SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

they asked me to give permission for post pm’s and such and he got it.
this was an open share repro and i was asked to do that, which i did.

they screwed themselves out of the sharing (for now), because they failed
to let me know why they changed their minds in the middle of my work (!!)

all of them cheered me on while i made comments about the open
repro and share … it’s all provable in THIS VERY THREAD :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :roll_eyes:


ah well, there’ll be an island member asking me for seeds that can maybe send them some.
from me they won’t get any personally, as long as they not let me know what changed their
minds about this being done for everyone …


I think that I should get them all. Me. And only me. And nobody else.


I am sorry for you San, it is you who has had this experience tainted. I am very greatful to everyone for their involvement and wish people could just talk things to some kind of resolution.

I agree with foreigner, let me have all the seeds and I will grow them all at a single time and do the greatest seed increase ever seen! Its all we can do


So they wanted to then sell your work? Or just shelf it? Weird


I will fight you live on pay per view for them :joy:


Challenge accepted good sir. Slap fight it is


Sorry @jessethestoner and @Foreigner - I’ve already let the Trufflez ‘pollen out of the bag’. - not saying it’s impossible, but I will be a painstaking process to get all the pollen back into their pods. Maybe someone knows a great reversal process for ungrowing these plants…

As soon as I figure it out I can get at least these ones back to you.


Winner takes @Soiltech


They wanted to turn this place into their own little fiefdom. Decide who was worthy of the beans and whatnot in their eyes. Probably had to be a member of Shag Island or whatever. The Shag dude seemed to think he was LemonadeJoe or something. I’m sooooo happy to not see his long nonsense posts and crying about fairness on here any longer. Corny lames.


I agree with every word of this.


Pfff seriously? Shag just edited the first call for breeder post were he was talking of it being possibly a co-op run. Now it’s been replaced without this mention. Don’t like that way of rewriting history before a “big PM reveal”.

Like most I did not follow what was happening in PM, but there’s been a lot of shady promises (co-op yes or no, who’s gonna share them, even who’s gonna make them), and multiple turn back in this story. Don’t know what shag is up to, but I thank you @santero for the work and sharing. Problem might be Blueridge did not bet on the right horse to organize that repro. Got the right breeder at least :wink:


well, he did it to late.
this is the original :wink:

(right click and open in new widow for full res)

you can even see blueridge asking down there “why no open co-op”, haha.

i bet shag already had special ideas to keep em :wink:
(while asking some to do an OPEN SHARE REPRO).


hehe got your ass covered,

What’s sad is probably Blueridge got played in there too. It seems they were willing to share at first, but then… :confused:


Off topic, but for the price of these Aficionado packs do people actually grow them out and find tons of keepers? Just weird, I don’t see much about the actual plants from their seeds. Just the hype/stories and fancy packaging. Seems like they’re more akin to collectibles than actual seeds to many who buy them.


I almost bought a few of their packs a couple years ago but they were pretty pricey and after watching an interview with their breeder I just didn’t like the vibe he gave so I didn’t buy them.


about aficionado:

the #4 from the first round stayed, i liked that one best :slight_smile:

the #9 from the second run still needs evaluation, but she
already smells like something i’d like to see unseeded at
least one more time.

larry og bx4 #3 and #10 are also from aficionado and stayed around so far.
the #3 is the “yellow” larry type with a dash of sfv and the #10 is just a divine
og-mix of both.

the “pancakes” (f2) brought forth a nice lady → #3 :yum:
she is one of three from the f2’s that impressed me a lot.
the other two are also amazing as well in terms of smell, tho.
(they also still need evaliation, haha, as the pc f2’s are all still
standing too.)

the portofino pheno i found this time was not really superspecial.
she reminds me of the plants i found i chocolate thai f4, tbh …
kind of “roasted duck”-thai terps, haha, but there is potential (!)
i hope the rest shows stuff that jumps higher at me…

the mix of two aficionado lines made by @Ohwolfie in form
of (family vault purple f2 x white cherry truffle f2) is nohting
short of amazing. all three phenos i found are special. sweet
blueberry with a dank cherry background, i love it :+1: :hearts:

almost forgot about the WCT F2fem that i grew.
she was superstout and not too impressive, but still strong effect
(rather bodacious) and sweet terps, but not necessarily cherry, imo.


What would you say has been the most cherry?


the most cherry of the trufflez was #4, she mixed pancakes cherry and streetwalker
perfume and from the others it was “cherrytini” with unmistakable sweet cherry :wink:


I grew the Portofino last year, they were very good plants. The seeds were pricey and I don’t know if I would get them again.


Sorry to hear you’re still dealing with this SAN. I wasn’t around when this first kicked off, but Ive read through the whole thread and personally found everything about how they ran their side of things distasteful and disrespectful. Even the title was childish: “amateurs need not apply… LOL”. SHSC even offered to step up and do it, and was ghosted. Not very surprising that the self proclaimed thread police himself @shag has since been suspended for his divisiveness.

I found it completely asinine that he was policing the whole thing. They weren’t his seeds, he had no intention of putting in the work to grow them, just wanted to order people around with authority. But then was offended he wasn’t getting a fat bag of seeds for years worth of “work” he did. The same day shag tried to step in and say blue would be taking all the seeds and distributing as he saw fit, blue himself said he would not be involved.