SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

Sorry to hear you’re still dealing with this SAN. I wasn’t around when this first kicked off, but Ive read through the whole thread and personally found everything about how they ran their side of things distasteful and disrespectful. Even the title was childish: “amateurs need not apply… LOL”. SHSC even offered to step up and do it, and was ghosted. Not very surprising that the self proclaimed thread police himself @shag has since been suspended for his divisiveness.

I found it completely asinine that he was policing the whole thing. They weren’t his seeds, he had no intention of putting in the work to grow them, just wanted to order people around with authority. But then was offended he wasn’t getting a fat bag of seeds for years worth of “work” he did. The same day shag tried to step in and say blue would be taking all the seeds and distributing as he saw fit, blue himself said he would not be involved.