Ryasco's Outdoor Photos and Random Thoughts

You feel like doing some traveling do you. :wink:


Travel? MOre like an astral projection with that stuff, itā€™s great. I should tell you stories about Salvia, one time a friend tought/felt he was a part of the wall as if he was inside the mortar you know, he couldnā€™t move, asking for help to get outā€¦


I miss lady salvia so much brother. I cannot wait to reunite with her! Salvia is my second favorite plant:)


I always say, you need a lot of tools in your tool box. Salvia is an awfully powerful tool. :relaxed:


So very powerful. One day ill share the toolbox you speak ofXD i have fun things in there.


It is indeed a powerful tool, but I havenā€™t needed a ā€œwhich way is down and why am I an animated mosaicā€ screwdriver in a number of years.


I like to look at it like a reset on my ego. :grin:

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Salvia is very wonderful. When i first owned a plant i felt so much power comming from the little one. I kept calling me. Every time i would partake. I would be taken to another realm. A completely different realm then we live in now. Ive met lady salvia. Ive been to salvia space. I would love to revisit. It felt like home. I miss it.

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I love this place.

Some California outdoor.


Monstrous stem! Myself being in much cooler area, Iā€™d really like to see strain that would result in this in our cooler climat. How does your regular year ā€œscheduleā€ looks like for these outdoor plants? When do you plant them and harvest usually?

We where a little lazy and didnā€™t get them in the ground until the middle of June i believe. The seeds where started in April i beleive. The times might be a little off i didnā€™t write anything down and i have all my stuff. Most will be harvested around October but there might be an early finisher. There is Girl Scout, Girl Scout X Sorcerors, Goji OG, Mothers Milk and NY Diesel. The Girl Scout and crosses seem to be finishing sooner.


Well that looks like pretty optimal conditions.

Sorry if you answered this else where (just point me there), what soilmix and ferts do you use?


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Master grower soil?

Yea, with the soil we didnā€™t feel the need to add any mixed in. It probably isnā€™t needed but i believe minerals catalyze a lot of reactions in the soil and i think i notice healthier plants when i top dress it. (not scientific :relaxed:)


A nice little shop.

caught a little rainbow trout today. Gutted with a sharp rock. Stuffed with wild herbs and gooseberries and cooked on a rock in a fire. Great munchies. also found a great place for free water. Rain water that runs through a pasture.


You are lucky! That is some beautiful land you have up there. You can bury the fish guts with a chunk of kelp under your next outdoor. Ha! Ha!

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For hippies and the open minded only.

Oh dont worry i got lots of FAA :wink: