SAN checking in @ OG

my soil is strong and i almost never amend on the go.
so, the dark green is normal on most plants in my grows
when in this stage :wink: many show that rubbery, dark green
and develop from there.


What soil is that? I realize now you do now explain much whatā€™s your growing style for an eskobar afficionado :smiley: Iā€™ve noticed too your plants were always on the dark side of the leaves, a bit like JAWS


i re-use my soil and re-beef it with neemcake,
alfalfa powder, guano, wormshit and other stuff.

i use hubey or guanokalong or biobizz pre-mix sometimes too.
plagron had one too, but i never tried that yet ā€¦ it works great,
but is a bit expensive. itā€™s better to just buy the single ingredients
and make your own nute-mix.

neem takes care of buggers and feeds some NPK.
triacontanol is provided by alfafla powder in the soil.
a ā€œchitoā€-boost comes from crushed insect shells
the guano provides extra P when needed ect.

most of the time it comes out a tiny bit too ā€œhotā€, but thatā€™s
okay since i donā€™t like to amend too much while they stand
in flower :wink:

it all fits to each other, but it took a little while to find the right individual mix.
everyone need to do that themselves, tho ā€¦ becuase different starting soils
give room for variation in the results. so i canā€™t just say ā€œtake two parts of this
and mix it with three part of thisā€ or so ā€¦ sorry :grin: you need to experiment
(or just use one of the mentioned ready to use products, and pay a bit more.)


i am NOT a master grower, btw (and dunno why people assume that :laughing:)
because sometimes i really FUCK up my plants extra-spectacular too, lol.


oi, nice !! those are the second version of SFV/Fune.
those were made with the actual SFV clone only :wink:

the first version i made before that, was made with the (much better)
SFV OG Bx3 lady, that i found in seeds that chaco send my way, but
i lost that specific pheno, so i used the SFV clone only as substitute,
which resulted in a bit different results. i made those two versions al-
most at the same time, lol.

Valley of Death v1 = SFV Bx3 X Sanfune (F2-male)
Valley of Death v2 (aka. ā€œFatal Strikeā€) = SFV clone x SF-F2 male (same dude)

the clone only was a bit finicky to grow for me ā€¦ so, i kept the BX3pheno.
she rooted faster, had the same smell/taste/effects, but a bit better yield
with the same flotime ā€¦ same reason why i kept ghost og s1 and not the
clone only too. those clones are too old, imo, very weak to root and finicky
to grow. as long as i find same results or better in the s1 ā†’ i go with that.
i noticed that it makes for better seeds in the result, stronger/healthier ect.

the inheritance is important for me to make seeds :wink:
not the expression (which does not necessarily inherit).


anyhoo, iā€™m growing out the ā€œfatal strikeā€ right now.
letā€™s compare those to your ā€œvalley of deathā€, bro :slight_smile:
i have 3 phenos going into flower in the coming week.


Not throwing names like ā€œmaster growerā€ at you donā€™t worry! :laughing: I believe every growers even the most experienced do mistakes sometimes anyway.

Was just wondering if you were organic or chemicals or what.

Sure there canā€™t be one recipe, sounds like you have a good take on how to reamend a soil for your needs still.


Sanā€¦ Fatal Strike! Valley of Death! Rad crosses, and truly amazing names!


i checked my notes and mate :slight_smile: ā€¦ i did send you the v2 too, ha.
= SFV Bx3 Pheno #4 x Sanfune (Fast Fune F2-red berry candy male)

this one turned out way better than the other one despite s1 and such.


@Santero, we will compare pics & notes.


Fun times, glad all is still going!


pm send :wink:


oh the black eyed lary is still around? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


yeah ā€¦
pm send (lol) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
now i am out, tho.


verdammt! :slightly_frowning_face:


@santero just wanted to thank you again for sharing the Meridian Haze with me. I grew a lot of legendary strong plants this past summer and she was definitely one of the strongest, most enjoyable highs of the lot. I culled a couple of MH males early on, and am kicking myself for doing so. I suspect my jar of MH will empty the quickest. Thanks again. :grinning:


i noticed the c5bx2 (aka. meridian haze) making a big impact ā€¦
gonna make sure that i have some more next year for all of you.

the pure meridian haze should never be sold, itā€™s the c5 as a gift
for the community. meridian 2.0 (= Bx3) will also show soon :wink:


until then i can only recommend to check out my friend prismaā€™s
gear. his work with my humble creations is really impressive so far.

f.e. his ā€œBlue Glue Hazeā€ = Lavender/True Blueberry X C5 Haze Bx2-male




itā€™s his own picture, i just copy it from the interwebs :slight_smile:
he also made a sowah/meridian and is working a bx of
karmaā€™s zizinana ā€¦ he is quite the busy fella *woot *


Speaking of Meridian Haze, @Swe-can was awesome enough to send me a 5 pack a year or two ago. I just soaked them a few days ago andā€¦ (sorry for the color)

here we are, 5 comin up(unlabeled) :heart_eyes:
Itā€™s the 3 along the right wall and two going left-to-right through the middle ^^
I didnā€™t even store these correctly :sweat_smile:
They accidentally sat NEXT to my seed fridge for like a year+. Still damn good vigor Iā€™d say! I didnā€™t have to de-shell anything at all. He sent me 5 Choco trip too but only one of those have popped a tail so far in the same time frame :thinking:
Should be exciting soon :grin:


ooh, very nice @HolyAngel :slight_smile: i just flipped some meridian over here.
along with the wifi x chocolate thai, sfv x fune, sssdh ojd x lemon larry ect


Any of this still around? Canā€™t believe I didnā€™t have this thread on watch already. Will be following along. All the best mate