Sannie sez "Do Not Take Clones from Fem Parent"

Why ?

He sez to use seeds for that purpose.


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Welcome to OG, have no idea who Sannie is but you can take clones if you wish, no reason why not that I know of.


Welcome to OG.

Are you talking about the Sannie of and

Where did you see that posted about not taking clones from fem parent?


BS. I have taken clones from female plants before. Same as regular.


This whole thing seems to be very Vague!
“Do not take clones from Fem Parent” - Use seeds.
So I am not supposed to take clones from a Fem parent but I should use Fem Seeds instead?

I have so much more to say but in the interest of time I would tell you what my Dad always says, " Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see"

Unless you have something more specific that I am missing here?

That is all!
salute emoji small


Love the dad quote. To the OP, sounds like some seed seller boolsheet man!


Sounds to me like someone trying to sell feminized seeds.


Sorry to start a firestorm, HA ! Sannie said that in an old post and perhaps he was talking about his procedure use in breeding. Case Closed !!!

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Well, that was easy. Lol


HA ! I think I may have misinterpreted what Sannie was saying. Nothing but respect for the man and his work !!


Definitely much respect as a breeder !!! I was on his site for 10 plus years and ran a lot of his gear !

Either fem or reg was always quality

But I’ve cloned a lot of he’s fem plants never had issues
Sugar punch especially and even used it in crosses very stable

Hopefully he’s well , since he abandoned his site unfortunately you never see him even IG


Really hey? That’s too bad. Yes, I hope he’s well. The heri I grew from him (both feminized and regular) was ridiculously potent.

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His sannies jack was one of the strongest weed I ever grew


Which site has he abandoned ? Hope his seed shop is still going…

Seed shop is opened and doing fine

Even takes credit cards now

His opengrow forum is not safe according To Numerous post I’ve read their

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A female plant is a female plant. There is no genetic difference to a plant grown from regular seeds. The only advantage that regular seeds offer is the possibility to hunt for genetically similar males.


Sannie said that because feminized plants are void of male chromosomes.

There is no Y chromosome in a plant grown from feminized seeds (only XX) because it was not made with a male plant, it was made with two female plants by way of controlled hermaphroditism.

This in itself makes the genetics unstable for breeding and any stresses can result in hermaphroditism in the offspring.

I have been friends with Sannie for close to 12 years and was a moderator on OpenGrow for at least a decade.

I really admire Sannie’s breeding abilities, it’s obvious he’s been at it for decades. I consider him an old school breeder because he still performs controlled grows on all his strains, checking to make sure germination rates/times, growth rates and plant/phenotype specifics continue to stay uniform.


Interesting postulation. Dr. Bruce Bugbee from the University of Utah hints at there being a separate genetic locus which affects a cannabis plants sex, affecting a plants chances of hermaphroditism. I would like to see more conclusive studies. I run lots of clones of feminized plants and never have any issues with stable cultivars.


Well I may not be an outlaw much longer.
This is how recreational started on other states.

I was against it because i though
The competition be bad
But I see how they get greedy
Screw it all up and charged way more than someone I know can grow it
I’m cool


It’s pretty easy to understand for me ^^

Sannie want that you throw all over the word cuts from his regular females only. It’s a wise strategy to maintain a decent fame and reputation, and eventually gain visibility in the case of an exceptional cut popping out.