Say Something Nice About Your Neighbor

Hold up there’s an overgrow podcast? Like for for real or is it an area in the forum?


I’m happy to call @Indicana_Jones and @Thats_bank my neighbors :green_heart:



Thanks bro glad to be you guys neighbor too…gotta get my life together so we could get together some day


Shit man if we gotta get our lives together to hang out, we’ll probably never hang out :rofl::rofl:


Shit I just got a thing where if I don’t have a reliable vehicle I feel like I got nothing :joy: I mean, I am in VA we definitely need reliable vehicles


My ‘weed guru’ directed me here, found him handing out advise on another forum.
He helped me be a better grower, smarter grower and most of all a well read grower.
Some of you are growing his seeds today…thanks BB420.


Say something nice about my neighbors well that has become difficult since joining OG because of so many great people on here. The sharing of knowledge, experience, seeds, good conversation, and sometimes a shoulder to cry/rant on without judgement. The way this community comes together to help other members is amazing. I’m gonna name a few people that recently stick out but I know I’m gonna miss a few! Thank you for making this site my go to for a lot of things! @bobgrows @blowdout2269 @emeraldgreen @thceed @carty @repins12 @upstate @budderton @heliosphear @bu2b @Sincitytoker @deeez99 @raintoday @ohno555 @illicitmango @luxton @gregog @panamajock @lovedaautos @pigeonman @ndnchild @tejas @Andrane
Some of these have become real good friends! What a site and what an amazing group of people! Oh shit almost forgot @dougdawson 🤦🤣


Well shucks @420noob I appreciate you. You know flattery will always get you more seeds :rofl:

Seriously though I appreciate all your shroom knowledge you’ve shared as well as the swabs/prints. I’ll be getting back into those very soon :heart:

So many awesome people in this community makes it a great place to call home.


So quick update about my neighbor girl last Friday when I just got back from the hospital and I was sending the dog to go back to the person I was adopting from she was walking in the front door, of course I held it open for her like a gentleman she had a little swagger in them hips of hers and offered to help me and the dude out I said no and thank you when I should have been like yes and please then maybe I could have started a conversation with her about whatever. But I did have that damn Covid so I didn’t want her catching that crap from me. She has a cat I have a cat so I’m thinking of giving her some fresh catnip from my garden. I also have feelings for this girl I work with who I seem to have some common interests and what not. So a bit conflicted at the moment


@Madhillbomber2419 Don’t play uninterested for to long


Well you surprise me with the random goodies letter so it’s deserved!:wink:

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Thanks for not leaving us hanging on this !!! I was going to tell you to order a pizza to her house and during all the confusion you ask her to join you for pizza… But the down side is if it doesn’t go well I guess youll be moving lol !!! Good luck brother !!! Cheers !!!

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Damn this makes me wonder now :thinking: I will update you in a few days with something here in Seattle tonight it’s a nice stormy night lightning and thunder and awesome rain neighbor is not home this evening. As I said before I am interested in another girl but work makes it difficult to ask her out I did casually ask her about a show coming up at a venue some dark house music, she is a raver girl I enjoy the EDM music but I am also really a huge Metal guy she was like maybe I’ll go to that so my next question will be would you like to go to dinner or maybe lunch just so she doesn’t feel too much pressure. Lots of common interest between the two of us so I would feel it’s compatible just don’t want to be asking in front of the boss or a group of people so it’s just a nice thing.?


My advice would be don’t listen too me haha !!! Seriously find the moment take your shot brother regret is not taking the chance … besides if you get shot down we’re here for you !!!


Thank you my og family


not sure how it took me 28 days to see this but Thanks Pat, id love to hang out for the summer in Florida and get eaten by bugs sounds like a great time


This is going to sound strange, but I’d love to give a shout out to my homies @holyangel and @schmarmpit
Holyangel was my very first seed gift!
Schmarmpit was the first person who took the time to see if the crazy and wildest shit I said was true.


Not strange at all. They are both good folks.

:green_heart: :seedling: