We’re going back to college with the micro shoe rack grow

Alright so here’s the deal. I wanted a little multi purpose experimental micro grow as something to pass the time. Now, I wanted to put myself into the mindset of a burnt out, broke sophomore in college. Okay, I have no money, no space, and nothing else that’s gone help me out on this journey. So I dug into the boxes in the attic to see what I could find as far as equipment goes. I found 2 75w LED flood lights, 2 clamp fixtures, a 3 way outlet splitter, and a mechanical timer. Total approximate cost, $60 :wink: off to a good start. I already had some red solo cups on hand but I think I bought a pack of 50 for $1 at the dollar store. Also an aluminum turkey pan for $1 as well. Next, the cheapest soil I could find. Now, my first idea was to just go into the woods and get some decent wild dirt but I didn’t like the idea of possibly having too much or too little of one nutrient or the other. So instead I went to Lowe’s and got some Miracle Grow “organics” or whatever the hell they tell you it is. Never really thought I’d ever use this for my cannabis but oh well. So if I had to buy everything and I didn’t already have the lights and timer, the total cost would have been like $75? Something like that. So anyway, now it’s time for the seeds. Now if I was actually a broke college student, I would use some good ole fashioned bagseed. But in this case, I planted 3 Tomahawk (GG#4 x Stardawg) and 3 Raindance (Deadhead OG x Stardawg) we’re something like 25 days from seed and I’ve already culled 1 of each. So we’re down to 4 plants. If it weren’t already obvious, this is a 12/12 from seed grow. No room or time for veg. The reason I chose these strains instead of the more heavy duty indicas is because sativas do way better on a 12/12 from seed grow because sativas are closer to the equator where the light cycle is already 12/12 from seed so they’re used to it.


I’ll tag along. Best of luck to you!


This is currently what the plants look like this morning. Two in the back are Tomahawk and the two in the front are Raindance. Little bit of N toxicity and you can see the poison pellets in the soil so obviously it’s not organic lmao. But it’ll be fine. Temps cruising at 75 and humidity is just perfect. We’ll just see what happens fellas.


Thank you man, hopefully this works lol. It would be really cool to see


@HandleBars hi bro
I’ve used the MG soil in a pinch add more perlite when you up pot for better drainage
And you can make a cheap carbon filter check out utube for a dyi filter
Order control is a must


We’re going all natural baby, no odor control at all :joy: most I’ll do is dryer sheets on the back of a box fan because it’s effective and simple. This is the absolute bare minimum grow. Also it’s low key in my house so idc if it smells or not :joy:


Microwgrowin for the win! Keep it up this is bound to help somebody along the way and it will be a fun experience for you too.

Niiiicely done!



Interested. I will watch. What is the container/environment? Are they enclosed? I have read negatives about the flood light spectrum. Any notes?


I’ve done this “challenge” myself a couple of times. I liked to call it the $250 oz. Challenge. I give myself a budget of $250 for a complete grow box, lights, exhaust, etc. You have to grow at least an ounce (retail price for an ounce here is about $250).

Second hand stores rock for this kind of thing. It’s always fun to experiment. I’ve done several solo cup challenges, a 1’x1’x2’ grow box challenge, and many, many seed testers.


I’m in, sounds like a pretty cool grow. I love it when people can grow dank with spending as little as possible.


Btw for those of you who wanna know, the light temp is 4000k and the total lumens is 2,200 which isn’t optimal but I’m not going for yields here lol. I’m just fucking around. Maybe inspire someone else to try it too. Also the grow area is 18” x 18” x 3-9 feet. It’s a metal shoe rack built into my closet so I can remove or put back the metal shelves if I need more or less vertical space. I’m not gonna need all that vertical space but still, always nice to have lol


Zookies for the next grow? I have 4 of these bagseeds. The weed it came from was really good (although unregulated :wink:) let me know if you’d like for the next micro run to be true and honest bagseed. They probably came from a hermie but that’s okay because 1, guaranteed females and 2, idc about having seeded bud lol


Count me in on the party!!!


Poison pellets? You talking about the perlite or am I missing something?

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Love a wingin it grow. Good luck. I’ll be rooting from the sideline :sunglasses:

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Nah lol I mean like the fertilizer pellets MG puts in their soil

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Aye thanks :pray:t2: I appreciate it


So I wake up and guess what? Two of my plants have sexed :relieved: one of my Raindance is a definite female

And I’m pretty sure the other Raindance is a male but I’m gonna let it ride for a day or two longer to make sure.So far neither of the Tomahawk plants have showed any sign of sex. They’re always slow to the party anyway so I’m not too worried about it.


I’ve been eyeing both of these strains for a minute gonna have to pay attention to this


I was gone for 36 hours and I came back home to discover that I have 2 females. The strongest ones are females thankfully. 1 Tomahawk and 1 Raindance. Which is perfect because I will have 1 plant per light. Time to transplant😌 it’s lights out at the moment, however, so I can’t get pictures or transplant until tomorrow.