SAN checking in @ OG

I apologize for this but I’m afraid I don’t understand the first paragraph about “releasing backwards” and your seed releases. I remember when they became available at the store, I’m out of the loop, did something not go as planned?


HIS GOAL in THAT breeding was BOUDICA, his prize . He did NOT release it first however, but released the “steps” to achieve Boudica first. Chucky’s Bride and Holy Princess. The crowd went NUTS for both of them, for damn good reason too. Boudica was released to a poor showing…folks not understanding the JEWEL is BOUDICA, not Cb n HP.

I have Boudica seed, and love her…but as i said above i would give my left nut for F1 Holy Princess seeds.


Holy princess x heriuna for half a nut ? The clown should have straight up holy princess seeds .


No way…not F1’s maybe his redo’s


I know he was crossing everything with holy princess a few years back he would of got seed from esko to start I’m thinking.


csn you message him and see if he has F1 HP’s…if so ill buy, cut you in


I’ll get back to you asap


You mean these???:wink: These ones are not for sale but I will keep you in mind once F2’s/Crosses are ready. And no left (or right) nuts will be required :rofl::rofl::rofl:


i wonder who bought all those holy princess F2 i put up in SH, lol?
(still got those HP-crosses that were made with those F1-males.)

i doubt that anyone other than esko himself has the HP as original F1-seed
from back then in the amount needed to make shares. but repros should be
around … and hopefully plenty of people do that :slight_smile: the more different F2’s,
the better (as it creates a higher chance it gets made F3 and even more can
enjoy her).

in my experience the HP reliably inherits all that we love about her.
so, it doesn’t matter what generation growers get access to, imo.
it just rocks.

maybe esko recreates her someday, but i think that won’t happen.
it’s up to us to keep it around and make it immortal … :wink:


btw, @saxo
how is that “special sauce” treating you, bro?
please learn me about taste/smell/effects? :slight_smile:


Smell &Taste is verry goood,but without special notes,imo. kushy-berry with a lil hind of sour(citrus/lime?) in da back. sadly i´m not that good in describeing aromas and effects on weed.
after 2months cure the aroma is less intensive than after harvest,i´d say. but now it smokes pretty smooth…very yummy,if you ask me. great stuff to start a day-off with and excellent choice to watch movies or doku´s

Good Job as always,Brudi

right now we´re sprouting some of the Strawberry Rhazzmatazz…can´t wait :smiley:

  • GDP F3
  • Mac Daddy (= MAC x GDP)
  • Purple Wands (SanSour x GDP)
  • Blackeyed Larry (Ghost/Larry x GDP)

…that sounds great as well :yum:


Loved the mac daddy. The plants are relatively short and don’t stretch much so I’d keep that in mind. I have 2 phenos that were my fav one more mac leaning at least looks wise with a crazy fruit punch candy/ fuel smell and the other one looks more gdp very purple frosty af grapey lavender soapy complex smell hard to describe but it’s dank :stuck_out_tongue: and I don’t even like lavender lol.

The strawberry razz is also really nice. I just ran out of mine :frowning:

@santero I’ve noticed the past year or 2 that there’s a few people that will buy tons of packs when they’re released on seedheaven and then later on they’ll end up being sold second hand for much more than they bought them for. Might have to eventually start putting purchase limits per customer or something. There’s actually some “big breeders” that use SH but never give credit for it either. It’s def a not so hidden gem anymore. I get selling seeds to make some money back in times of need but selling them for like 3x or more what you paid is shady to me.

I’m also still smoking the special sauce. Out of my 3 phenos the second one is my fav. 2 of them are grapey (turning to cherry now) kush / berry. The one I like is kushy (like woody/sweet pine), roasted coffee beans, burnt rubber bit of fuel and a bit of that grapey/berry smell but very faint compared to other 2. This one is more body heavy than the other 2 which are more heady (but still with some body)

I find it interesting that the weird “grapey” smells I get in the chewie crosses turn into more of a “black cherry” smell over time. I noticed this with my snow throwers too (I much prefer the cherry too but it also comes when the fuel smell is dissipating) Prob in part from being opened to much.


It’s a good one I’ve been smoking it almost dally

Your going to enjoy that one

I have chuckys bride i still run I believe that there f3 I made by now but I need to do a seed run only a few left
I believe I have f2 and f3 but only a few of each
Maybe I’ll run all of them and see what they come up with

I’ll definitely run them next run thanks for reminding me lol

Wish I had HPand Boudica , I missed the opportunity


Same here, I missed both. I have Chucky’s Bride that Beachbud made and I had a wonderful plant last time I grew it. I have a cross or two with Boudica but haven’t grown them yet. I still have a pack of Aztec Rain from @eskobar that’s been untouched, too. So little time…


And too many seeds :rofl:


i still have around 5 chucky’s bride original seeds from back then in the fridge and others from esko.

Does anyone know and maybe have some pictures of the shiva99 esko put out as freebees years ago?


I’m getting older and my brain is doing its own thing. I have a memory of this but can’t place it, what year was Boudica released?



Lol, I didn’t actually buy them “all”… But I definitely did grab a couple packs :+1: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:


ha, then they are in great hands, bro :sunglasses:

be my hero and make F3 whenever you get to them, please.
let’s get everybody have a chance to enjoy this great weed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


seedheaven does sell seeds, so i don’t think ken needs
to change anything, just because my stuff sells out fast.
it’s not a loss for me, just because i could have sold it for
more money … that, really, is just not important to me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

the few people that re-sell my work are obviously in need
of the funds (greed is also a need) and that is absolutely
fine by me.

i even saw people selling seeds that i gifted out in the past.
if they generate money people need, then i helped them.

this way everyone wins and nobody loose anything :wink:
that’s the way i do look at it …


most people know by now that i am approachable and prefer to share.
so, whoever pays for those expensive packs, may have heard of me, but
just doesn’t know about that yet. i hope people understand over time that
they can just talk to me.


Man, I’d love it if he made those f3!!! :grin: :tongue: :100:

:v: :peace_symbol:


Selling out fast and one person buying 5-10+ packs of a 15-20 pack one time release is different in my eyes haha especially if they plan on scalping it (which seems more popular these days) a lot of people end up missing out on certain shit because they weren’t literally sitting on the website the first 15 mins the stuff was released. It’s not just for SH it’s actually a lot of places now. I wont even bother trying to get “limited” stuff anymore because it’s next to impossible with some breeders. Other seedbanks have had to implement similar things for limited stuff because of people who do that ruining it for the rest them.

I gave away one of my 2 packs of meridian I bought because so many people didn’t get the chance to buy any and wanted some. I bet some of these are gonna pop up for relatively expensive down the road

I’ve always limited my purchases of rare or uncommon shit to 2 packs. 1 for backup in case I fuck up. Leave the rest for other people to have a chance too. Did I want to buy every single pack of holy princess f2 and lemon thai IX when they were released because I knew they were gonna be gone right away? Hell yeah but I don’t think that’s very fair personally. I’ve had tons of opportunity during my crackhead days of refreshing seed sites like 10x a day and being the first person to purchase some limited stuff :rofl:

I do admire your positivity and generosity though. I’m kinda a negative mofo sometimes lol. You’re a rare one in the seed biz lol and I actually look up to the way you do things in a lot of ways. If I ever start making seeds I’ll be selling them for dirt cheap / giving them away when I can too. And soon enough maybe even clones.

You can really tell when some people actually have passion for something they love because money is not the main goal. I wish this industry wasn’t so “seedy” :crazy_face: