SAN checking in @ OG

i did not grow the cross myself yet and hoped for some
feedback by sharing it out to as many as possible :wink:

the yeti f2 was from loompa’s own f2-seeds (shared via solid air on seedshare).
i gifted those seeds to a friend and he selected a very nice lady from those beans.
i was blessed with the opportunity to grow her as well and i liked her too :slight_smile:

let me show you the pictures i was shown of the selecta, because i didn’t make any myself.
she yields very nice for a yeti, as i understand that those usually don’t yield that super-great.

i’ll ask my friend to tell a little about her himself (or at least tell me.)
he grew her more often and has more experience with his own find.


She looks very greasy, kind of like a coarse sand paper. What’s the high like?


Hi there,

i recognize this yeti :sweat_smile:
she’s out of my garden, and she’s a real survivor…get the f2 from @santero and grown them, but had full hermies…not a single male or female stable, some early, some later…i hadn’t any other blooming room on so i kept all the plant untill harvest, at the harvest when i was trying to brew the buds to make icehash(allbuds was full seeded so no way i keep that for smoke ^^)i found one lady that had a particular strong odor, she wasn’t the most beautifull but was really pugnent…so i decided to run the clone of her one time to see if i can manage or not her hermie tendancies…and know what ? i never see a banana on her after that…lol
she’s a very nice lady but like all nice lady she’s hard to manage, she have tendancies to start blooming in 18/6 as soon as she’s stressed a little, or dont have room for her roots ^^

here are a few more pictures of her:


haha, i hear you about hermies in those loompa’s …
i grew some “miami white” and had only herms too :frowning:
(maybe they are made for outdoors? this would explain
why they are a bit problematic inside for a few peops.)

the yeti stood twice in 3,5 liters and looked exactly like your second picture.
really nice smoke, thank you for letting me have a peek too, my friend :slight_smile:


did you allready grown the cross of her ? who’s daddy did yu used on her ? any picture ?
i plan to cross her aswell, just in case i loose her(she’s very hard to keep on a long therm period, without taking new clone evey 2/3months)…don’t know what i will used but i think i will try biker kush i just buyed from kg and that faceoff bx i was offered by a nice guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but before this she will be hit by Sour Bubble bx, just because i have pollens allready :sweat_smile:


i did hit her in my second run with some pollen from sour cindy (riri x c99)
and let her go after that. i have not grown the cross yet myself, but shared
it out to a lot of people here and there since then.

my friend @neogitus grew the other cross (wedding
cake x sour cindy) and found some really nice plants.
no further feedback yet.

those face off bx2 f2’s are from @SamwellBB
his selections are really amazing and absolutely reliable.
you always can be sure that good stuff pops up, if sam made them (!!) :sunglasses:


I’ve been so bad with uploading pics this time around. I took some quick lazy pics this morning of my fav pheno of the wedding cake x sour cindy.

Pics don’t really do the bud justice, wasn’t my best grow but this pheno is one of my fav things I’ve grown from you, and I’ve grown a lot at this point :stuck_out_tongue: It’s like sprite/blueberry/a bit floral/ a touch of fuel. Tastes awesome in a j and in the volcano. Smoked some last night was pretty high. Smell the bag every time open it.

I thought I was crazy for smelling blueberry in it and when I was looking at wedding cake if you go far back enough generations there’s actually a blueberry cross in it’s makeup. Guess I’m not so crazy after all, maybe a bit lol.

I had 3 different females. One of em also has that sprite like smell but some other stuff I can’t put my finger on atm (possibly berry but not as strong as one pictured). Has a slight touch of something I have a hard time describing, it’s almost like sharp sweaty like smell or something but not quite haha.

The other one is super dense and has that sweet rose smell that I’ve been getting on a lot of diesel strains. Smokes super smooth and tastes great.

Very curious to see how the blues/wedding cake x BNP are gonna do. I’ll be popping em soon along with the other 2 BNP crosses.

A few screenshots of some bud pics before I fucked em up. I ended up getting a few nanas but that’s my fault for my grow not ever being on point / for stressing them out. I could prob make the most stable strain throw bananas :crazy_face:

I would grow this one again any time, except a whole room and hope I can do it justice next time :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: btw now that those lemon ghosts have had some time to cure more they all smell sooo good. Reek of lemon/lime.


Loompa used to donate clones seed concentrate and flowers to a California group called the Weed for Warriors Project. He often donated the Yeti OG to the Sacramento chapter which i was a sponsor of. We never really had any problems with the cut or seed crosses he donated. It was very reliable and was used indoor and outdoor, home cultivation and commercial, and was put out to the members because it was so reliable. This was roughly 10ish years ago though.


That’s a cool group! They’re still around I see:


I grew a lot of yeti f2 from loompa and made f3s, got the f2s straight from the man himself (with some serious effort) didn’t have any herm issues in mine but could have been lucky. I selected for the candy stripe stem on the female side for the f3 but haven’t grown those out so not sure on the f3s. That qas about 2014 IIRC. I did pass them to a guy in the USA that liked them and did some breeding with them too so have to assume those were stable enough. He wouldn’t be a guy to use herms in breeding. Not great yeild wise but would make good male breeding stock imho if used against something to bulk them up and add some flavour.


I’m drooling over here :drooling_face:

Bag appeal = 100%


I agree with @mndlss drool :drooling_face:


:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Why are indoor plants be more prone to intersex issues?
(Please forgive my ignorance.)

From my observations, I’m thinking it might be due to premature flips to 12/12. (Before nodes are alternating.)

Then again, last year I repotted several plants as soon as they showed pistils – and it was a mistake. At least three of them were males w/girl parts.
(Not strain-specific, they were mixed.)


I’ve heard this a lot, and to the extent it’s true, I think it’s true as a syllogism rather than true in and of itself. Stressed plants are more likely to herm; indoor plants are more likely to be dealing with stressful conditions than outdoor plants adapted to the environment they’re grown in. Assuming both of those are true, it’s true that indoor plants are more prone to herm… similar to the way gray things are more prone to be elephants, but not necessarily always. Also, there are the occasional pink elephants. :wink:


Wouldn’t that be a cool seedbank name? Can already see the logo :smiley:

edit: Ifish just posted it


EOP seeds

Elephants on parade

: )


Oh damn I remember this too well


I had to go digging through my stash to see if I still had any of these left…I guess I should probably make some F2’s then, ey :smile: :wink: