Regular autoflowering seeds

Hey guys,

Lately i’ve been playing with the thought of trying my hand at some autoflower breeding.

I’m absolutely new at this and still have a lot of reading and learning to do before i actually take step one but…

I’ve noticed already that most seedbanks i know (i’m from western-europe) only have feminized autoflowering seeds.

Anyone have any tips where i can find good, stable regular autoflowering seeds,

Also, any and every info and tips you’re willing to give on breading in general is most welcome.

Greetz and thanks


I know there are some regular autos out there, but probably not from “major” breeders. I have seen some regular seeds on Also has some options. But I haven’t tried them, so I can’t make any recommendations.

The auto gene is recessive. The only way you will get fully auto plants in a single cross will be to cross two autoflowering parents. If you cross auto and photo parents, all of their offspring will be photo. Then you will need to inbreed them to make F2. In that generation you will find 25% of plants will autoflower, and you will select from those. If you cross pollen from an F2 male back to a photo female from the F1 generation, the resulting seeds will be 50% auto, which may also help your selection process, but will require an extra generation to produce.


Regular autos are definitely harder to find and sell out fast , I should have a couple varieties of regular autos by the end of next spring that will be making there rounds. Some short flowering and some long flowering super autos.
I think alot of the reason behind this is the fact that if you buy feminized auto seeds you have to keep buying them as you have no males to easily make your own seed, this is very common practice in normal agriculture, plant patents, Terminator genes, all kinds of fuckery is falling upon our lovely cannabis plant now that big agg is involved more and more every day. . I find these types of tactics disturbing at best and morally wrong. I don’t agree with hording genetics of any kind, people deserve credit for there work but intentionally trapping people into relying on you for plants is pure greed.


I think it’s also a perpetual thing. People that want to breed autos with what is easily availabe - fem auto seeds – produce more fem autos strains. I’m thinking about trying it from scratch starting with ruderalis pollen and see where I get.


I’m doing the same thing. i live in a short cold summer area in n. maine so its hard to get photos finished before frost kills them so I’m trying to get lots of auto seed to run instead. i just ordered 8 reg. formula1 autos by flash seeds from seedman. i have some fem auto northern lights as well to start breeding together. looking to trade some to increase my genetic diversity. instead of growing 6 photos i plan to run 12 autos. maybe if started indoor i can get 2 harvests per summer. much easier to manage small plants outside compared to the big girls. order something different and we can trade a few seeds. :wink:


I would say find a regular photo male of which you know the genetics are tested and cross that to an auto you like and start from there . It will take you a little longer however you may be more pleased with the results.


Mark is a sponsor here at OG and has 4 strains of regular auto flower seeds.I just grabbed a pack of each.Having a long winter and a short grow season here i am planning on doing seed runs of the 4 auto strains.I also plan on using the 4 auto strains with some of the photoperiod strains i have going,growing those out and taking the plants that show the auto trait and back crossing with male auto pollen.I have 2 photoperiod strains that take up to 13wks to finish would like to achieve an auto version of them or a faster finishing version of them for outdoors.I will be working on them for the forseeable future till i achieve what i want…good luck and give mark a try 12 seeds for $25 you cannot go wrong.2 strains are 75days from seed,1 strain 90 days from seed and 1 105days from seed.


I actually sent some messages and ordered from the guy, at least he’s reliable and includes plenty of freebies - can’t speak to the quality of the seeds yet! I popped 2 space monkey auto’s of his, and both germed just fine, but when they both showed balls they somehow vanished :wink:

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Thanks a load for the replies so far.
I might start off contacting Mark here.
Next step could definitely be crossing witch a male photo. But first i’ll get afeel for it the “easy” way i think.

Moose i am going to be do auto runs of 75day greenheadband,purpleheadband,super90day and 105day sourdiesel x lemonskunk.I plan on making seeds of each strain as well as crosses of the 4 auto strains.i will also be crossing my photoperiod 79MauwiWowieCherryBomb, DragonbloodHashPlant and SourDieselSnowLotus x GodsSpaceNeedle with the 2 75 day auto strains,grow out some and select the ones that show the auto trait and back cross with the male auto pollen again to achieve a faster finish version and an auto version of the photoperiod strains…Be happy to do a trade down the road.


Stitch’s love potion. Send him an email. Good prices. I have not popped my 10pack yet. Can’t say anything yet. Stitch is a old-school member who owns Flash super-autoflowers.

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i prefer to cross auto to auto to save time. no need to breed out the photo genes this way. going to use c. silver to feminize the seeds. should have plenty after 1 or 2 runs. ill also have plenty to trade for other auto beans to try.

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I recognized the exact same thing (Autos sold as fem’s)…Thus I created my own Auto to get reg seeds.

Pop a few regular beans from a photo strain you like with the intention of getting a male…at the same time grow out your Auto female…Pollenate the female and create some beans using the photo and Auto…You might even want to start right from 12-12…to ensure they are flowering at the same time…

You will need to breed these out another generation to get regular full Auto seeds…
25% will have the genes you’re looking for…


If you don’t have any yet shoot me a pm and I’ll send you a selection of what I have.
All autos
Blueberry x dark spark
I got a few others from mr sparkle (here on og) and some others that I can’t remember the names of that I’ll dig out of you are interested.


Afterthough Autos are all regular. I tested some Gas & Guns and really enjoyed them.


Also looking for auto regulars! I heard that twisted trees and fire budz genetics carry auto regulars

Any luck hunting down regular autoflowers? @Sodapop


I don’t have my hands on them but @DougDawson had volunteered to send me some spotted limes! I believe they are on their way so big thank you to Doug Dawson


Yes sir, they are in the hands of the postal service now :slight_smile:


You’re the best my man, I’ll be trynna get you some nice stable crosses with those Mephisto strains as soon as I can.