Sasquatch Medicine Multi Project

Segregated and defoliated the 2 BOG Sour Bubble

Confirmed all 3 Orange Goji are female!

Azad Kashmir

At this point have 5 females in 1 gallons will uppot to 2 gals tomorrow. 12 females total. 1 female BOG Sour Bubble will be dedicated to Seed Run, the other will be for flower. Feeding day tomorrow!

Group shots:


Thanks for the SolSheetz @Baudelaire !!! Will supplement with 150 watt HPS from tomorrow thru finish!


Looking good in there. Sour Bubble males, nice!


Appreciate you stopping by @Cartwright !

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Looking good bud! Congrats on the 3 ladies! I hope you get some nice smoke off that SB! Keep it coming!


All looking excellent over here, everyone seems happy to be a plant!

@DougDawson, have you stopped by lately? I hear you’ve been looking for Sour Bubble pollen. :wink:


Yes sir, been lurking on @Sasquatch’s thread :slight_smile: Would love some pollen if it becomes available. Got 13 Sour Bubbles going right now and 3 more going to be finished for bud. Hoping to not run into any hermie issues like I did with the last 3 males.


@DougDawson , get in touch with me pm, new to non open pollination, need your advice on some things!

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Those are nice lights. I have been looking at them.


Nice work @Sasquatch! Those 150 watt hps lamps are no joke. I have a couple and they do real good. They don’t put off much heat and are affordable. I documented an orange goji cross with a trumpnutz underneath 2 150 watt hps lamps. The plants got probably 18 to 20 inches tall and made 1700 seeds. Keep it up bud!


I like the hps. I’m thinking of going back. I like the warm air in the winter. I believe it cost more to run leds. Because of the nutrients that you have to feed them more of. One thing I’ve never had to do with high pressure sodium is add heat to a room. So I’m kind of defeating the purpose of trying to save money. The heater burns way more electricity than any of my lights ever did. I’m also not getting the finish that I once was getting


That’s a good idea heating a room with an hps. I just upgraded my 2x2 tent from 2 35 watt off brand leds to a single 100 watt led with Samsung diodes. I can’t wait to see the results. One thing for sure is that hps bulbs really gets down into the canopy.


I like the run I did with one HLG 100 4k and 600w hps. The sugar was caked. Did I have problems, yes I did. I get to much going. @Sasquatch nice grow.


Everyone fed and defoliated a lil bit. Will be up-potting 5 from 1 to 2 gal pots in am. Ran outta time before lights out. Flowering day 11. Males producing more and bigger pods, clustering. Females all progressing, input and runoff Ph perfect.
New growth looking good!


Update flower day 13
Azad Kashmir

Mendo Breath
Sour Bubble females

Tangerine Dream x C99

Orange Goji F2

Sour Bubble males

2 TDxC99 up-potted1 to 2 gal, 3 Orange Goji tomorrow. Tomorrow is feeding day!


Fed the Mendo Breath, TD x C99, and Azad Kashmir females on Dec. 24, the Sour Bubble males and females and Orange Goji were showing early signs of feeding stress, so flushed with distilled water, looking good now! Ran out of time so the Orange Goji remain in 1 gals and will probably finish in those as I won’t be back for 11 days . Today is flower day 16. Next feeding is tomorrow. Couple shots of the ladies from my garden-sitter today:


Looking superb! :green_heart:


Look at this guy. Yea!!


Couple images from my Garden Sitter. Day 17 of flower. Fed the ones that were flushed the 24th, and flushed the ones I fed. Will be pushing them hard soon!


So, my plant sitter got a little tipsy on Crown Royal yesterday and forgot to update me on the Sour Bubble males. Sent a couple pics and said he saw the first bit of yellow pollen at 12/12 day 17!!! The plot thickens!!! Will call him when I stop for lunch. The snow here is awesome today and the groomed is soo nice!!! Finding pockets of powder almost waist deep in the trees!!!