SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

Hey @santero
From post #206 on this thread you showed a nice looking SherBubba female in 2 pictures. You noted she was CSI Sherbet X Bubba Kush I am really curious San. How did she smoke. What was the stone like. And what kind of terps did you notice.
I figuire that good parental stock = good kids eh. :slight_smile:
Thanks a bunch!


coffee/kush mixed with a creamy gelato-like nuance.

she had a heeeeavy couchlock effect, great yields (especially for a bubba-type)
and no nanas at all (which i’d xpect in any sherb.), so the “SherBubba” is a great
combo of both mixing the good, leaving out the bad … CSI really does know his
worthwhile combos :+1:

let’s hope the cross to the trufflez adds some
of that cherry noir-magic to her offspring :yum:

my wife called that cross “low hanging fruit”, haha :cherries:


Just a couple shots of your crosses out in the swamp - i have the Slurpee (the close up bud) and the Trufflez (the dark purple leafed plant) - these are at week 6 of flower.


Thank you both for the reminder! Gonna have to dig that one up from the stash! :coffee:


now that the second round is through i can
finally make blueridge whole as well :+1: :slight_smile:

due to shag’s drama, we had to re-negotiate the share and we
discussed 25 of each pheno, but i will send 4x the amount :+1:
of course i’ll include flips for shag and gonzo too (even tho they
actually didn’t do anything, lol.)

sadly shag started some ego-driven drama here before the first round was
even through and was banned as a result (she continues her “battle” in an-
other place now :roll_eyes: it’s very easy to see who is responsible for all the drama
and not able to stop hating on people for no reason other than being uninvol-
ved now), but i hope this does not distract from the fact that we all owe
@Blueridge for putting these beans up for an open repro for the whole
here to enjoy !!

thank you a lot for letting me do my reproduction/sharing-thing, brother :pray:
i am sorry for the drama that really unnecessarily distracted from the fact
that none of this would have happened without your selfless contribution.


@santero outstanding! Hopefully this will put to rest any drama. @Blueridge thank you for making this all possible with your donation of the beans. I am excited to have a few of them!


you saw how she’s doing her thing over at the other place.
i don’t see her camling down again anytime soon, i guess.

i don’t need to care about people that loose their cool in this way :man_shrugging:
and people here already know what actually happened anyways *shrug *


Keep up the good work
: )


Great work San. Sorry for the headaches.


Very nice job on this @santero 🫶🏼 and good on you for not letting the negative stuff linger.


a simple “hey, san. sorry for the drama a few moths ago …
please send us some beans.” via pm would have sufficed :sleeping:

any adult would have had the brains to just ask,
but shag really loves her precious drama :laughing:

screw that noise …
the only reason for the current drama is because of
me ignoring her unimportant and needless attacks :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


What is ‘the other place’? IC…?


i made screenshots and have the places blessing to post them if any-
one cares enough to read 7 pages of her being mostly ignored, lol :rofl:

she is posting her tirades on zootlabs, that’s an invite only place.
(and extremely cleverly picked by her to “let the world know” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

there never was any need for drama in the first place, lol …
it boils down to all the negative vibes coming from her only.


It’s the information THEY don’t want you to hear.


Holy fuck that was hard to read. The only reason I can see someone being so pissed like that is because they had plans to sell the f2s to people.

BTW I have a pack I would like you to repro. I want them all though :sweat_smile:

Funny to hear that starting a thread to find someone to do the work for you means you were somehow integral in all this stuff getting made but did none of the work (or seed donating).

Sadly I bet you’re gonna think twice next time someone you don’t know very well asks you to do something “for the community” after this headache.


Wild stuff. Worked for over a year? I remember the beginning of this project but missed the drama. I wouldn’t have been interested had i known ‘meanies’ were to be excluded. Next we’d have to call somebody kingblue or some shit. These folks wouldn’t be near our plant 30 years ago. The entitlement. Sorry you dealt with this.



Thanks @santero for yet another amazing reproduction and @Blueridge for providing the seeds. I really enjoyed the thread and it’s sad to see all the drama after your hard work, time and risks involved. You have been giving so much to the community and should only receive love and respect for that.


while blueridge invested money and contributed beans and trust ,
i did put in work, time and space, plus sharing it all out to all of you.

shag merely opened up a thread and in the end just
contributed drama to the project and nothing (!) else.

because …
first, shag “started” the project under false pretense of wanting share
reproduced beans (contributed and worked by others) to everybody
→ while he now repeadetly made clear that he did not.

now he started new drama at zoots under the false pretense that
it’s about me having to make blueridge whole → while it turns out
that this is just about his hurt butt and nothing else.

so, another false pretense …
(they didn’t even talk since his ban!! :roll_eyes:)


okay … sorry, but i don’t do drama (and i am horrible at it, lol.).

hope he learns to talk to people in a different way or he can stay in his
corner with arms folded and underlip shoven out, acting like a child and
wondering why someone like me (he cares for so inexplically much for!)
is not ready to hug and pet his sorry ass, after being called names and
all of this completely needless dramashit.

instead of just writing me a message, asking me about a solution for
a problem → he rather calls me names and is just negative and un-
apporachable = he obviously had not a solution in mind.

then, instead of reading and understanding he claims i am “smearing his
name” (as if i talked all that shit for seven pages :rofl:) if anything, i’m making
“the whole world see”, just like he wanted it (but when others see him acting
like that it suddenly means “smearing his name” … → it is just pathetic !!)

he won’t be able to take anything away from this, so … fuck it *shrug *


meanwhile blueridge and me already made up.
it just took a pm and some talk between adults :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


That’s worth at least a 0.79 cent taco.

That guy and I don’t get along.


We don’t need this drama shit :poop:.