SAN checking in @ OG

THAT would be a great idea. hop on the tribute train, brother.
become part of the collective and help preserve these gems.

would you be up for that, j0e?
mndlss and barrie just joined as well :slight_smile:


was seit ihr schƶnes am aushƤcken? XD

hoffe alles ist gut bei dir soweit?

lg m0s


Just finished reading up this thread. Good stuff in here, man. Hope you donā€™t mind me hanging around a bit. I promise to not stir up any dookie.


Iā€™m sure weā€™ll work something outā€¦ :sunglasses:


Chocolate Diesel Lemon Thai #6. Really, really enjoying growing this one. Sheā€™s got alot of character, and an alluring stem rub to boot. Dank Chocolate/citrus puke. Day 12 of flower. Thick, sturdy stems and she spreads out really nicely. Trains herself.


Used to have some Vanilla Haze seed back early 00s. Lost them to some sticky fingers I thought I trusted. Glad to see someone still has some :v:


yep, itā€™s been missing from peopleā€™s stashes for way to long.
this one is bound to come back soon. patience, please :wink:


I grew boudica and the smell was so unique - seemed like perfume to me. I gave a lot of the buds to my son in san diego and everyone went crazy over it. He would have them close their eyes and just smell it. I need to see if I have any left (i pollen chucked a boudica male with a female). Trying to do a seed run on jackberry now to save it


You have to also make sure you scrape off enough stem so it cant get any nutrients from the plant and thus it makes roots - During the propagation process, you remove a 1ā€ wide section of the outer layers of a plant stem (bark, cambium layer, and phloem) in a process known as girdling - im doing this with a number of avocado plants so all my kids have avocado trees when im gone. Bought the same items from amazon


thanks for the hint, mate !

some lucky kids, ey :grin:
i love avocados *njom *


May you cat have 8 more lives left - keep her comfy


she died last year on august, bro :frowning:
but we had a really great time until then.
santera will always stay in our hearts.

we were broken up for about a year, but were
surprised by a new visitor a few months ago :wink:


@Arnold did you make the Swiss King with this BFG Clone ?

I guess I have a pack of it in my fridge :slight_smile: from 2018/19!


Santero, Good to see you around old friend. Looks like things are going well for you. Missed you!


ha-ha, eyyyy . doc nice to see you, mate.
itā€™s been a little moment since i had the pleasure :slight_smile:

i grew a few of the fems you made with the chemā€™91SkVA
and the sour diesel and bubba kush were amazing, the nana
og-one and the gmo threw nanas, so i could not finish those.
but the first two were absolutely nice (!!)

still have some left and might pop them here and there.
please tell me you made more stuff, bro :stuck_out_tongue:
i did and have some for you, letā€™s talk, ey.


Fantastic! My testers for the 91ā€™ skva fem line produced similar results. Nanners on OG and GMO. A few others as well like Forum Cookies. I do have some seeds left, both Stardawg regs and Chem 91 fems. My TK reversal was a disaster and I had to ditch all my seeded plants, I cried. lol I later found out that FarmerJoe sent me a fake cut. My fourth fake cut of TK, which I have still never grown. lol

Arenā€™t you in a foreign country like Spain? I forget where youā€™re at. I think I have some seeds I stashed away with your name on them (for real).


ughā€¦ iā€™ve definitely seen at least one fake TK cut going aroundā€¦ did you have any pics?

That sucks on the 91 crosses throwing nanners too :cry: not unheard of i guess tho.


ha, i know yours is legit, holy angel, so you were the
first i thought of when reading about TK just now :wink:

i had the one that jay-t send over and she seemed legit to me.
it was really reaalllly good smoke and i abroken up about loosing
her since 2017 or so. i made some crosses and even a bx, but
i had tp stop the project due to loosing this lady and it made my so
sad that i did not follow up on any of those since then.

i need to check on the (tk x sour diesel)-mating. i think those could
be really nice, same as the bx, using males from my own gg#4 bx.


@HolyAngel I lost all my pix. It was what was expected for TK, a super tall and super lanky plant with small buds. It reminded me of Lucky Charms Pure Kush but it was definitely a fake.

@santero (tk x sour diesel) would be bomb.
I remember our trade now. I have a bunch of your gear now that I think about it Santero. DIdnt you do CHocolate Diesel hybrids too?


yes, BUT be aware about one thing with those CD#7-crosses, bro:
the male i kept was not bad, but he made a LOOOOT of males in his offspring.

the females are great but the ratio is completely askew, haha. most growers
donā€™t find females. i made f2 of my tk x choco diesel (for the bx) and the ratio
was back to normal in them, of course, but all the f1ā€™s = problematic :grin:

this chocolate diesel-dude sure hurt my ā€œrepā€ (<- :laughing:).
good thing i am not a breeder, tho haha ā€¦


i still (8yrs later) get asked by a few, if ALL my lines have this problem :face_with_hand_over_mouth: