Ryknows Selections šŸ§¬

Ideally Iā€™d like to get 2 or 3 each going so I have a better shot for a female to flower by end of season on each of em

As for bbd x black cherry

Found one playing peek a boo

So I threw it in a 3 gallon

And 4 more beans in a cup


Step one read instructions in this thread, they are very simple.
By the look of your second post on this site your not the type we need around anyways so see ya :v:


Something tells me none of us are missing out. Gooood luck



Looks like an awesome run, wishing you the best of luck! Hopefully I can run some testers next year when Iā€™ve some more experience and grow space. All the best much love


Experience is not a huge requirement for me as long as theyā€™re run. Itā€™s always nice to see testers in the hands of newers growers lol really puts them through the wringer if you will to see ease of growth. But absolutely let me know if youā€™d like to test down the road.

:arrow_right: P.S. I have updated the list and added two cultivars now from my friend and local growmie @SkunkIE! He has a couple crosses heā€™d like tested as well and we plan to combine forces and to work out some lines and make some creations of our own together! :arrow_left:


Would love to get in on this one :slightly_frowning_face:, but have to be honest and could not meet your criteria at the moment because of prior commitments to test for a few others. Please keep me in mind for future testing. Best of luck to you and all current testers for some GR8 grows. I will be watching for up dates in the background! :partying_face::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Beans are in. Will be goin to paper towel by the weekend. @Rhai88 thanks for the chance to test!

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Absolutelyā€¦ this is going to be quite the journey and there will be fresh crosses popping up down the road so whenever youā€™re ready! Weā€™ll be here!

Glad to hear it! Excited to get this show on the road and see whats up with these crosses! See if we can find some gems! :partying_face:


Here are a few pictures of the Gorilla Oozie.
These photos are from the first test run where I let the humidity, light intensity and temperature fluctuate trying to see how stable the cross was, with no herms found on this run. 2 Females from 10 Seeds this run. Week5 Flower

Gorilla Oozie #1 (Blueberry Gorilla pheno) Gorilla Oozie #2 . Here is the most current run going on atm in the middle of Week 5


Thatā€™s some fine looking buds you grow there @SkunkIE ā€¦glad @Rhai88 forced me to sign up for his giveaway! :smile:

Welcome to the greatest grow forum this side of Neptune.


Would love love love to test a few of these crosses they all sound friggin fantastic. Space wont allow for @ 45/60 days or so (hopefully) Im 3 weeks into flower on a test for another OG. Could get some going outside but would rather test indoor for a fair review with this coming heat. Hopefully will get a shot in the near future.

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haha you know how I doā€¦

Just let us know brotherā€¦ always down to share some love.


You know Iā€™m down!!!


Decide to to drop a few seeds to check on germination for Blueberry Diesel F2 x Black Cherry seeds.

After a 12 hour soak in straight RO water and 24 hrs in the paper towel Iā€™m happy to see 17 of 23 seeds have germinated. I suspect Iā€™d get more if I let them go longer.

Canā€™t wait to see what people start finding.


Looking forward to these brother!

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I may not be testing these for this test run doesnā€™t mean I didnā€™t look at my calendar trying to squeeze it in. So anybody who can should think about it. Loveing this single negans bat Iā€™m about to harvest in 1-2 days when the soil drys out.

Thanks @Rhai88 for all you do for OG will be starting 5 of each NB and BBD after the new year.


I really do like this plant you grew out. Structure wise its exactly what I like. I know Iā€™ve mentioned it to you before but the sparse but massive satellite dish leaves. Taller and more lanky. Great node spacing. I canā€™t wait for you to try sampling herā€¦ keep me updated! :wink: Canā€™t wait to see more grown out! Thanks for putting up these pics @Jimdoors

A good buddy of mine just got done with his harvest of two excellent females. He brought me some samples and manā€¦ this cross did not disappoint. Both girls were very claming and relaxed in effect and not quite couch lock but definitely what I call an afternoon / after work smoke.



What u doing with all those seedlings?
I figured out what was going on with my germination issues, last year I put soil cups outdoor, this year I had em inside. Well to much moisture was staying in my cups and the seeds would pop and die being choked out unless they were towards the top.

Dialing in a new area and already the simplest shit going wrong


Was just checking germination really. Usually Iā€™ll pop around 20 every time I make a batch of seeds just to see whatā€™s up. @SkunkIE mentioned coming over to grab a few to throw outdoors.

For right now Iā€™ll only be running autos within the next few months. while I wait on this grow space to be finished.

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Maybe I should grab a few too.

So far all I have up are 3 bbb x bbd, 2 nagens bat, and 1 bbd x bc

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