SAN checking in @ OG

@CanuckistanPete Yeah, I know. Sometimes i don’t know what I’m smelling or if I smell something at all. :relaxed:
Thank you though, they are on my list of stuff to grow next. Atm, I’m doing kushes, oranges and grapefruit :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


10 Berry Patch up and running, again thanks for the generosity especially after what happened with what I sent. There are some great looking crosses in this thread, just reading about the Mac Daddy makes my mouth water!!


my apologies for the lack of posts lately …
busy with the wife and other parts of the family.

but nevermind, ey … :slight_smile:
those plants all look really beautiful !!

your pics @CanuckistanPete are the first ones i see from
tropical freeze outside her home. hope you like the smoke, bro.
that branching with those higher tops comes from the mother.
the sanfune-father brings in all sweet and fruity sensations :wink:

mate, that’s so cool … the budstructure shows their relation very well.
it’s so cool to see and also read about how the cheetos influenced the
carcass skunk. both have the exodus cheese as a mother, so the reek-
intensity comes from her. that BO is from the CS, the kushy part came
from a specific sour-leaning male that i used for this line :cowboy_hat_face:

ooh, berry patch. i was asked about those a lot after a while.
(will you maybe make some f2, bro? that would be so cool!)
*fingers crossed *

please don’t feel excluded … just join the fun, mate.
i am pm away & still have enough to throw around, lol.


thanks to all of you for accepting my gifts and sending good vibes.
many thanks to everyone else too for supporting us so much !!

if anyone feels like growing some of mine, feel free to hit me up.


Update on @santero s Tropical Freeze…not as photogenic without the support :grin:


wow, that looks majestic, haha :slight_smile:
how are the smells on that lady?


just woke up and started my day.

this is what i see every morning when waking up, haha.

(and this is the 2nd thing i see every morns, lol.)


I was so inspired by your pic and description of @SamwellBB Blood orange x GG4 that I went straight out and bought some. They’re already in the soil!
I didn’t know you so I’ve been moseying thru your thread and am duly impressed.
I tip my hat to you and your creations.
Peace and vibes.


i am indeed a fan and big supporter of baked beanz.
@SamwellBB 's seeds are killergood (!!)

his wedding cake/gelato x dosidos, blood orange/glue-variant,
purple poison cookies and wifi x face off bx2 have also left a
very good impression on me.

all parents are noticable in his varieties.
to me that’s always a good sign for a great seedmaker. he has
good taste in genetics and has a clever way to recombine for
enhanced expressions in his work.

i just started some of his (EDIT) frosted cobra and already know it will rock :yum:


Berry Patch, all been topped and will probably flip the lights in a few more days. I love the symmetry you get from topping seed plants!


Last pics of Tropical Freeze before she met the guillotine.


What a fox!

You both are fortunate to have each other… really beautiful how much you love her.

(And those stickers are awesome :star_struck:)


Starting a second run of Cheetos and Dead Whabbits, first time round the stretch was way too much and I ran out of overhead space. This time, little to no stretch at all.


@santero a few pics of your incredible Tropical Freeze at day 50(ish). Can’t wait to try this out.


thank you for posting those, mate. they look delicious :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :yum:
enjoy these buds, my friend. and hit me up in case i may share
some love more later on.


dear guys and ladies,
i need a little help to find out how send me this pigeon.

they contain some really great lines like cap junky,
motorbreath #15, pine tar gush and a few more …

who may i address my sincere thanks to, please?
this bird just seriously made our day over here !! :slight_smile:


Think @TopShelfTrees1 sent it?


a-HA … i was waiting on some of his and if that’s the case, then WOW.
he just blew my mind with these extremely nice genetics :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :partying_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

MATE, if that’s your pigeon, then let me tell ya …


MB15 and PTG sound like what @shag’s been sounding out lately… though it could easily be that TST passed them on from him, or I could just be confused. Stranger things have definitely happened. :wink:


I know I just got a card with that RSVP on it from top shelf myself so that’s my thought ^^


Yezzir that was me brother. There’s another one headed your way as well as I sent another 4-5 days after as well. My pleasure brother.


that´s a great lookin lady :yum:


Just popped some of your m39 x sour diesel iblsantero, very excited for these plants