Rules for making F2 seeds to trade

Like many patented cultivars, they’re clones of a sport. Grow Braeburn apple seeds and most of the plants won’t look anything like the original. Roses too.

Cannabis doesn’t work this way. Everything is very close, genetically speaking. Some plants are naturally less fertile, I guess. I’ve encountered clones that are nearly sterile. But they’ll still make a few seeds, and I’m sure the next generation would probably be just fine. You could find a sterile clone and try to patent it, but I doubt it’d somehow be leaps and bounds better than other clones that freely make seed.

As to why you’re having difficulty, IDK, some plants are very hard to grow from seed, especially ones with tubers/rhizomes Daffodils, Cryptocoryne, etc.

If anyone’s got the specifics on what all these Cannabis breeders allegedly “been doing since the 80’s” to “protect their interests against filial generations” I am all ears.


Can you make a four assed monkey or mongoose?


In a Cannabis forum, people talk about the minutiae of Cannabis. It does get spirited but this seems pretty tame to me. IDK…if you aren’t here to talk in depth about weed whatcha here for?

Ironically, you are actively using social media to complain about social media.


Did you come here just to complain?


Right now the only person acting like that is you?

I mean, here you go.


Actually not really, just 2 threads of the whole site, but seems that you can only focus on the 2 negative ones, and not the rest of the site.


This place is far less poisonous than the rest of the internet. Even the hostile threads are kind of fun.


Interesting, got a question for you, do you think the “sterile” plants/ clones rather than sterile can be polyploid? Hence the lower pollination/ seed number?

Obviously it will be times where the plant is just be sterile, but I have a theory:

I presume that those few seeds you did get on the next generation have the same number of chromosomes that the male and female had. Haploid/haploid or diploid/ diploid ie.

And also if you take that female that isn’t really fertile reverse and cross it by the same plant will have much more success and get a nice amount of seeds.

Is this something that you have tried out?


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Possibly, sure. However I think a lot of people get polyploidy wrong, it’s a word that gets tossed around a lot but I’ve never seen a confirmed polyploid plant. I’m sure they’re out there since Cannabis is so polymorphic and breeding it is such a new endeavor, but 9/10 times someone posts a “polyploid” plant it’s just fasciated. I barely understand polyploidy myself.

I haven’t reversed plants myself yet, just started a few days ago on a clone actually, fems aren’t really usually my thing nor is breeding with infertile/less fertile plants. The whole plant in question I’m referring to only made 30 seeds when entirely pollinated…it was a big plant too. A similar fertile plant would produce thousands. Probably some cool plants in there but I wasn’t interested in furthering something with a noticeable weakness. Wish I had a better answer for ya, maybe someone with more genetics experience/knowledge can chime in.

I suppose it’s possible to find and breed with less or barely fertile plants in the hopes it’ll carry the infertility to anyone trying to “breed F2” but that also boxes the original breeder in with a shit line that can’t make seeds, shoot yourself in the foot type thing, doesn’t make sense at face value. Plus, how’s anyone gonna make a buck with a seed mother than only produces a couple dozen seeds? You’d have to charge $100/seed wholesale.


All I can think of is MAC1 and cap :joy:

And everyone that’s tried it by doing this to that cut, has ended up with the same or even less viable seeds afterwards… I don’t know that it’s polyploid, and none of it’s history would make ya think it is, but it’s definitely an easy example of a mostly infertile plant that people try to breed with anyways and always come back without much success. Like 100 seeds on a 4-5ft plant.


That’s a trait that carried over from the heavily inbred Starfighter grandparent. Whatever the deleterious gene is, must be dominant.

To be fair, tho, he warns everyone about breeding with the MAC. lol

I pollinated a Starfighter with the Vietnam Black s1 pollen from Kiona/DocD and got like 24 seeds, total.


You’re not marketing it right.

“SUPER RARE, EXCLUSIVE and UNIQUE cross! EXTREMELY limited drop and WILL NOT BE reproduced; $200 (price is per seed) tap in fam”


Usage of “Fam” :white_check_mark:
Appeals to rarity :white_check_mark:
Appeals to exclusivity :white_check_mark:
Excessive hype :white_check_mark:
Tell reader not to sleep :x:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Lefty :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Rats, I knew I was forgetting something.


When I bred dogs, we used a flashy boxer with a solid colored mate. Breeding too flashy dogs together will result in white boxers that tend to be deaf
Its the same with paint horses…certain color patterns will produce a leathal white foal which will inly live a few days.
The breeders dont necessarily tell new breeders who show up with money and want to get in the horse business.
How many strains are hermie prone? And how many people share that little tidbit of information?
Its not necessarily a trick t fuck over new breeders but it could develop into that quite easily.
Caveat emptor my friends.


If there is even the slightest intersex trait it’s the first thing I mention.


I would say you are the exception

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I sure hope that’s not the case.

I have a strain that is the most purple I’ve ever seen. And it yields great. But it does throw balls halfway through flower.

Is it worth growing? Maybe. The purple is quite incredible.

I guess people who are in it for dollars might have incentive to be less than honest but I’m just sharing and that includes sharing all the information I can.