SAN checking in @ OG

@Even &
@Barrie84 are also a part of the circle of friends helping
to pick up the loose ends from our admired seedmakers.
@j0ebob also has a very special place in our hearts (!!)
aaaand a few people that are unnamed but still contribute a LOT.

thanks to all of you for making this possible :pray: :pray:
we will do our best to bring back those beloved gems before they dissapear completely.


im glad to be here finally this is like a dream for me, been through some rough times lately, but good times are ahead, and this is also motivating me even more to want to grow my stuff even better, ive always wanted to make some seeds but i just now recently finally had success with germination of my own 1st few successful crosses, and now im hooked.
there was a time i stopped growing for a while, but i dont ever want to stop growing again now.
i found passion in the process again but even more so for making beans! im hooked! You guys are legends, hope you find this motivating too, lets get it!
Happy to help hunt and help out and take part if i can! Will definitely bring some pics along the way. I got a friend making some of the craziest new stuff ever as well. Im sure he will let me share some eventually but right now its all guarded stuff, even I barely get some. but its the new age geneetics, i want the old stuff ! you guys all know what great stuff is i gotta learn more about everything i can!

thanks again SAN for the invite here.

this website is amazing and already talk with so many cool people.


i dug up my picture from old computer from old phone

the last plant of chemdog cocoa i had, i was just trying to get it out there to someone bc i knew how much i liked it and how important it was but at the time, so much crazy sht happened it never worked out. eviction, fires, insanity lol. things that happened outside of my own control.

“Chemdog x Cocoa Kush”
Chem91 i think

it does still look like a damn good plant too… jeez . i feel better looking at it now than i ever did. thanks to yall lol. a remake of chem cocoa or any cocoa would just still always be a dream of mine 4 sure.

after really thinking, i possibly did have a small plant that i tried of the cheese cocoa kush, i remember it was little popcorns maybe, but after curing was dark bitter chocolate. The Chemdog Cocoa needed to cure the cocoa terps too, but the chem was gas from the beginning… i mostly remember the milk chocolate and bitter chocolate of the Chocolate Rain more memorably because it was more recent in times. I also actually had enough CHocolate Rain to share with friends and other people really liked trying it too.


eskobar never had any of the chem-clones. he used a selection that he
was shared via soma’s camp that was “selected from chemdog fems”.
the clone made kids that had some problems with herms, depending on
the male he used → hence him always giving out those lines as freebies.


ahh man that can make sense for sure thats cool that you know it so well. i definitely wasnt sure about that but i remember it possibly was described as chem 91. Alot of the times OG , Sour, and also probably the Chem too were always susceptible to throwing a nanner. The clone onlys. Thats just kinda how they were i think. some of the OG plants were more stable but there was a lot of stuff that could happen with them. Definitely crossing it can make some changes but the plants i had were very healthy and great no doubts… and it really was some of the best tasting chem id ever blazed lol . more of a lemony og chemdog type, rather than a chemicals chem or og chem. ive just never had an exhale that had such a milk chocolate terp every time i blazed it. i thought i was making things up in my head but the more i enjoyed it the more it was still there lol.

its crazy bc as much OG as i got to see and try, i never saw a lot of chemdog. there was a couple times a friends had it. but i think people were offput by it because it really smell like it was grown with a bottle of chemicals. I actaully really loved that pheno and that taste but i also was wondering if they fed it weird stuff… but it smoked great so i doubted that haha. it was like a catpiss i guess, ammonia, the chemical chemdog was… chem is most definitely special but i guess mmaybe its rare too. i do know theres a few diff version or kind, because of this too . i really dig that lemony chem og flavor . it seemed more my fav compare to the chem og type chem, but man its all so good still if u ask me lol. always liked sour too, but wish i had chem more than that. i always just heard chem 91 or chem 93 but i dont even know which is which lol - or any other chem types idk


yeah, i grew the #4, the D and the 91skva, all of those are known to make
hermies in their kids here and there. esko did not have access to the clones
(and i didn’t either at the time we hung out, that came later), so he used that
soma-sourced clone for all his chem-lines. it was great really smoke !

he used to call it “tshem” … not “chem” …
(and i felt too small to correct him back then :face_with_hand_over_mouth: )


I am beyond excited! everything arrive well for me but it was very very hot here, so out of my box at this house it was very warm feeling, and i cooled it down, and after thinking a bit just decided to splash them all in water

30 hours later they have very nice long tail and are very vigorous and healthy looking seed from berry nice plant 2.0! I did want to save a few, but i was worried about the heat. its been extremeely hot here. so they are doing great and happy they are liking it so far! this will be so much fun and i am stoked.

ive been ready to try something a long time now, and im glad i did finally, especially after you invite me here and meet such cool people to talk with about awesome dank! you guys really know what good dank is and i know this! everyone here on these forums too is great and its awesome. i have a lot of motivation to enjoy them and maybe make some stuff i can try to share back as well! (i do have a fun male ive been using lately on some stuff from queen of soul it looked identical to another very nice female plant im growiing right now its good and unique, some princess x vortex/c99 type of plant)

will most definitely keep yall updated and ill take good pics too ! thanks again so much and nice to enjoy everything so much on overgrow already! huge fan for life no doubt!


CAn I ask about the Sour Diesel x SS / Lemon Thai? (wondering the male plant, whats SS? )

The freebies all popped too ! they look really nice! This sounds incredible. Fallen Bubbas sounded great too but I went with this SD x SS/LT, Better for my climate here too. Excited about it!


I still say this haha


Okay, so I ended up doing an initial trim on these Froot Punch plants before using the notsodog cure method. These things are seriously stinky. My wife texted me from upstairs asking what that disgusting smell was, so mission accomplished.

I will continue to stand behind @santero and how wonderful his work is, exciting to see what other work I have in the fridge to get running.


Extent work my friend

I grew out foot loops by San it was some dank weed


That’s a way to judge the harvest :laughing:

Nice frosty flowers!


Foot loops sounds :fire::fire::fire::sunglasses:


It was tasty and :fire:


pics incoming soon of berry nice plants 2.0 they all popped and got what looks like 8 really nice plants and maybe 2 small so far. they are still in seedling stage just dropped their shell but soon will take pics when they have initial leaves and some growth! also 4, and 5 of the SouRDxSS/LemonThai look good too, look like great plant already but baby seedling still, all are making progress very well


can anyone please help me gather the “cheetos madrid sur” cut?

i am about to start the F3-seedrun and would like to make a tribute-line
called “ms cheetos” in honor of the people selecting the cut in spain :wink:


Maybe summoning some of our dear spanish friends like @CaptainNemo or @George could help? Or maybe @Heirloomwizard has some connections even if it’s not their cup of bhang.


Got it :ok_hand: :stuck_out_tongue:+
I’ll hook ya up :green_heart:


a mi tambien ja ja ja :fire:


Ahora con este calor es un poco dificil :thinking: