Say Something Nice About Your Neighbor

It takes one to know one, my friends (@DirtySlowToes and @seeds2weeds).

There are so many kind souls in this community, I could spend the day listing those who’ve enriched my life through their sharing of wit and wisdom, not to mention magic beans! But – like so many on this thread have said before me – I’m afraid I would be remiss in leaving anyone out, were I to make the attempt.

I will call out @Vesti though, and here’s why: When I joined OverGrow last summer (incidentally, exactly one year ago TODAY!), he and @Heliosphear conspired to award to the newest member an offering from The Vault, which had been set up as part of the 7-year anniversary celebration. I chose a pack of fem photo Maui Mango Haze created by @Guitarzan, which will ~finally~ find their way into soil next week.

That was quite a warm welcome to the OG community! The icing on the (anniversary/welcome) cake: Vesti contacted me to say that he was sending some of his own seeds my way too. The generosity of the members here goes above and beyond.

As luck would have it, Vesti had moved recently to an area whose Post Office employs its own version of “Newman.” So, despite multiple attempts, those seeds were not arriving. I told him I appreciated the effort, but let’s call it a day. He insisted, and sent (I think) three or four mailings over several months.

Finally, in late October (several MONTHS after our initial contact), a pack of Jacalyn/Kasmir beans made it through the gauntlet! I let Vesti know (sent him a book of stamps), and we were both relieved to know that every once in a while, the Post Office gets it right.

…And then, late November, another envelope arrives, this one sliced open all along the top, and neatly taped back together. The postal time stamp on it says September 29.

We guessed that Newman had by now accumulated enough beans for his own collection, so these were allowed to be delivered – albeit two months later.

All of this to say: I’m so grateful for the MANY awesome “neighbors” we have here on OverGrow. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: