Roots turned brown overnight (SOLVED: kelp in Floralicious Plus)

I stand by my opinion this is either root burn or battered roots. Roots will turn to a mush, mimicking root rot in both situations.They look burned to me.


This whole thread has just reminded me that I need to go nuclear with cleaning my res. I think this is a good time to replace all hoses and fittings. @AppalachianBiscuits I saw you said to toss air stones, what do you suggest for pumps? I’ll run straight bleach through them for a day or two if I have to :joy:


I agree. I have had some leaf curl that I still attribute to root rot in my environment and that was coco media. Recently using a water only soil I had some. I think high nutrients contributes. But the pathogens have to be there.

I usually run an air purifier with a UV option on it in my room with the plants. Older houses have more of this in the walls and therefor in the air.

Would consider a UV light in the reservoir if I were doing hydro, especially at scale.


I run my airstones through the dishwasher


What did the water level and PPM/EC do in that time? Did they go up or down?


I suggest not fucking around with pumps. :joy:

I think I’d cry if I got the slimes in a pump. You have to get everything. Every crack and wet spot. Can you disassemble the pump? Scrub and swish everything that isn’t electronic in sanitizer?


I’ll throw this shit away if that’s what it takes. Come to think of it, this might be a carry over issue from a previous grow where I thought the hydroton was staining my roots. Is it possible everything was laying dormant until I provided the right conditions for it to bloom again? This is some bullshit. This would explain why my last several grows have been lack luster to say the least.


One of the smartest moves I made when I bought the supplies for my current DWC system was getting two bins for each reservoir. That way every week I can use a fresh clean bin and take my time cleaning the bin I just removed. Giving them a few days of dry time in between uses can be a huge help in killing algae, bacteria, etc sometimes.


Absolutely it’s possible.

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water level went down, PPM stayed same
plants are flourishing


Very possible.

You could go sterile with calcium hypochlorite :man_shrugging: That’s what I did and it solved all my root/ph issues. 1lb of poolshock will last a couple years worth of grows if you keep it in a sealed container.



Heck yeah. Run sterile in DWC or RDWC. Saves a lot of these issues.


Keep the PPM stable, any time I have diverged over 150 PPM from my baseline PPM I have had roots die on me… hydro roots don’t like large PPM shifts, it causes them to burst from too high an osmotic pressure. Any time my roots have looked like this I used hydroguard and they came back within 2-3 days, now I just add a little in every rez change


@lightyear I like that. I’m gonna buy a second barrel. I think the plan of action is also to trash all of the hoses and pop apart all of the Tee and 90 fittings and all the rubber grommets and soak all of those. Break down the pumps as far as they will go and run them unobstructed in bleach. Just plain bleach. For days.

@HolyAngel I went the pool shock route. I think my shit was too far gone for it to be any help. I think if I start my grows using the shock as a preventative, we might be in action.


The calcium hypochlorite changes to hypochlorous acid in hydro ph ranges. It can get used up really fast if there’s bacteria and stuff to sterilize in the water column. You can double up dosages or repeat the standard dose daily until things get back in line. Then can taper off to every 2 or 3 days again.


There’s a great new episode of growcast podcast talking all about the levels of oxygen in your water and how that’s really the cause of “overwatering”, it’s more a lack of oxygen in the water than too much water.
Water without enough oxygen for the roots will drown the plants. Could be what happened,
Either way it’s a great episode and something I’d never really known or about until now.
I had some trouble with my plants being watered via blumats and realized it was because my reservoir is in the lung room which is currently about 80-82°, so the plants were only surviving because I was hand watering in water with BTI, plus some nutrients while I was at it, to fight fungus gnats every 2-3 days… :man_facepalming:


Nice. I didn’t really understand how all of that worked so I really probably didnt go hard enough with it in the first place. Thanks for that little bit of insight man.


This time of year I’ll run pool shock. It’s a gram of the powder per gallon for stock solution, then 1 oz per 5gal of nutrients solution. I’m working under the assumption it’s good for years sealed.

If HA uses a different concentration I’m changing my answer.

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Thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to look for it. I’m still a few episodes behind, halfway through the Jodry episode

Nah that sounds about right to me ^^