Sativa regular autoflower recommendations?


can someone recommend something as in the title from a good seedbank/vendor? My priorities in that order: a nice sativa autoflower. Regular auto seeds would be great on top of that. And it would be great if the autoflower would not take eons flowering.

Why’s that all? Because I am a sativa lover. And I am old-fashioned, so regular :slight_smile: If it takes less than 20 weeks to flower, good. But good old-fashioned sativa smoke is more important.

This year I discovered that autoflowers are not such a bad thing when you wait for the indica and the sativas to flower in autumn. First time I grew these and they fill the holes in the stash nicely :slight_smile:


You should reach out to some of your fellow OG members who breed/sell/gift what you seek. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Welcome to OG! I love the sativa autoflower regs too :slight_smile: :green_heart:

I made a bunch of Zameldelica Express F5 from Night Owl’s f4, and would be happy to share.

Only issue is some of the males have been also growing a female flower top after showing their male flowers at first. A couple of us are working on breeding that out, and I’ve gotten 1 “true” male in 4 males so far, the other person is none in 4 I think. Anyway, there haven’t been any hermaphrodite girls in my seeds so far, and at least 15 have been flowered. If that doesn’t bother you I’m happy to send you seeds. I’ve sent a few envelopes to Germany successfully before.


Mephisto’s Mango Smile is essentially Mango Haze in autoflower form. It is a big plant with very impressive yields. Strongly recommend. Not available as regs though…


That’s exactly why I grow them, for the most part.


I concur that’s an awesome strain. I’ve grown them pint-sized in a 7 gallon too. Another fire strain from Mephisto is Toofless Alien. It’s no sativa, but smokes like one.