Roots turned brown overnight (SOLVED: kelp in Floralicious Plus)

Use this chart mix to half strength as suggested for RDWC or DWC. These styles of hydroponics do not like high amounts of nutrients or Kelp so no Floralicious plus. I’m at my brothers house so I took a pic of his nutrient line. This is what he runs aswell. The bottle with no label is hydro guard. Running MOAB only during week 6 of flower. Optional but can help flowering finish up a little quicker.

Some are more prone to staining than others. These two plants are the same strain, using the same nutes. The difference in my situation is the darker roots belong to a lighter feeding pheno. This is an early sign she’s being overfed slightly. She’s healthy… it’s fine. But it’s still a sign to dial nutes back just a pinch.

Botanicare Pure Blend, by the way. Just grow and bloom. NO EXTRA STUFF!!! YOU DON’T NEED IT! Grow for grow, bloom for bloom. No mixing, no part a and b, etc. I honestly can’t understand for the life of me why more people don’t steer first timers to Botanicare. It’s literally so easy a caveman can do it. :green_heart:



One plant can not consume 10 gallons of full strength nutes in a week. Or 5. I feed my sequoia of a cannabis plant one gallon a week, and the reservoir is half full when it’s time to change. ZERO yellowing plus signs of overfeeding.


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I feed maxibloom the whole grow. It’s pink, and will pink them a little, but not like this and the florabloom.

My nutrient regime: ahem


Thank you.

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I use UC Roots and then I am currently feeding with Canna Aqua A&B. I use the UC Roots every reservoir change, about 300ml, I’m using 13G buckets. The stuff is not cheap but I’ve had zero issues since I started using it so there’s about zero chance I’ll be changing that part up. I use different notes all the time to see what the plants prefer the most. Some grow very leafy, some grow very trichome rich, and some do a great all around job. I grow outdoor, indoor, soil, soilless, and a couple versions of hydro in my search for the best shit I can possibly grow. I have Aspergers so I don’t mind…lol.
Glad you figured out the issues, it can be challenging at times no doubt.
Roots are much whiter than they appear;


Is that a Fallponic system from PA Hydroponics?

Yep, I bought it when he first started making them. Bad ass system.

I would like to get one, but AC Infinity moved the lower port on their new tents. I’d have to make some modifications to the plumbing for it to fit.
Are you running a water chiller, too?

Yeah, I have a 1/4hp chiller. Keeps the water at 68ºF consistently, it’s plenty big for my 4 pot setup. The temp display on the chiller and my Bluelab Guardian is always the same.
I can’t remember what cheap tent I’m using, it’s a hundred dollar 5x5 that’s been around for 8 years or so. I’d just cut it and Gorilla tape it back together. Mine is in the garage so aesthetics aren’t an issue.

I used PA Hydro’s setups as a base to design my system. I opted to skip the recirculation, but his lids are really great!! I’ve actually been trying to find an elegant and sturdy way to copy his flip top feature on my DIY lids. One day I’ll get the motivation to do it.

Really smart design using an inverted p trap too!! Very simple, yet effective.