Say Something Nice About Your Neighbor

Oh man, that burger made me drool instantly. Pickles man, they really do it for me. And cheese.


Yes I have my eyes on someone I work with also who I really like and I feel there’s a mutual interest I just don’t want to ask her out in front of the boss she’s an acrobatic aerialist and I am practicing Muay Thai boxing. So I really dig her


Dating a neighbor is a horrible idea. I’d advise against it strongly. Especially if you’re locked into a lease. Haha


Big up to my neighbour. When someone asked him about all the coughing she could hear he said it was him and didn’t rat me out for coughing my guts up getting stoned in the shed


My neighbors front lawn is really nice, very nicely landscaped.


It is impossible to say something nice about just one person in this group, you all are some amazingly caring, and some of the kindest human beings I have ever come in contact with. I find myself laughing out loud to some of the post y’all crack me up. Keep being amazing! Yes you! In case your wondering if I am talking about you.


Going to be talking about this thread and reading some responses in the OverGrow PODcast tomorrow. Thank You @DirtySlowToes Fantastic Thread!

OverGrow the World with Love. :sunglasses:


There are three folks I’d like to call out -
The first @DougDawson To be quite honest he still intimidates me a bit (I’ve been called out by him before over what I feel is a misunderstanding), but like all of us, he may not always be right, but he is ALWAYS fair and he has a seemingly bottomless pit of enthusiasm and energy. Always as positive as possible - A rock in view; not obstructing it but I know I can count on Doug and in many cases, he’s the beacon of reason in the room.

Second is Rhai and Rena. @Rhai88 has gained hero status in my book. He AND @Rena93 are an unbeatable team of devotion to family, friends, causes, art AND then there’s their volunteer stuff! If you have a serious question - ask Rhai; if he doesn’t know the answer he will know where to direct you to find it. Kind without a second thought, knowledgeable and caring to astonishment and this amazing team is in OUR corner. Wow!

Third, and most heart felt for me is @Heliosphear someone I am very humbled and happy to call a friend. If you want to see a big heart - LOOK HERE. He promotes the OG tirelessly, gives free reign of his amazing posted images to the owner of the thread in which they are posted, is always kind, always sharing, always doing his best to make everyone’s experience (not just here on the OG but IRL as well) as good as it can be. Like most of us he also has a life and work and family and friends and acquaintances outside of the OG as well as his own private battles with health. But… this, this amazing person that happenstance brought into my life is someone I’m VERY proud of; and I think we all should be.

There are a lot of people here who have made a real difference to my life, my understanding and my knowledge who deserve much more recognition that what they get, maybe it’s their choice. These three individual however should not be overlooked as just part of the OG furniture. They are people you can be proud of, depend on and serve much more as beacons than barriers. My hat is off of my balding [head] to you folks. Thank You!


Damn. I appreciate that. I had to read this out loud to @Rena93 right now. You made our day.

I’m proud to be a part of such a great community and for us to be any where near as cool as @Heliosphear and @DougDawson definitely makes me feel like we are accomplishing what we set out to do. Share a little kindness in a seemingly unkind world.

OG restores faith in humanity most days. Thanks a ton @BU2B


Im lucky since my direct neighbors are quiet like me.
As long as they don’t make their problems my problem (universal definition of Trash) -we golden.


We have a decent Subway here. Mine get loaded up all the time and I’m always using coupons we get in the mail. $6.99 for a footlong or 2 for $12.99. I just got one today actually. I don’t get or want those cheap ass pickles though, :rofl:


Them’s fighting words


I just don’t like those soggy pickles from a bucket. If they were Claussen pickles I’d understand. There was a Giorgio’s Subs that I’d go to for lunch almost everyday that had them along with tastier meats than Subway. They also had Ivar’s clam or salmon chowder too. Man I miss that place. I’m a big fan of pickles but they should be a little crunchy.


All hoidy toidy with your rubbery “Claussen” pickles, I’ll stick with Vlasic.


Lol. Really? I don’t really like Vlasic.

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Mainly I’m just kicking up dust. Claussen’s dills always tasted more like bread and butter to me, and those are nasty!

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Same here. Just messing around. I don’t like the bread and butter ones either.


My wife would leave me for that burger :joy:

This place is great. There are so many of you that make this place as amazing as it is. I’ll give a shout out to the couple of people that I have shared some long format conversation with. @HomegrownVABudz @Hotrods_and_hounds @Emeraldgreen @blowdout2269 @Bobgrows @corgitron @Tonygreen @G-paS @Foreigner @Hashpants @Thats_bank and you and you and you.

This place is vast.


Shit… @AppalachianBiscuits you’re the homie for real!

And @TrichomesToStun I could never forget you!
Damnit with this game.

Matter of fact, peace to the whole Virginia collective.
At this point if I forgot you, I just fucked around and forgot. Pot head tings.


Some awesome people on here!! :grin: