Round 1 mini fridge grow

Just a little update. Day 7 of CS treatment (sprayed in the morning at lights on and at night just before lights off) and day 4 of 12/12 lighting. I’m kinda liking the silver sheen on all the leaves haha


Day 14 of silver treatment. I’m losing faith in the CS I got from amazon. I’ve been soaking this prick 2-3 times daily and it just keeps pumping out female parts lol, it does not seem to be taking the shit kicking all the other plants I’ve seen either. So tommorow I will find some silver and make my own.


Keep spraying, I didn’t think it was working either but It takes a while. Also the pollen sacks on my reversed plant actually came out of the calyxes so it was hard to tell early on.


Oh I definetly plan on continuing lol no going back now. But I’m starting to run low on CS so I figure instead of risking more amazon stuff that is brown because of “protein” (first review said " made me a bunch of feminized seeds"…) I may aswell spend about the same on a chunk of silver and make my own.


I suggest wearing gloves, they’re cheap and easily available on Amazon


Lol are you referring to the dirty ole mechanic hands?


Yeah keep going, in another week or so you should see results. You only need to spray once a day though. :+1::seedling:

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The buds are getting kind of lumpy looking lol. Not sure if that means anything

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Got my hands on some silver.


For future reference… if anyone is looking for silver and reads “the cheapest pure silver is the canadian maple leaf coin” that is a lie… I have a 1/4oz coin coming for the mint for approx 24$ … I got this 1oz bar of 99.99 for 26$ from a gold/silver guy

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Does this look like shes turning into he? I believe his balls are forming lol


It’s working! Balls for sure

Lol awesome… just in time to drop pollen while I’m on vacation lol

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Go figure right! Assuming you’re wanting to collect some to save. I wouldn’t worry, when I reversed an auto last year it kept dropping fresh pollen for several weeks, you won’t miss a thing.

Awesome, yea I was hoping to have it collected and the male thrown out before leaving, ohwell… I’ll just let it go hard and knock up everything in there


So I just got back from holidays and luckily my he/she didnt blow its load while I was gone. The pollen balls seem to be cracking open, is now the time to clip them and let them dry, or give it a little longer?

Hes also growing a nice fat bud on top… too bad it’s been sprayed with silver lol


First bunch of pods plucked. Pretty sure the fridge is already doused in pollen, theres some thick “dust” in there that I’ve never noticed so I’ve turned the mini fan back on and am letting it go wild


Update on my little seed factory. Reversed plant on the right. Female on the left. And the little diesel auto clone getting slivered in the bottom.

The auto clone was clipped from one of my outdoor autos just as it was showing sex (week before they got stolen). I’ve been spraying it with silver since it was cut. Doubt it will do much but whatever


They’re filling out nicely… I was worried that maybe there wasnt any pollen getting to the female (even though theres a fan blowing directly to it) because obviously I cant see the pollen… then I touched s leaf, lol most definetly pollen flying in there


To any of you experienced ones… do these look like the start of seeds or round 2 of pollen balls

Entire plant was slivered so I’m assuming more pollen