Round 1 mini fridge grow

My vote is more pollen balls. You might get some beans on the lower buds. But that’s from my vast experience having reversed one plant :grinning:


You’re definetly right there. They are getting ready to explode lol. Once I have enough to give @weedstruck some I will probably get rid of it. I’ve yet to see any sign of seeds forming and I’ve got another that wants to take up some room in there


Probably will work in your favour


This ones turning into a chunky little girl… I have notice a few seeds starting to develop!

This is the cloned auto that I’m spraying. May transplant to a bigger pot soon lol


Cool, I’m excited to see what comes out of that.


Looking good dude forgot all about your mini fridge build but got some seeds n shit goin on good on ya G

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Honestly I’m surprised everything’s still alive


Haha yeh that’s a good point bro I know @Esrgood4u didn’t get much luck on his first CS/STS round but this time he smashed it.


My 1st attempt failed as I bought a commercial colloidal silver that was supposedly 40ppm. 2nd time around I generated my own. God knows what the ppm level was with the one I made as I just left it running and occasionally passed a laser through the solution to see how well it was working. I stopped generating once I seen the water discolouring. It took 3 solid weeks of spraying before I seen balls forming I literally drowned the plant with the solution then a further week or two before it dumped pollen. :v:


The stuff I bought was weird… brown color with “added protein” lol. It worked though


I made mine myself and it turned brown too. Looks disgusting but does the job.


The stuff I made turned brownish aswell, but the stuff from amazon was thick… like 2%milk kind of thick

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Cool thread and fridge build. What lights are you using for this?
What are the strains?
Very interested in this as I want to make some covert seeds too.

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I’m using 100w equivalent screw in LEDS… Walmart brand, I have 3 of them in there. From what I was told they are pineapple chunk. The auto one is a sour diesel auto.


Sweet, I’m gonna see if I can rig up a stealth grow for seed runs and sexing plants, after seeing this. Thanks for sharing.


No problem,I’ve got another thread throughout the build. Theres a few things I would do different… original plan was to have it inside the house, but the boss waited until I dropped 200 on fan/filter to telk me it has to stay outside… if I knew it was going to live outside I would have set up the ventilation differently! Any questions I’ll try to help


Is it normal for the top bud on my reversed plant to be getting crispy, leaves included. The pollen sacks seem to not be developing any further and just the top bud is kind of crispy. Almost dry enough to smoke type crispy. It’s at 6 weeks and 4 days flowering. The guy I got the strain from says they typically finish in 8-9, so it shouldnt be finished lol


Is it really close to the light?

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It’s currently the furthest away and has been for at least a week. I’ll grab a few pictures

Current lay out.

Crispy pollen bud

When I tweak it to the side a soft green one is growing beneath it, the rest of the plant is green aswell