Sasquatch Medicine Multi Project

Photo update day 49 12/12

Didn’t see the hair when I took the pic…

Some more…


Which plant is the giant front cola on the 3rd pic?


@Grease_Monkey , that would be an Azad Kashmir from Diggy @Worcestershire_Farms , the only plant I didn’t top. This pic lights off flash same plant taken a few days ago…


I got a few going. Nice looking plants and pictures.

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Thanks @Hemp !!! I hope to up my photography game soon to be closer to the sweet pics you post!


That was nice. What ever your stuff is to bomb. Thanks for the good words. Look at that bat.

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Beaultiful bush @Sasquatch , you do LST or just the FIM?

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@BERZERK , on this run I topped the apical shoots about 2 weeks before switching to 12/12, but I missed the big cola Azad Kashmir.

In the past achieved great results with LST but really haven’t trained much at all this run.

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I without likes to give bud.
Don’t care please.
So , this plant have so much heads , beautiful , how much grams you harvest in this plant?

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We shall find out in about 3-4 weeks!!!

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Cool bud , good work.
pulling up a chair to this topic

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Feeding day for all but the three Tangerine Dream x C99, they seemed too heavy, will watch as lots of new white flower growth still happening.
Azad Kashmir

Sour Bubble

More to follow…


Damn it. Slow down. I’m trying to catch up. Looking good. A+ man. Looks like you had the shakes on those pictures. I would also. Do you sing to them? They look perky. Lol


Left the fans on, always afraid I’ll forget to turn Them off, may be the reason…


I was saying it it because they look so good. My plants are warm. I hope it stays that way. I have to edit my pictures. iPhone is easy. Plants look great. Your top picture is the one I’m looking at the most. They all look great. Not to big.

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Nothing stretched much @Hemp ! The Tangerine Dream x C99 have slowed down their uptake, may be time to flush!!!
Continuation, some group shots from last Friday…


Feeding/flush day tomorrow…


I had to pull two because of getting to big. But not a big deal. No they look great. I can’t wait. Mine are the same size as yours. I think we did everything at almost the same time.

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I see when you start. Lol

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Those have to be the happiest white painted brick on this planet right now. :metal: