Trick to making good fems

In my experience with today’s polluted seed market. I’ve seen the same as you. Some good cultivars but most have issues related to having having too many fems in the ancestors. So the trick is to have seed moms with NO fems in it’s lineage. And I tested crossing sexually healthy seed moms with dirty genetics I hit with reversing solution. Both seed moms were my highest tested of my genetics. And Caramel Cream a potent filthy whore supplied the reversed pollen. To date no hermies and I stressed them a bit. And I’m growing these fems for the third time. Plus I gave some away with no complaints.


Guerilla growing makes weed better.


i want to know more about this. I only do photos. I have run fems for flower, but not seed. i dont like herms, or nanners, at all. I do not cast negative vibes on people who fight thru the intersex traits to secure their fav meds. But, i dont want them around at all if i can help it.

For that reason i do photos from seed only. But making fems that dont hermies interests me. I’m just not sure it can be done. Learn me the way :wink:

btw, I still have some redheddedhippie going :slight_smile:


Actually I barely run fems and only run my stress tested photo regs usually. But the trick is in knowing the seed mom. Stress test the heck out of a line if it doesn’t hermie then it can be a clean seed Mom. If it’s not clean enough breed it a few more generations in regular seeds.


The act of reversing does not make hermie lines of its own.

Selection and proofing lines through hardships establishes which line is strong.

Knowing a little about genetics, having ZERO nanners, balls, anytime - often at flip or late flower- over hundreds of seeds is improbable.

Each of us set a % of tolerance, often capped at 5%, but I encourage everyone to strive for strict goals.


I agree. I’ve had two regs in the same room, both healthy, one goes full blown herm and the other never throws a ball. I’m not a botanist, but I believe different plants react to stress differently in some cases and in others it’s just genetics.

I’ll try to keep this short, but I have a GG#4 that I reversed hanging right now. I started with two Fem seeds. One was to be the donor (reversed); the other was to be the receiver of the pollen. Both plants were in the same 2 X 4. I sprayed the donor (outside the tent) every couple of days with STS and after around three weeks, the intended pollen receiver went full blown herm on me overnight (trashed it immediately), and the donor took forever to reverse. I’m still not sure if any of the seeds are mature. They look pretty small.


I also think it’s coded in the dna, like different operating systems.

There was a paper cataloging intersex in 10 or 12 degrees ranging from strongly intersex to strongly “fixed” for lack of a proper term.

Gg4 is a line known to moderately intersex, it’s quite likely you got a sample of a more severe example.

Seeds vary in color at maturity from solid tan to solid almost black, sometimes sporting stripes or spots. Size also varies alot even on a single plant… from the circumference of a grain of rice to as big as a sweet pea. On thing they all have in common is a firm shell, think store bought pasta hehe.

Some pale or soft seeds can still germinate but if you got plenty of very healthy seedsit’s not unreasonable to toss those pale ones


Don’t knock Strains/Varities that result from “Herms”. Ask Josey Whales and/or Lone Watty, the originators of GG#4, one of the most awarded Strain/Varieties E-V-E-R. It’s also the most sought-after Strain/Variety in the 21st Century, not bad for the “hated herm”. Not all “herms” pass on the trait. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


We’ve found at least one seed in every plant we’ve grown of her and she is still worth every penny :slight_smile:

LDA sent us a pack of GG4 from a reversal he did, and his seeds look fantastic. Definitely mature. He has it down to a science.


I agree it’s coded like DNA.

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My response was less than positive, so I edited it. Grow on peeps


Wish I still had the clone from the prop 215 days :,).

Breeders can get fast results with fems when trying to create something new. I’ve created a couple things the other way. And now they are distinct and sexually healthy. And I mean never hermie. But I believe from what I seen in my testing a dirty strain can be cleaned up by successive breeding in regular seeds. But you may lose some of the distinct properties.

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I’ve got some GG4 that I might reverse for pollen to cross with my Red strain. The Red is very hermie resistant so will cross well with the GG4. And in previous test I bred a dirty strain with moms that stress tested the highest. And the feminized seeds produced stable plants. So clean moms from regular seeds produce better fems.


:100: If you want to make good fem hybrids, use parents that have been inbred a few generations each. The “trick” is just to put more effort into it.


@Mithridate just what if what I’m saying is true and there is a “sexual health” genetic register type device. I’ve seen evidence I believe. I know this sounds like I’m a whack job. But on the contrary I’ve worked in machine development and believe my research skills help me with studying things in the plant. My interest in stress testing and running many different genetics to hunt good breeding stock. But I don’t expect you to believe me a total stranger without a verifiable study. So enjoy growing and keep bringing your experience and knowledge. And thanks for sharing.


Yep put in the work!

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Hah well… I’ve took interest in much stranger concepts before. Like time photography to pheno hunt large numbers of seeds and only ever germinating the keepers so early sex expression detection seem like straight forward thinking :wink:

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Sweet! It’s fun to mess around with cool things.

That’s is so cool! I did my share of searching as my Thai brought seeds in from all over the world. But I just used leaf crush and gut instinct and vegged 3-5 plants per set of seeds and only 30 percent made it to flower. And I was still usually disappointed. My primitive ways even tricked me on a Blueberry strain I bought. And went all in and crossed, cloned and everything else because of the amazing color and smell. And when I had my first bong session I tossed everything. Must of been 10 percent THC.