S1 seed question

Query about making S1

I grew a seed last year and found a great plant. I hunted down another pack of seeds but didn’t find a pheno that was similar to the one I originally grew. I did find 2 great plants though very different to what I was looking for.

If I make s1 seeds with one of both of those plants, is there still a chance I can find something similar to what I was originally looking for? Or will the s1s be all leaning towards the plants I made those seeds from.


is there a chance? yes
how likely? no one knows. depends on how stable the linage is.
good luck


Well judging by how different all the phenos I’ve seen are I don’t think it’s incredibly stable. The 5 plants I’ve grown look absolutely nothing alike


always keep a clone.
if you pop enough seeds, it might show up again.


Yeah it was one of the first plants I grew and was just a freebie. That was how I learned to always Clone


My best plants are always the ones I never took a clone of. :persevere:


How about when you find the pheno you want make pollen and then you can pollinate the next pheno that you like?


Yeah sure I’m just wondering what the chances are of finding a pheno similar to one I found a c years ago in S1s of a completely different pheno

Unless you know the strain its a long shot

If it was unstable and not using said pheno on your first and second crossing likely hood to find the same would be quite low, now something similar and selecting those that express what your looking for and continuing on with them could you find something pretty close or better id say yes and go for it and ill shuffle my chair over from your journal thread or keep it there to watch :wink: .

Also figure that whats typically in ones memory about reasons why said plant was so great kinda builds over time, also different grow environment if any also changes outcome as well so unless you still have samples and photos ect what one may remember is likely different than what it was.


You could find something similar yes if it’s the same genetics. Maybe even better than what you found but you need To pop many s1’s.
The 5 different phenos means the line hasn’t been worked for like example deep chunk. If you make s1’s of deep chunk you’ll likely get plsnts exactly or close to deep chunk because it’s been highly worked. Getting different phenos in s1’s just means it hasn’t been worked. Unstable to me mean’s hermaphroditism which you don’t really want


canvyou not beter look for a male of those plant
with to much pheno’s i think its a first cross
when you can get a male of the same you first can stabelias them
and whenbyou find what you whant tham make s1 good luck with it

I’ll say probably not but forget it & move forward. :v: How many plants can you run is the question…if you’re popping 10 at a time then goooooood luuuuuck! but 1000, then maybe.

Huge caveat: there are other members way more expert on this :blush:


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S1 of an unworked line hmm…

Depends how many traits you’re looking for. A few traits, looks and high for example, chances are :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The whole 9 yards, a copy. Chances are :grimacing: :cry:

Yeah? Yeah.


Yeah, I wasn’t exactly surprised to see the variation given when I looked up the strain on grow diaries they all looked pretty different and I didn’t see any that looked like the one I found. I think it was a unicorn :frowning: the ones I have now look great but that unicorn I found was so unique.


Unicorns often have double recessive in their genetics makeup, somewhat rare in itself. But then breeding towards that using s1s of a 2nd and 3rd plant is a major crapshoot…

Honestly I’d look in the f2 gen for rare birds


Exactly what he said :point_up:t2:


Phenos will vary between the two “parents”. If the pheno your searching is unlike the parents but still deeper in the lineage its possible just would take some deeper hunting


I mean I’m sure whatever I find will be amazing, nothing but good reports about the strain
I’m just wondering if i can find that unicorn again in s1s l, or something better/entirely different to the s1 mother

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You could self em and cross em too … I’ve always been terrible at getting clones to root so I’ve had to reveg a lot

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