Ryasco's Outdoor Photos and Random Thoughts

Have Fiskars; will travel. :joy:


That’s my scissor hash! Ha! Ha! :grin:


Je, je… Vas a necesitar un silo de maíz entero para secar todo eso, je…
Felicidades!!! Y saludos al perro!

Je, je … You’re going to need a whole corn silo to dry all that, je … Congratulations !!! And greetings to the dog!


Thank you MiG! I will give Jasper a treat for you.


A good treat to Jasper!!!


This is Girl Scout Cookies.

It doesn’t have huge buds but they are rock hard and very minty. I am real curious to try it.


These are some Girl Scout and Sorcerers bud shots.

She is a big girl.


I think the pooch will be on his back soon with a stoned grin on his face! LOL


I just wanted to share some neat pictures from today.

Building piles of Purple Wookie.

The Girl Scout is so pretty.

Stacking to the sky.


Here are some random outdoor from today. I have more work than hours in the day so forgive the lack of pictures lately.

The last SA X GS.

A really long flowering Purple Wookie.

Making piles of Girl Scout, hash on the left, smoke on the right.


Here is some regrowth i thought was cool. It is the faster finishing Purple Wookie i already harvested.


Here is a lot of info on LED from Gromau5


Well it is bittersweet but the end of the season is here along with rain. My last two plants are down. They where a second harvested Goji and Purple Wookie.

I sure wish i could make a cannabis plant look pretty in November. Purple Wookie.

Look at this mess!

We knew it might rain so most of the leaves where taken off last night to speed things along. Goji OG.

The second harvest is smaller but well worth it if the plant is vigorous enough.

The Purple Wookie was a big’un.


they look good to me! I like your outdoor space too.


Looks like you have the makings of a nice walking stick there @ryasco! Trim it up sand it down and lacquer it up, put a rubber foot on it and a nice leather strap and you good to go!


That’s a good idea! :grin:


Call it your Wookiee walking stick! Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it!


A University of Colorado scientist first suggested that a geothermal heat source was responsible for regional volcanic activity and a topographic dome feature in the area some 30 years ago. Hélène Seroussi of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said when she first heard the idea, she “thought it was crazy.”

This is a quote from the above story, but the “scientist” nor the author say who the original person was who proposed the hypothesis and was rejected 30 years ago. To me that is horrible journalism.

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Wow i haven’t posted on here for awhile. I had some thoughts bouncing around my head so i thought i would post them here. I hope you enjoy and agree or at least understand.


Patience is something we can all use more of right? If you have ever grown a cannabis plant then you have had to learn to accept the slow tedious pace of nature. No matter how much CO2 you supplement or how bright your lights there is a limit to how much you can push them. If you go over that limit your plants stall or die, then you are left with wasted time and tons of frustration. Growing a plant is a type of meditation. You have to set the plant in a comfortable environment, surrender to its needs, and accept the outcome regardless of expectation or desire.
I feel this is extremely valuable to many people. How many lessons in patience do we get with the instant gratification of smart phones, online ordering, and food at our finger tips in a matter of minutes. Once you have learned to be patient with your plant it rewards you with understanding. You learn all the different shades of green it is capable of, from what did you do to me dark blue to i am ready for the compost pile brown. You get to enjoy the slow dance of its daily routine if you just watch. That is it, just stop and watch. Watch as it wakes up, slowly rising upwards. Twisting its leaves towards the warm light. Moving and shifting avoiding shadows. At its peak pointing every leaf up as high as possible as if in exhaltation. Then as light diminishes it relaxes and slowly bows down welcoming the night. How could you not love such a miracle.
This love and devotion that develops can’t be contained, it has to be shared. Everytime it is shared another lucky being is able to experience this love and joy. It should be shared and even cultivated. That is a large part why i am happy to be a part of OverGrow and thank everyone who is helping to cultivate this joy, love, and lesson in patience.