SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

my “breeding programm”, aha …
so, to you i am a commercial breeder that has a breeding pro-
gram and maybe even does everything just for money, correct? :grin:

well, …
your seat must be a cheap one, as you are not really
aware about what i actually do or how i go about it.

you don’t know me, mate … and that’s fine.
i could not assume everybody to understand who i am and what i do.
(as one can also only go from what one believes and/or is himself.).

but you are already getting things wrong, mate …
my concept is very clear, i share out 90% of what i create.
i would share 100% but can’t afford to send to everyone that
writes to me.

so, the lines that i send into shops are only up to help postage of
my free shares. i don’t assume that you will understand (or even
believe) something like this is possible, but yes i get like two or three
messages everyday asking for seeds … and i share for free, with
everyone (yes, also people that might doesn’t like me. i don’t care.)
i share always. never send anyone alway empty handed, if can help it.

first you went against blueridge, thinking it was his fault.
now you are jumping my leg, thinkiing i am the culprit.
sorry, but it’s your best buddy being a needlessly unaporachable idiot.

he started the last drama and now re-started the whole convo again
in dramatic way by calling me names and wanting hugs in return (:rofl:)

you’re simply wrong about your buddy and can’t see it.
that’s understandable as you have some drama with this site here
giung on yourself (which i am not involved in either !!), but channeling
your frustrations onto me is understandable, but still obviously wrong.


again, just to make sure this (hopefully) reaches you:
i am not a breeder, nor am i looking to get rich selling seeds.
so trying to argue with this is already showing you being wrong
about me in general …

maybe just ignore my posts and move on, like everyone
else (of importance) has already managed to do ?? :wink: