out the best solution, such as finding a sturdier container, finding net pots with bigger lips at the top. Currently I am trying to wedge things without adhesive around it, but it starts to go if I get near with the net. I am going to attach a bunch of those yo-yo support lines to it, but any other MacGyver type suggestions, or even different materials to work with, would be appreciated.


Any sort of ring should work to effectively expand the ring, measure the OD (outer diameter) of the pots just under the lip, then make a circle as large as you need for the pots to not tip in. Cut out a circle to fit the measurement in the middle and bam. Reckon you could use anything, paper or cardboard, but something more like thin Lexan or foamboard, maybe cut up plastic container if you can find a flat piece large enough. Thinking like the lids you get on coffee or other drink mixes.


Awesome idea. Thanks. Luckily I was going to need more net pots soon anyway, so I will look around for some newer models.

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Aaaand I already found better options with a 2s search on Amazon. Is that how you realize info on GWE might need some adjusting based on your specific situation? Sure is, Barry. Sure is.

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I use the CZ Hydroponics 4" wide lip netpots.

Over the summer I had a beast of a plant still fall thru. I did what u did and wedges shit thru and tied it up similar to what landscapers do with new trees.

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For the net pot you’re trying to secure, just get another one that you’re not using and remove most of the netting. Then take the ring you have left and cut diagonally from top to bottom. Then pull it apart and put it around your bad net pot.

This is the 2 inch net pot I use ($12.34 for 50 on Amazon)


Another great idea. I still have a couple, so that should work.

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Electrical tape. Just stick enough to hold just below the rim then twist it like a rope as you go around the whole rim then cover that with a flat wrap or two and Bob’s your uncle.

I did that to use a 2L tobacco can as a net pot with a mother plant being converted to DWC. Worked great.

Roots in 5 days.
