SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

now that the second round is through i can
finally make blueridge whole as well :+1: :slight_smile:

due to shag’s drama, we had to re-negotiate the share and we
discussed 25 of each pheno, but i will send 4x the amount :+1:
of course i’ll include flips for shag and gonzo too (even tho they
actually didn’t do anything, lol.)

sadly shag started some ego-driven drama here before the first round was
even through and was banned as a result (she continues her “battle” in an-
other place now :roll_eyes: it’s very easy to see who is responsible for all the drama
and not able to stop hating on people for no reason other than being uninvol-
ved now), but i hope this does not distract from the fact that we all owe
@Blueridge for putting these beans up for an open repro for the whole
here to enjoy !!

thank you a lot for letting me do my reproduction/sharing-thing, brother :pray:
i am sorry for the drama that really unnecessarily distracted from the fact
that none of this would have happened without your selfless contribution.