SAN checking in @ OG

i noticed that from time to time i do have to explain my operation.
most people just can’t understand my “awful commie” ideas :grin:
(pretty sure it’ll get me into the grave sooner or later, lol …)


okay, here goes:
i am NOT a “breeder”, i am a private seedmaker, no more no less.

the lines i create i actually only create for myself and my wife, lol.
if people like them too and want some … i freely share them, easy.
that’s all, thank you :wink:

but …

it became so many people after a while, that i started to sell a few,
so i have enough returns to keep sharing for free. that’s the only
reason you can see a very, very small amount of the lines i make
in tactically chosen, reliable shops … this way anyone that can’t just
ask me
, has the chance to grab some too (while helping me with the
free sharing with their contribution).

what will never change: my operation is a 100% profit-free and i don’t need
monetary compensation. this is a mere hobby for me, not my profession :wink:

i’m not interested in money, all i ask from people is credit if they use it further.
but the big stage is not my place to be … i feel very comfortable to do what i do
in the shadows. there’s enough stuff and people out there that i was or still am
involved in, while people have no clue and that’s very okay with me :wink:

making seeds it’s NO work at all (the plants do it themselves, lol, i just water them, tbh.)
and the amounts produces when making seeds do NOT justifiy the prices. just make
some yourself and you will see what i mean.

the few lines i sell, i only do so i can use the returns to share out all the rest of my work.
this is a hobby, not my profession, so i don’t need this to pay my life. ( my actual real-life
work does that already :slight_smile: ) this is a hobby and all hobbies cost = the money i spend for
this, i do because i want to. (i could also just make models or collect stamps, spending
the same money and it would feel the same to me.)

i absolutely don’t feel like i am “loosing money” … and if i do someday,
then i’ll just stop sharing (which immediately also would stop the selling, btw).