Running out of room ...

Sounds just like my wife. I’m the parent with the attitude, if he’s gonna do something he’s gonna do it whether we want him to or not and with cannabis I’d rather have some oversight than him going to the street and also finding lord knows what else.


If your son has been bitten by the cannabis bug… and he digs it… good luck getting him to stop. At least you can stop him from jacking your stash, but stopping him from consuming may prove to be a harder task than first anticipated. From a fathers perspective, hopefully he chooses education first, there’s always time, later, to pick up vices… job permitting.

I remember how I was when I was 17… there was no hiding anything from me in the house, basement, attic, out buildings or property. I knew every nook & cranny that could be a potential hiding spot. Plus, I was 6’7" when I was 17, so hiding anything within my range was found easily.

The first time I tried weed, I loved the way it made me feel… and I knew if I never wanted to run out, I was gonna have to learn to grow my own.

My parents rarely smoked and didn’t have a stash to “borrow” from… so I started growing my own pot at the tender age of 12.

Growing has been a main obsession, (that along with seed collecting and sharing), in my life for forty years now and I probably won’t stop until I die.