Save my Lungs!

Alright. So, I’ve tried about everything I can afford. Let me go over what works what doesn’t.

What worked REALLY well was low voltage oil pens until recently, last month or two. Nectar collectors A.K.A. Dab straws have also be wonderful and I found thanks to a recommendation an electric version I loved except I couldn’t keep it clean.

What hasn’t worked, flower. Kills the lungs doesn’t get me high enough to be worthwhile. Even through good glass, which I use to love as an early smoker but as an asthmatic once I took up daily smoking I had to give flower up.

Dabs… they kind of work? Like 1/25 times. The rest of the time I cough and cough. And I’m always wasting way more concentrates in a dab than sipping with a straw.

Edibles! They work… once or twice then I seem to become fucking immune to it for a few months.

I’m getting really bummed out, feels like I’m losing my ability to medicated. So any advice would be much appreciated guys.


Sounds like the only thing you haven’t tried is a dry herb vaporizer like a volcano or similar.


How are you taking the dabs? Super hot nail? I really dig the cold start or low temp dabs, if you haven’t tried that method.

I second the Volcano too, I love mine. It’s on almost everyday of the year from the afternoon 'til evening and it hasn’t failed me yet.

Edit: There’s also just the good ol’ tolerance break… take 72 hours off of smoking or ingesting any kind of cannabis, then ingest only the smallest amount possible until you feel an effect and then stop.


I have tried cold and hot starts, mostly hot, cold has been a bit kinder but again wasteful.

Sadly Volcano is out of my range. <$100USd

Now… I do have some Dynavaps… but just not strong enough.


Buy a roor glass Carbon filter , hit the bong like you used to do : ) well worth the money : ) problem solved : ) bong is filled with white smoke not yellow that’s full of nastiness , it’s smooth and great hit ( I notice no difference in hit , maybe stronger lol as I can inhale deeper without coughing etc )


Volcano is where I’d go if I were you. I feel your pain. I think joints provide the best buzz but as an ex cig smoker with asthma if i smoke more than 1 a day it really gets me.


I use to use patches of cloth in the joints between the ash catcher and down stem because I was too cheap for this… how long do you get out of the carbon? I’m a bit of a heavy user.


Yeah, if concentrates aren’t doing it for you, then I don’t think switch back to flower through a volcano is going to make any difference for you. Interesting that the nectar collector or straws work for you though, do you think it’s because of a temp difference between that and a nail/banger? Maybe one makes you cough and not the other? My buddy has an electric straw thing, but said the same thing as you, it’s hard to keep clean, so he has to buy new tips for it…


One of the main reason I grow the way I do is because of the smoothness. Because of major issues in my c2 and c3 , coughing is incredibly painful.

I have only grown one strain in the past 5-6 years that made me cough. Just something about that strain.
I am wondering if you have been able to try water only organics product? It was a life changer for me.


It’s all trail and error , I fill mine just above half way with carbon , so not much used and it lasts a session or three depending how fussy you are

Once the carbon filter blows you away and you got some cash , up the game with using a herb iron too

It’s like hit of the bong with taste of vape : )


IME it’s the control. I can sip out just the right amount before I lose it, with a dab it’s too delayed.

I wondered the same! That’s how I grow myself, but nope. No difference.


The carbon filter takes that all away , no coughing : )
Here is a tip , hover glowin tip of herbiron just above bowl , so first part of inhale is vape then as you inhale more touch the herb and let her rip , for an even smother inhale


I would suggest getting your lungs checked out if you can. Unless you are also a pack or more a day cig smoker, that is not normal.

A carbon filter is not going to fix it if all the other ways you mentioned aren’t smooth , and the quality isn’t in question.
Good luck :slight_smile:



Medicinally, a volcano with good quality herb works better and longer than any high end concentrates/diamonds/extracts etc. And volcano is super easy on the lungs. :pray:


The carbon filter will fix it : )

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My wife and I have the identical problem ( I also have Asthma & inhalers ) that you stated here.

Immune to edables, Dabs or concentrates are messy and don’t work everytime, bongs kill the lungs and coughing fits make me wheeze sooo bad… Also tryed Tolerance breaks up to 3 weeks with limited success.

Personally I’ve been using Dynavap or good old joints (inhaling slowly with joints) I’m going to try Cannagars soon enough ( supposed to be super smooth ) Otherwise I don’t smoke anything…

My wife has tryed the bong filters → Shop Moose Labs Products | Silicone MouthPeaces & Bong Filters - Moose Labs LLC

Although they did get clogged kinda quickly with moderate usage… But it did in fact “clean” the smoke before it hits the lungs…

I’m not sure about the Volcanos, they kinda seem like a digital verson of a Bucket Bong…

If you figure something out, let me know I’ll Wan try it too.

Have you tried using the Dynavap in the bong?
I know it is easy to do, I’ve actually never tryed this myself though. Maybe give that a shot ?

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You could try progressively increasing the dosage? I’ve never developed a tolerance for edibles. They always kick my ass so take it with a grain of salt.


My wife has a super high Tolerance and I don’t.
I Made Cannacaps, she ate 9 and was still not happy, I ate ONE & LOST 2 days of my life cause I was SOOOOOOO HIGH…

Some people are just naturally unable to use edables effectively.


Here’s mine


My big problem is that eating just one cookie doesn’t feel right. A nice little snack is two cookies right?

Not a good idea with strong edibles :rofl: